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i hate wheat bread

  • Help! How to get quick beutiful photos?

    Hi so i have a interview Saturday morning and i need a updated picture of myself (modeling buisness) to bring in but im on a buget so i have to take the pictures at home. I have A Cannon Camara and a person to take the photos . But any tips how to get the lighting and editing. What should i do in this short amount of time. I need this picture to be perfect for the appointment

    4 AnswersPhotography6 years ago
  • Wtf is going on?

    So i was in a abusive relationship and cheated on me and i forgave him and one if the girls got pregnet and he asked me to be the mom. Just found out the girl is my best friend. and me and the me and the guy broke up 2 months ago. She just asked me for advice on abortion today and then i found out that hes the dad and im in shock. Aperantly theve been dating for 5 months. What do i even do. Fml.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • please help! feel horrible!10pts?

    Okay so basically ive been in a huge **** hole the past few years. i got out and i became like in a good state. I loved Life and became more confident. I started to flirt more . And one was with this one guys (lets call him Will) he was a good friend who allways had a thing for me . But we stopped talking when i was in a bad state. So i began to flirt and he liked it. We talked every day. Called each other for hours laughing Our asses off. He kept telling me he had deep feelings for me and i said i do too but im not ready for a relationship . Now, will keeps saying he loves me... i feel horrible. Im not leading him on saying i love him too. i say stop . Just i feel bad. also when were in public hes very pretective and when other guys whistle or hit on me he grabs by side and pulls me closer. Its cute but bc of my past i dont want to be in a relationship and im scared. Please help. i cant brake his heart):

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Will i get baker acted? PLEASE ANSWER?

    Okay so i was on pills and i overdoesed and im going to go get my stomach pumped. will they baker act me from the hospital. (i have a history of being baker acted just not from a hospital) Im scared there will be alot of leagle trouble and ive allready gone to 3 months of rehab and i dont want to go back. im stable. i just dont want them to think i was trying to killmyself bc i wasnt. i would never do some petty **** like that

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Boyfriend help?LDR. ten points best answer?

    Okay me and my boyfriend have a long distance relationship and hes visited me three times and im going down next weekend for a few nights. We are definatly in love. I know everything about he and he has lied before, but about minor things to protect me. but he cant text me becuse he got in huge trouble and his mother took his phone(hes 17) and he doesnt know the next time hell be able to call me. but he swore he will be loyal and he loves me. he doesnt know if ill be able to come over still but hes working on it. This all hapend yesterday, its been one day and i tried to log into his facebook, but apperitly he changed his password. and he never has. help?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Guys- what are some little sexy/cute things about girls?

    what they look like, things they do?(;

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • sexual harrassment?

    okay so if you read my last question im going back to my foster care unit. Last time i was there i got sexually harrassed. What can i do to pervent this from happening again??

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Going to foster care. Boyfriend?

    Im scared i wont be able to call my boyfriend whiel im in fostercare(tomarrow) what do i do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why do people call us crazy?

    Okay so basically everyone calls us Italians crazy? Not all of us are. Like i get the whole jersey shore thing . But whenever i do anything risky they say its in my Italian blood. wtf? Why are Americans such idiots?

    Va bene così praticamente tutti ci chiama Italiani pazzi? Non tutti noi siamo. Come ottengo il tutto jersey shore. Ma ogni volta che faccio qualcosa di risky dicono proprio nel mio sangue italiano. WTF? Perché gli americani tali idioti?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • why am i like this?

    I hate compliments. and im allways downing mysef. i cant stand it when people call me pretty. it gets me a little angry. I feel like when they say nice things about me that theyre lying and making fun of me.

    And i feel better , like a scense of relife when i call myself ugly. and point out my flaws. I hate myself. Why am i like this?

    Yes i allready know i have depression. i was digonosed three years ago.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Okay please help!! HISTORY?

    Ancient Asia and Africa - Tang and Song

    Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

    What set the ruler named Wu apart from the other rulers of the dynasty?

    being a general

    being a calligrapher

    being an alchemist

    being a woman

    Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

    Who made Changan his dynasty's capital?


    Li Yuan



    Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

    How did the Song improve upon the Tang version of the civil service system?

    They mandated that most officials came from the military.

    They made the examinations easier to pass.

    They opened up the system to more people.

    They required students to earn their degrees in three years.

    Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

    What innovation would later have the greatest impact on warfare?

    black powder


    movable type

    examination system

    Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

    Which of these indicated that the Tang Dynasty had lost the Mandate of Heaven?

    military defeats, rebellions, and economic troubles

    earthquakes, economic troubles, and isolationism

    rebellions, mass migrations, and military dictators

    crop failures, reduced exports, and weak

    3 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Does he only like me for ...?

    Okay so i known my bofriend LOVES me. and i love him. But somtimes i think he only likes me for when were "getting in the mood' but thats only when we have privacy. he lives an hour away from me so he goes to a diffrent high school. And i dont know if i can trust him. Mostly beacuse i have major trust issues. but since were teenagers i dont know ... I love it when were in public though. Hes allways laughing with me and looks like he loves me. Hes also very pertective. Like when we are in public, like yesterday we were in stores together and whenever other guys look at me he pulls me closer . which is cute. but over all hes an amazing boyfriend. He is allways holding my hand, singing to the radio with me. and were allways laughing with eachother. I love him but i think he likes me more when im sexual with him and stuff.

    he accepts that im not having sex untill marraige and stuff, But im always having dreams that hes cheating on me with my best friends. Later on this week were going to Disney on a date but i dont know what to do how do i get past my trust issues.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Ways to make him happy?

    Okay, so last night my boyfriend found out about my brain disorder andever since things havent been the same, he just always says how bad he feels for me. Hes comming over again friday and i hate when he says stuff about how he feels bad and that i should know im loved. How can i do somthing cute romantic and funny so he just forgets about it and we can get back to where we were before??(:


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • my brain disorder cant be cured?

    Its really effecting my boyfriend i feel like im putting him under stress. and he loves me, what do i do

    Okay so the docters say i have a brain disorder. everyone has negitive and positive cells in there brain. which changes there mood. They say that some (alot) of my positive cells turned into negitives. which caused suvure depression. so im basically just sad but i think i can be happy at times like when im with my friends no matter whats going on i can fake a smile. but then out of nowhere when im alone i just cry. they say its somthing to do with my brain and i asked if i was bipolor and they said no.

    ive been to alot of mental hospitals because of this. ive even been to residental care. whats wrong with me?

    also, i have tried over 8 medicans , all work for a period time, then go away. i feel like im tearing my family apart.. and i cant help it.. whats going on

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • i have a brain disorder?

    Okay so the docters say i have a brain disorder. everyone has negitive and positive cells in there brain. which changes there mood. They say that some (alot) of my positive cells turned into negitives. which caused suvure depression. so im basically just sad but i think i can be happy at times like when im with my friends no matter whats going on i can fake a smile. but then out of nowhere when im alone i just cry. they say its somthing to do with my brain and i asked if i was bipolor and they said no.

    ive been to alot of mental hospitals because of this. ive even been to residental care. whats wrong with me?

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How do i tell her how pretty she is(pic)?

    Okay this is Emmas step sister. i sorta went on her laptop ..she left it on.. and i took a picture of her.

    Shes been bullied her whole life and dropped out of school. She has a horrible self esteem and i want her to know how freaking pretty she is. i know she will kill me for posting this. but i think shes pretty, how do i tell her, everytime me or her boyfriend do she denys it. random people walk up to her and say shes pretty but she gets sad beacuse they think there making fun of her. and she never takes pictures seriously she thinks she looks horrible what do i do?

    here is a pic of her(she was talking) and sorry its not a good pic of her and shes not wearing makeup and she was reaching for sour patch kids and pointing at me but ive always have looked up to her..i think shes gourgous. i just wish she would see it..

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How do i tell her how pretty she is(pic)?

    Okay this is Emmas step sister. i sorta went on her laptop ..she left it on.. and i took a picture of her.

    Shes been bullied her whole life and dropped out of school. She has a horrible self esteem and i want her to know how freaking pretty she is. i know she will kill me for posting this. but i think shes pretty, how do i tell her, everytime me or her boyfriend do she denys it. random people walk up to her and say shes pretty but she gets sad beacuse they think there making fun of her. and she never takes pictures seriously she thinks she looks horrible what do i do?

    here is a pic of her(she was talking) and sorry its not a good pic of her and shes not wearing makeup and she was reaching for sour patch kids and pointing at me but ive always have looked up to her..i think shes gourgous. i just wish she would see it..

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why are guys like this?

    Okay when im sarcastic or a little bit mean guys go crazy. IDK WHY

    Ex- They said they wanted me on there team and i smirked and said so does everybody else and turned around.

    He came up to me and said you are so sexy.

    WTF? can somone please explain this logic?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this a good name? FOR PSN?


    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago