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  • Our cat was hit by a car and died... and I keep having nightmares.. help?

    Two days ago my mum and I woke up to someone smashing our door... this woman heard our cat be hit by a car... all I saw of him was a towel, his tail and blood... at the vets I saw his jaw... broken and blood all over his mouth and completely red eyes... he died right near our house.. and I can see the blood on the road... and I keep imagining his body lying in the road as some car speeds off... and I keep picturing these in my head and I don't know how cope

    5 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Dying hair 2 colours but got no idea how I'm going to do it?

    I have blonde regrowth.. and want to re dye it black... I also have dyed my ends blue and want to touch the blue up as it's faded a lot... but the black dye needs to be put on DRY hair while the blue needs to be put on WET hair.. I can't touch up the roots if I do the blue first and I'm not sure how to only wet the ends after putting the black on... help?

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • Veins in arms and hands are popping out?

    So on hands and my left arm my veins are visibly popping out... I noticed it a few days ago and I'm not sure why they're popping out of skin almost (Not in a literal sense obviously, just causing lumps in the skin when the veins are)

    I've read that it can happen if you're fair skinned... but I'm quite tanned and I'm not under any stress and I don't know why my left hand has more obvious veins than my right when I'm right handed and barely use my left hand...


    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Lump on outer part of lip (looks just like a canker sore but not IN my mouth) after biting my lip... what is it & how do I reduce swelling?

    So I bite my lip last night and woke up this morning with what LOOKS like a canker sore except on the out part of my bottom lip. I don't get cold sores and I know it's not turning into one because my older sister and both grandparents get them and I know what to look for....

    this lump isn't a group of small sores or anything, it's just one sore and it's right in the middle of my lip and I really want to know the best way to reduce the swelling of it and know what it is...

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • He has a gf but he's cheating on her with me but claims it's mainly out of fun... guys opinions? (WITHOUT JUDGMENT)?

    So this guy I sort of like has been talking to me nightly for the past month now roughly. I've given him oral, he's only fingered me, haven't slept together nor kissed and our conversations are generally very sexual. He says he likes me a little but our fun conversations are mainly out of fun... Just trying to get my head around why a guy would cheat on his gf for "fun" with some other girl a few times. I'm selfish and I like him and I am well aware I'm not being fair on her but I really don't care so just skip that part and give actual opinions on WHY he's doing it, I don't care if you think he's an asshole or whatever, answer the question as is or don't answer at all.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to stop the ADHD from causing me to over analyze at night?

    I have ADHD and take Dexamphetamine 2 times a day, during this time I get curious about peoples actions but quickly move on and carry on with whatever I was doing with little concern. At night once it's warn off, it's a whole different story. I over analyze myself and others obsessively at night and I can't seem to turn it off and it actually stops me from sleeping.

    I know how I respond to everything since I went through therapy while on medication, I've also analyzed others for quite some time, while the medication is in my system I can keep it under control but once the medication wears off it takes so much to control it and I don't know what to do

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • How do I stop over- analyzing people?

    I sit and think up various theories as to why someone is acting a certain way, and even when I come up with 2 likely theories, I have to keep going constantly. I know there is no point in reading into what people do or say, I can't change it nor will it benefit me but I'm so obsessed with not reading too far into something that someone says that I've ended up becoming obsessed with not taking things the wrong way and I don't know how to stop

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Could someone cheat "just for fun" and not mean anything by what they did with someone else?

    Was cheated on in my last relationship and was just curious to see if someone could ever go and sleep with someone else or start sneaking around just hanging out with someone and having conversations with someone else that they shouldn't be having conversations with other people about but have none of it mean anything?

    Is it always because the person cheating likes that person or can a bit of fun push someone to cheat too?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Been on dexamphtetamine for ADHD for 5 months, suddenly began getting strange symptoms?

    Began taking Dexamphetamine in April, been taking 2x 5mg tablets twice a day since I first started on the medication, loss of appetite and weight loss are the only two side effects I have and sometimes dehydration if I don't drink enough water occasionally. normal therapeutic doses side effects include irregular heartbeat (usually an increased heart rate), hypertension, or hypotension , vasovagal response, and Raynaud's phenomenon (reduced blood flow to extremities), stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea, and weight loss. Other potential side effects include dry mouth, excessive grinding of the teeth, acne, profuse sweating, blurred vision, reduced seizure threshold, and tics. My symptoms: Whole body tremors, cold fingers that are also numb or tingly, legs also feel numb from knees down, fatigue, joint pain and also an increased heart rate and high blood pressure... but the increased heart rate and high blood pressure are only apparent when these other symptoms are present... these symptoms are also triggered by me being really hungry, doing a lot of exercise or getting really really annoyed, but it doesn't happen every single time one of these happens... when the other symptoms aren't present my heart rate and blood pressure are normal. I know some of these are symptoms of an over dose so people keep saying I'm taking too much... can someone tell me if it's actually possible for my body to suddenly decide after 5 months of taking the same dose it's too much?

    3 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • Cold fingers, cold flushes, fatigue, asthma flair ups, body shakes, light headed, numb/tingly fingers, sore joints, heart palpitations etc?

    So if I don't eat much one day... (which is a normal occurrence for me since I take Dexamphetamine which causes a loss of appetite) sometimes I will get all these symptoms at once... and they last for hours, the cold fingers and flushes do appear without these other symptoms.

    Heart palpitations occur with a noticeably faster heart rate (doctor has monitered this the past 2 weeks when I've been having one of these episodes, also noticed that as the attack starts to fade, my heart rate starts going down) Been taking Dexamphetamine 2x 5mg twice a day since April which is when I first started, never had heart problems when I first started on them at all, so I can rule out the possibility of over dosing on my medication since I've been on them too long for my body to suddenly decide it's too much.

    Exercise also randomly triggers it... I've always been an active person, I haven't changed the amount of exercise I do since starting on medication for ADHD and these symptoms just randomly started happening around 2 weeks ago for no reason.

    Singing can sometimes trigger these symptoms as well... not sure why or how but they do, and sugar seems to temporarily take the edge of the shakiness I feel...

    I'm doing a stress test on Thursday and doing an ultrasound on my heart on Monday, so I am seeing a doctor about these issues... I just want other peoples opinions on these

    3 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • Been on Dexamphetamine (ADHD) 5 months, no dose changes but suddenly showing signs I'm on a too high dose?

    Been taking 2x 5mg Dexamphetamine tablets for 5 months now, been to the doctors a few times since being on them and had surgery and my blood pressure and heart rate were fine then all of a sudden starting from around 2 weeks ago I started getting hand tremors, cold fingers, sweaty palms, shivers down my back and sometimes light-headed... haven't touched the dose at all... doctor thinks it's possibly the Dexamphetamine OR a heart problem (whch is being looked into) is it very likely my body has suddenly decided that I'm on a too high dose of Dexamphetamine?

    2 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • Dexamphetamine causing heart problems all of a sudden?

    So I'm 20, female and weigh 45kgs, I've been on Dexamphetamine since April and been taking 2x 5mg tablets twice a day since April... heart rate and blood pressure had always been normal... up until about 2 weeks ago, my doctor noticed my heart rate was a little high and blood pressure... but cause my iron levels were down he thought it was from that, my heart rate is still a little elevated and for the past 2 weeks I've also had hand and hold body tremors, cold fingers, tingly sensations in hands and legs and palpitations... is this caused by dexamphetamine or is there something wrong with my heart?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases7 years ago
  • Having symptoms of Hypoglycemia but having sugar doesn't make the symptoms go away... ideas?

    Symptoms: * Extreme hunger.

    * Feeling nervous or jittery.

    * Cold, clammy, wet skin and/or excessive sweating not caused by exercise.

    * A rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).

    * Numbness or tingling of the fingertips or lips.

    * Trembling.

    Had a tablespoon of sugar and nothing happened.... I'm also not diabetic (as far as I am aware anyway). I'm also taking Dexamphetamine 2x 5mg tablets twice a day and on iron supplements for those symptoms because I have low iron...

    Since Wednesday these symptoms have been a daily occurrence... thoughts?

    3 AnswersDiabetes7 years ago
  • he claims he really doesn't like me but his behaviors don't tell the same story?

    so he's saying that he doesn't like me etc like at all... we didn't speak for a while up until late May, he begged me for another chance, made a fake account on fb and everything to try and get me to talk to him... told me he would gain my trust back... I got tired of waiting so in mid July I got rid of him, ended up trying to get him to talk to me about 2 weeks ago ended up adding me on snapchat, he sat there one night saying he doesn't want me to see, then he starts saying how he's afraid I'll try setting him up again (was meant to be just a scare to scare him out of doing drugs, nothing even actually happened) and said I hurt him and his friends a lot... yesterday he was feeling really rough cause he was on a lot of drugs apparently the night before... he got mad when he thought I didn't really care, but when I said I did, he kept saying no I don't, told him I'd always be there for him as long as he wanted me to be and he said he didn't... the minute we start getting along, he quickly jumps back to his defensive self again... it's confusing. help?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Sounding nasal while singing songs but not during vocal warm ups?

    So I warm up my voice before I sing using my keyboard. Doing Oo, Ee, Aa, Ah for my lower range to middle, and from middle to high range I do the same sounds but more open, while breathing from the diaphram, I do a few other little warm ups as well but they're a bit harder to explain... I always check to make sure I'm not nasal and I never am, I record my warm ups to make sure... but then when I actually sing a song... my voice goes really nasal especially with higher notes... low to mid is fine, but high notes go really nasally, I've made sure my tongue is right at the front behind my bottom teeth, I'm making sure my throat is open but I still seem to sound rather nasal... any other techniques I could use to help fix this problem?

    2 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • Iron levels went from normal down to 19 in just over a month and having symptoms of anemia?

    July 23rd I had to have a blood test to check my iron levels to make sure I wasn't anemic and to make sure I wasn't a bleeder before a laparoscopy I had on the 25th, had surgery as planned so assumed my iron levels were fine... I began noticing in August that my hands were shaky at random and that I would get very light-headed, I also had cold hands even though the rest of me was warm and was very very tired all the time which are all symptoms of anemia... went to my doctor andtold him I think I might be anemic... he did a full blood count and checked my iron levels completely... came back a few days later for the results and found out my iron level or something was meant to be around 50 but for me it was only 19... my storage was at the higher end of normal due to me being a carrier of Haemochromatosis... why has my iron suddenly dropped so low in that amoint of time? My dietary habits haven't changed in the slightest, I also only eat at night so food can't have effected it and even if it did, would it really cause me to even develop symptoms of iron deficiency anemia just because iron levels can fluctuate a little cause of food?

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • My iron levels dropped dramatically within 2 months?

    So before on the 17th of July I had my iron levels checked before surgery... surgery went ahead so I assumed there wasn't a problem, 2 weeks ago I had a blood test to check everything because I was showing symptoms of anemia or hyperthyroidism, and found out last Friday that my Hematocrit levels were a low 19... but my storage of iron was at the higher end of normal... today I found out my Hematocrit levels were completely in the healthy range as was my iron storage...

    why would that happen in 2 months?

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • I sweat excessively over my face and whole body... HELP!?

    My mum and I have an issue with sweating more so than the average person... I'll be walking with friends and they'll barely be breaking a sweat meanwhile I have sweat dripping down my face and arms... sometimes even my armpits... people have commented in the past that I sweat a lot... I'm not unfit... I walk an hour a day and only weigh 45kg (I'm 20 and female btw). I've asked Doctors about this problem and they've just told me that I sweat a lot and nothing can be done... any suggestions to help me sweat less would be great cause I feel really self conscious about this problem

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • can a foot odor that apparently isnt bacterial or fungal caused.. last 3 years?

    My ex is claiming his horrid foot odor is because he used to go camping.. he apparently went to the doctor and the doctor told him that he went camping for a week a few years ago and it took him 3 years to get rid of the odor... apparently the doctor told him that it's not fungal or bacterial... but will take quite a while for the odor to go... I just want to get my own understanding on this... explanations anyone?

    Skin Conditions7 years ago