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I'm the 23 year old mother of 2 young boys. I live in South Philly, P.A. with my 2 kids and wonderful fiance'. By nature, I am a very caring, sensitive and thoughtful person. I love helping others and offering them advice. I've gone through a lot of things in my 23 years so in many ways I'm wise beyond my years. All of the things that I have been through, both good and bad, have made me a stronger person.

  • Please tell me what you would do in this situation?

    My 45 year old aunt has been dating a man who is nearly 60 4 a little over 2 years. He's still "very good friends" with his 2 much younger exes. And he's still doing them favors and seeing them on a regular basis. My aunt found out that the youngest woman (26) was living with this man while they were still dating. Yet she's still dealing with this man and taking her anger out on the women. The women hate her gutts. The youngest 1 locked her out of his house 3 times, threatened 2 fight her, called her a bunch of ugly names and they still keep on dealing with the man. What would you do if you were my aunt?

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • What do you think of all of this?

    My 45 year old aunt is dating a man in his late 50's. They've been 2gether nearly 2 years. My aunt has problems with him being "close friends" with his 2 exes. 1 lady is 26 and the other is 34. He's known them both 16 years put 2gether. He still sees his "close friends" regularly and does many favors 4 them. She's going crazy over all of this! I told my aunt 2 just accept the man and his "friends" or just leave him alone. I'm tired of her calling me every damn day complaining on and on!

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Who is 2 blame for all of this?

    My 45 year old aunt has been dealing with an older man in his 50's 4 the past 2 years. The man is divorced with 5 kids. He keeps in contact with 2 much younger, better looking ex girlfriends who are 26 and 34. My aunt has even met these women quite a few times. She wants this man 2 marry her or at the very least commit 2 her but he wont. She came 2 find out that the man lied about several things concerning these women. He also hid several things. In July 2013 she had a nervous break down and was in the nut house for over a week. She is trying so hard 2 get the man 2 cut these women off and settle down with her. Im so tired of hearing a new story every single week about this man and these women. Shouldnt she just accept him as he is or move on?

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What do you think of all of this?

    My 45 year old aunt is dating a man in his late 50's. They've been 2gether nearly 2 years. My aunt has problems with him being "close friends" with his 2 exes. 1 lady is 26 and the other is 34. He's known them both 16 years put 2gether. He still sees his "close friends" regularly and does many favors 4 them, especially the 26 year old. She's going crazy over all of this! I told my aunt 2 just accept the man and his "friends" or just leave him alone. A few months ago the 26 year old lady locked her out of the house 3 times and cursed her out viciously. I'm tired of her calling me every damn day complaining on and on!

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What do you think of all of this?

    My 45 year old aunt is dating a man in his late 50's. They've been 2gether nearly 2 years. My aunt has problems with him being "close friends" with his 2 exes. 1 lady is 26 and the other is 34. He's known them both 16 years put 2gether. He still sees his "close friends" regularly and does many favors 4 them. She's going crazy over all of this! I told my aunt 2 just accept the man and his "friends" or just leave him alone. I'm tired of her calling me every damn day complaining on and on!



    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What do you think of all of this?

    My 45 year old aunt is dating a man in his late 50's. They've been 2gether nearly 2 years. My aunt has problems with him being "close friends" with his 2 exes. 1 lady is 26 and the other is 34. He's known them both 16 years put 2gether. He still sees his "close friends" regularly and does many favors 4 them. She's going crazy over all of this! I told my aunt 2 just accept the man and his "friends" or just leave him alone. I'm tired of her calling me every damn day complaining on and on!

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Why do I feel this way?

    Im 20 something casually dating 2 men in their late 40's. 1 man never talks about his kids yet their photos are all around his house. I found the good report cards from the good high school last week and was livid! The other man talks about his kids and everything else constantly. I enjoy our very long and interesting conversations. We often joke about how we talk so much that we cant remember everything that was said in the past! Suddenly I hate the secretive man and his kids. He hardly talks about anything at all! The other man has kids near my age who are a teacher and a nurse. I don't hate them! I also found out that the secretive mans kids mother has a good job. And he bought her an engagement ring worth 3,700. So why am I so angry when it seems that I like the more talkative man the most?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • I wonder if I did the right thing or not?

    Approximately 6 months ago I burned all of my diaries from 2004-2013 and 3 pictures. I was happy 2 do it at the time. In fact I felt a sense of relief. Now Im sad about it. There was good in bad in the diaries but mostly bad. I had a lot of unhealthy friendships and relationships that I wrote about constantly. I remeber certain dates and am starting a new diary. It's extremely frustrating because I have 2 use the calender on my phone 2 go all the way back to 2004. Im starting 2 wish that I had never burned my diaries. But this time around it seems 2 be more clear and concise. At night I toss and turn over this. My skin itches and I wanna smack the living hell out of myself!

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • What is wrong with these people?

    My 20 some year old friend is casually dating a 57 year old man. They live 2gether. The man also dates a 44 year old woman. Last week the 44 year old woman caught my friend in the basement apartment! She cursed the man and my friend out. Now my friend has decided 2 move back in with her father. The man told the lady that she can't move in. Yet the lady is still dealing with him! This has been going on for nearly 18 months. My friend has known the man 4 nearly 6 years. What do you think about all of this drama?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • What is wrong with my brother and his girl friend?

    My brother is 30 something dating a woman barely out of her teens. Their relationship has been a 3 year long on again off again emotional roller coaster ride. She went from barely liking him 2 being in love 2 cheating on him with his good friend (which he found out about) all within a year. They have fist fights at least twice a week and curse each other out like dogs. Maybe he overlooks all of her many flaws because the sex is good. But the girl is suicidal. She often talks about killing herself and writes funeral instruction notices 2 her friends and family at least once a month. So why does he keep on dealing with her?

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Do you think that she was right or wrong?

    My 20 some year old best friend is dating a man in his 30's. He's a decent man who I met a few times but they have many ups and downs quite 2 often. After their last argument she told him 2 go back 2 his ex-girl friend or his ex-wife because they were not meant 2 be 2gether! The man got very offended at that remark. Why? She was simply telling the truth! And the man is still in regular contact with his ex-wife and his ex-girl friend. Was my friend wrong 4 saying what she said?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I really can't understand why he acted this way?

    It's a really long story but a very feminine gay male friend of mine really back stabbed me. I only knew him for 2 years but it seemed much longer! We were like soul mates so to speak. He didn't give me a college graduation ticket but took my 75 dollar gift. I didn't really wanna go anyway but that isn't the point. He gave the tickets to 2 other "friends" who he talked about like dogs. He knew them since high school but they weren't half as loyal, supportive and generous as I was. 2 weeks after the graduation he wanted to be friends again. But I said no, let's just act like we never knew each other. I even changed my phone number. For several months he told the waitress at our favorite diner, my sister, my hair dresser and a few other mutual friends a bunch of lies about me. He made me it sound as if I did him dirty. Nearly a year later I still haven't gotten a sincere apology or my money back. What would you do if you were me?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Please explain 2 me why I feel this way?

    I'm casually dating 2 men in their late 40's. I'm 20 something. Please no lectures! Lets call these 2 middle age men A and J. I have known A for nearly 2 years. He is very energetic and talkative like me. I love talking to him. He always talks about his 2 kids who are a teacher and a nurse, his health problems, his neighbors, co workers and everything else. I met both of his kids 2 or 3 times. I don't even care when he talks about his ex-wife whom he is still in contact with. I have known J for nearly 3 years. He hardly talks about anything! Last week I found the report cards of his 2 straight A high school students while he wasn't home. I wonder why he never told me about or showed me the report cards! That is something to brag on and on about. I also found out that he gave his ex wife a 5,000 dollar engagement ring. Suddenly I'm starting 2 hate J, his kids and his ex wife! I'm almost wishing that I never even met the man! I don't even know why I feel this way! I don't hate As kids or ex wife who he is still good friends with. Why?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Please explain 2 me why I feel this way?

    I'm casually dating 2 men in their late 40's. I'm 20 something. Please no lectures! Lets call these 2 middle age men A and J. I have known A for nearly 2 years. He is very energetic and talkative like me. I love talking to him. He always talks about his 2 kids who are a teacher and a nurse, his health problems, his neighbors, co workers and everything else. I met both of his kids 2 or 3 times. I don't even care when he talks about his ex-wife whom he is still in contact with. I have known J for nearly 3 years. He hardly talks about anything! Last week I found the report cards of his 2 straight A high school students while he wasn't home. I wonder why he never told me about or showed me the report cards! That is something to brag on and on about. I also found out that he gave his ex wife a 5,000 dollar engagement ring. Suddenly I'm starting 2 hate J, his kids and his ex wife! I'm almost wishing that I never even met the man! I don't even know why I feel this way! I don't hate As kids or ex wife who he is still good friends with. Why?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • What do you think of these people?

    I'm gonna call them all by their initials. A turned down Js engagement ring 15 years ago but she still had 3 kids by him. 2 this very day at 47 years old she still lives with her mother. D who is 23 never cared about getting so many Bs and Cs but now she wants all As. E wants every woman who he dates 2 become overly involved with his children and family members. Meeting them once or twice is never enough! Ks life is an absolute mess but she can't help giving out horrible advice 2 her friends. Ms mother constantly ridicules, uses and abuses her so she takes it out on anyone who lets her. P is a very kind, generous and caring person but the people who she does the most 4 do the least 4 her in return. R means well but he never knows when 2 shut up. He says whatever crosses his mind even when forewarned not 2 do so. And last but not least is W. Hes very 2 faced and back stabbing. Hes your friend only when Y and L aren't around but puts you down in front of them.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • What do you think of these people?

    I'm gonna call them all by their initials. A turned down Js engagement ring 15 years ago but she still had 3 kids by him. 2 this very day at 47 years old she still lives with her mother. D who is 23 never cared about getting so many Bs and Cs but now she wants all As. E wants every woman who he dates 2 become overly involved with his children and family members. Meeting them once or twice is never enough! Ks life is an absolute mess but she can't help giving out horrible advice 2 her friends. Ms mother constantly ridicules, uses and abuses her so she takes it out on anyone who lets her. P is a very kind, generous and caring person but the people who she does the most 4 do the least 4 her in return. R means well but he never knows when 2 shut up. He says whatever crosses his mind even when forewarned not 2 do so. And last but not least is W. Hes very 2 faced and back stabbing. Hes your friend only when Y and L aren't around but puts you down in front of them.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Please explain 2 me why I feel this way?

    I'm casually dating 2 men in their late 40's. I'm 20 something. Please no lectures! Lets call these 2 middle age men A and J. I have known A for nearly 2 years. He is very energetic and talkative like me. I love talking to him. He always talks about his 2 kids who are a teacher and a nurse, his health problems, his neighbors, co workers and everything else. I met both of his kids 2 or 3 times. I don't even care when he talks about his ex-wife whom he is still in contact with. I have known J for nearly 3 years. He hardly talks about anything! Last week I found the report cards of his 2 straight A high school students while he wasn't home. I wonder why he never told me about or showed me the report cards! That is something to brag on and on about. I also found out that he gave his ex wife a 5,000 dollar engagement ring. Suddenly I'm starting 2 hate J, his kids and his ex wife! I'm almost wishing that I never even met the man! I don't even know why I feel this way! I don't hate As kids or ex wife who he is still good friends with. Why?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Please explain 2 me why I feel this way?

    I'm casually dating 2 men in their late 40's. I'm 20 something. Please no lectures! Lets call these 2 middle age men A and J. I have known A for nearly 2 years. He is very energetic and talkative like me. I love talking to him. He always talks about his 2 kids who are a teacher and a nurse, his health problems, his neighbors, co workers and everything else. I met both of his kids 2 or 3 times. I don't even care when he talks about his ex-wife whom he is still in contact with. I have known J for nearly 3 years. He hardly talks about anything! Last week I found the report cards of his 2 straight A high school students while he wasn't home. I wonder why he never told me about or showed me the report cards! That is something to brag on and on about. I also found out that he gave his ex wife a 5,000 dollar engagement ring. Suddenly I'm starting 2 hate J, his kids and his ex wife! I'm almost wishing that I never even met the man! I don't even know why I feel this way! I don't hate As kids or ex wife who he is still good friends with. Why?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • I really can't understand why he acted this way?

    It's a really long story but a very feminine gay male friend of mine really back stabbed me. I only knew him for 2 years but it seemed much longer! We were like soul mates so to speak. He didn't give me a college graduation ticket but took my 75 dollar gift. I didn't really wanna go anyway but that isn't the point. He gave the tickets to 2 other "friends" who he talked about like dogs. He knew them since high school but they weren't half as loyal, supportive and generous as I was. 2 weeks after the graduation he wanted to be friends again. But I said no, let's just act like we never knew each other. I even changed my phone number. For several months he told the waitress at our favorite diner, my sister, my hair dresser and a few other mutual friends a bunch of lies about me. He made me it sound as if I did him dirty. Nearly a year later I still haven't gotten a sincere apology or my money back. What would you do if you were me?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Please explain 2 me why I feel this way?

    I'm casually dating 2 men in their late 40's. I'm 20 something. Please no lectures! Lets call these 2 middle age men A and J. I have known A for nearly 2 years. He is very energetic and talkative like me. I love talking to him. He always talks about his 2 kids who are a teacher and a nurse, his health problems, his neighbors, co workers and everything else. I met both of his kids 2 or 3 times. I don't even care when he talks about his ex-wife whom he is still in contact with. I have known J for nearly 3 years. He hardly talks about anything! Last week I found the report cards of his 2 straight A high school students while he wasn't home. I wonder why he never told me about or showed me the report cards! That is something to brag on and on about. I also found out that he gave his ex wife a 5,000 dollar engagement ring. Suddenly I'm starting 2 hate J, his kids and his ex wife! I'm almost wishing that I never even met the man! I don't even know why I feel this way! I don't hate As kids or ex wife who he is still good friends with. Why?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago