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I am 24 years old, i speak my mind and what i've experience to help people in need of answers, if you don't like what i say, hey, i am just being real~

  • Help with my taxes...?

    Hi everyone,

    I have been using turbo tax since 2007 since I first started working. Everything is fine but after a while since I started working at the post office I had to end up paying the state every year (I am single with no kids, I am not head of household and do not own property but I do pay student loans). I understand since living in NYC and I have no kids I will have to pay, that's not the problem. My problem at the moment is the more I make the more I end up paying the state back and it's becoming hard since turbo tax only give me one option and that is to pay in full. Last year my supervisor recommended me to use tax slayer because it gave her an option to pay back her amount in parts.

    When I first filed on turbotax they said I have to pay NY $1,324 and I am getting back like $1200 but filing on taxslayer I will be getting back $1200 with the federal and $60 with the state. How is this possible? Turbotax and tax slayer are a different format to one another but I filled out everything correctly on both. Idk what to do really, should I just file with turbotax and pay $1,324 or get $60 with taxslayer? Last year with turbotax I owe NY $1,181.

    Answers will be greatly appreciated! Sorry my detailing was so long.

    6 AnswersUnited States5 years ago
  • Serious family court help?

    My boyfriend lives in Nassau County and his daughter lives in Texas with the mother the hasn't seen her for a year and he also please child support, she is 3 and due to a recent incident with her bf (he was looking through her phone and my bf texted to talk to the baby and he got all mad and start cursing my bf out...mind you she cheated on my bf with him twice, this is why they aren't together anymore) anyways the situation is like this, she's all my at my bf and she told him not to text her anymore (mind you that is the only way he gets to talk to his child b/c she hasn't learned to use the phone yet) it's been a week now, and he is all depressed about it.

    My question is this: idk much about family court, but I have call the number to the Nassau County Family Court and they have been giving me the run-a-round for an hour. So I would like to know how can he obtain visitation right to his child b/c he is always going to Texas to see his daughter, and he has family up here that want to see her too.

    What are the steps for him to get it?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Need help losing some (details inside)?

    Last year my mom's insurances decided to change my asthma medicine (this year i will be getting my own insurance again) This has caused me to gain 45 pounds, i just look noticeably thicker is all but this added weight is horrible for my feet (and one of my ankles are bad). I was big growing up so this weight gain isn't much of a drag to me but did lose alot weight due to my stomach illness but i am at my highest weight which is 227 (lost 3 pounds from exercising). Before this weight gain, i was 182, i have GERD and IBS, i will be going to my G.I doctor next month and i am also about to look for a dietitian that takes my mom's insurance.

    I just need some tips while waiting for a doctor to help me lose some weight, i work 6 days a week overnight at the post office (labor job) and i go to school 3 days a week until the end up may, so basically my eating times are a bit hetic, but i don't really eat much, also if anyone seen this on facebook i am currently doing Glen Ro's bootcamp 5/100 challenge and also the 30-day squat challenge, this is how i lost 3 pounds.

    I just don't know what to do anymore.....

    Thank you for reading..

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Mom hasn't received any income tax from the state for a few years?

    Every year she files her taxes, she never receives any money from the state and they claim "they have no real proof of making the amount of money she does" But she never has a problem with getting the federal, i did her taxes this year and the federal is now in my bank account, yet, nothing from the state yet or in her case probably nothing at all.

    What are the steps for her to collect all those back taxes?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Cards in collections? -details inside-?

    Lately the collection agencies are telling me if i settle my debt to half they will have to report this to the IRS and when looking this up i would have end up paying the money when tax time comes around next year?

    I know about settlements but if this is the case, how much would i have to pay the IRS next year? Sofar i have to settle $10k worth of credit cards (5) and one more that is closed but i guess i will deal with them later. I am just a bit confused if someone can clarify this for me it would be great thank you!

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • A question about my delinquent accounts?

    Ok, so 2 of my 6 closed credit cards have been referred to an office for collection, due to my hours being cut from my job i couldn't pay those cards anymore, but i am slowly but surely paying off my open ones.

    My question is this: when will it be the best time to contact them to settle? Because every time i try to pay these cards off, something happens and i am back to square one. Should i contact them after i pay off my open cards or before that?

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • What does karma take so long for those who truly deserve it?

    I just notice people who hurt others or do really bad things, it just takes so long for them to receive their "karma"

    How it is fair that they live their lives and then like 20 years later it hits them? Why can't it just hit them when they "do their wrong?"

    10 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • This is a question who truly believe in God and the bible.?

    I have been thinking about this question for a while now, and i guess the best way to ask it it so ask Christians. To give you a background of myself a bit, i was born in the Anglican church and my mom is very devote, she believes in God's teaching and prays/reads the bible as much as she can. She raised my brothers and i to follow in the way/teaching of Christ and all that jazz, but for me i am more extreme, if i can not put my whole heart into something 100% i don't see the point in believing or doing it.

    But enough about me, i really want to know people's answers to my question and that is:

    Do you think with all that is going on today (like gay marriage, and most heterosexuals choosing to "live in sin" b/c they feel marriage is just a piece of paper or it's too expensive) God really still exist and should the bible be revamp?

    It's like people just feel the bible is outdated so with the changing times they just choose to do what they feel instead of what is "God's way" for an example, my friend since HS, (i am 25 btw) she has 2 kids now with her bf (6, and 7months) they been together since junior year of HS, and has no plans on marrying what so ever, yet she claims to love God and has a good relationship with him. I only told her this twice once back in 2008 when her first son was around 2 and again about 2 months ago and i won't tell her again....i told her "the way we were raised, you claim to have a good relationship with God yet you aren't living by the sacraments, you aren't living right and i do feel more blessings will come your way if you just take that other step, marriage isn't a piece of paper it is a binding contract b/w you, your husband and God" The damn girl too me "i am in a committed relationship and that shouldn't effect my relationship with God, i don't want to get married" obviously i left it alone. <_<

    These things like that, just make me feel that God doesn't exist anymore and it's like people just don't care and act so hypocritical toward him, and it's like he doesn't anymore. But what do all of you think?

    Sorry it was too long but i really wanted to get as much in there and not seem to rant etc. lol

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Drinks that keep people awake for people with bad stomachs? -details inside-?

    I know i posted this in another section but just in case it does have to do with 2 topics so i decided to post it up on this on.

    i am 24 years old and i do have the following stomach problems:

    Acid reflux (GERDS)

    IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)


    Some lactose intolerance (it's getting better now)

    Before i had these problems (got sick at age 20), to stay up or basically wake up i would drink my morning coffee or latte, but since 2007, obviously i had to cut everything off, and change my diet. However, i am finally able to go back to school, but i do work overnights, my problem is most of my classes for my major they are in the evening and i was to take 5 classes per semester so i can get my BA in understand 2 years.

    I notice the only beverage i can drink with out giving me a serious case of "the runs" is starbucks frappicuino (sp?) cold coffee in the glass bottle you can buy from any store, but the problem is, it does keep me wide awake for work which is great but i do end on with going to the bathroom more which isn't good for my type of work.

    So my question is there a drink out there for me that can not have me falling asleep at work so i can add another class to my schedule?

    Thank you very much.

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Drinks that keep people awake for people with bad stomachs? -details inside-?

    Hi, i am 24 years old and i do have the following stomach problems:

    Acid reflux (GERDS)

    IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)


    Some lactose intolerance (it's getting better now)

    Before i had these problems (got sick at age 20), to stay up or basically wake up i would drink my morning coffee or latte, but since 2007, obviously i had to cut everything off, and change my diet. However, i am finally able to go back to school, but i do work overnights, my problem is most of my classes for my major they are in the evening and i was to take 5 classes per semester so i can get my BA in understand 2 years.

    I notice the only beverage i can drink with out giving me a serious case of "the runs" is starbucks frappicuino (sp?) cold coffee in the glass bottle you can buy from any store, but the problem is, it does keep me wide awake for work which is great but i do end on with going to the bathroom more which isn't good for my type of work.

    So my question is there a drink out there for me that can not have me falling asleep at work so i can add another class to my schedule?

    Thank you very much.

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years ago
  • Will this ruin my mom's credit if i do this?

    Ok so i am a authorize user on my mom's credit card ( for school etc) i do help her pay the card since it is almost maxed out.

    Anyways i have an old debt from 4 years back i've been struggling to pay it's about 11k worth of credit card debt (had to pay for medical bills, medicine etc) one of my coworkers told me last night, she has 2 more years until her old credit cards will be off her credit score (that 7 year SOL).

    I want to do it but knowing how crappy my luck is, i might get screwed over, sued, and my wages will be garnished lol.

    So my question is since i have that card in my mom's name as me as an authorize user and it is in fact on my credit report will her credit get effective if i do just stop paying for all my cards?

    Thank you very much for reading.

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • What should i start doing?

    To make a long story short.

    Due to me being sick, uninsured, and just plain bad luck for the past 4 years, i had to put hospital bills and medicines on credit cards, they were all closed when i was on a consolidation program i had to get off of due to be being unemployed and i couldn't afford to pay for it, now i cannot go back with most of the cards that i really preferred to be on the program, so i just pay 4 or the 6 cards (two are on programs with the company) higher then the minimum payments.

    I have a best buy card that one of the zero financing will end this month unless i pay $352, but lately, since i had these closed account for such a long time i really want to start paying them off card by card. ( if you are wondering why i used my card it's b/c my computer of 4 years just died on me and no matter who saw it/ looked at it nothing was working, and i need my computer to pay bills and school)

    So here is my question: Should i pay the $352 so i can continue getting zero financing for my other purchases or just put higher amounts of money lets say like $200+ on my lowest closed card and do that every pay day until each and every one is paid off while paying a little higher than the minimums with my open cards? Or i should just pay the $352 this month and just start paying down my cards next month since i am done paying for car insurance for maybe the next 2 months until it comes back up again?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Problem with condoms.?

    Due to this problem i have, i don't have sex often b/c i don't want to get anything or get pregnant while doing it raw (even though i am on birth control, obviously that isn't enough)

    My problem is this: i've notice since i've been having sex, frequently (one partner at a time, one in 2010 and last year) i've been getting allergic reactions to condoms. The first one in 2010, we used latex, and it would dry up and it was be extremely painful, but i will still do it b/c i really didn't want to do it in the raw. Year last, with my last partner i told him my situation, and my concern so we used a whole variety of condoms: latex, latex-free in different brands and prices . All with the same effect, it was very painful i will would dry up.

    The only one so far, that i used with my last guy i was with that didn't dry me up was trojan's fire and ice? But it would constantly break and it was pretty uncomfortable for the both of us.

    I really wanna practice safer sex that has my partner using condoms 100% of the time instead of 40-60%, luckily i am STD free etc, i am pretty picky in who i have sex with but due to my problem, i am even more limited with everything.

    Please, can someone tell me what is wrong with me and what condom i can recommend my next partner to use?

    Thank you so much.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago