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Lv 32,147 points

Colleen C

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  • Has MSFT done anything with XP Lately?

    My children's computers run XP as an application on their LINUX boxes. Recently, my daughter notices that her host file exclusion list is being ignored, i.e. she is getting to sites that she does not want to see on her machine.:

    She coded her *\etc\hosts file is as follows:

    # Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corp.

    # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP stack for Windows98

    # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

    # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

    # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

    # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

    # space.

    # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

    # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.

    # For example:


    # # source server

    # # x client host localhost # Stupid site # stop MSTF spying. # stop MSTF spying.

    Yet She still gets and other blocked files.

    This was working several months ago.

    What has changed in XP

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Should 5-8 YO girls go commando to a public playground?

    Recently, I was with my young nephews (5&7) at a public playground. The boys were playing in the sand near the end of a slide with some trucks. A grandmother brought two girls 5-8?) to also play in the playground, both were wearing sundresses. The boys and girls were doing what kids do. Play on the climbing equipment slide on the slide and share their sand toys. I was talking to the grandmother, when another boy came over with one of my nephews to me and loudly asked why are the two girls not wearing underwear? The grandmother yelled at the child for looking. However do to the way the girls were playing and squatting to play in the sand, it was hard not to notice the commando attire of these girls.

    I said nothing and let the kids play, but ought not the grandmother have know how the girls were clad? My nephew play nude with there sisters at their home so it was not a shock for them, but in public where anyone can stop and watch. Ought I have said something to the grandmother?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • What and How Many Programs ought to be running in Windows Task Manager?

    Is there a source of what each program listed in the Task Manger is doing ; why it is there :what does it leave on my computer?

    I see programs that I do not recognized: explorer.exe is liking some IExplorer code even though I only use Firefox, Opera for my browsers?

    I have several exe's running on my machine like: svchost.exe ; ToolBarUpdater.exe ; avgwdsvc.exe; and others. What are they? Who wrote them? Are they save? Are the necessary?

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Is The "Threat" of a 9/11 10 year attack, real?

    Personally, I think this well timed release of an "car bomb" attack in NYC or DC on 9/11/2011, is more for Obama's image than reality. Releasing this "attack alert" just before his speech and his refusal to stop his Union fund raising tour (i.e sell his JOBS BILL) is well thought out. He knows that it is not real and he is playing to the media, which is not questioning it at all, that he is fearless of any attack and he is not hiding from the jobless masses. Dr. Goebbels could not have planned it better.

    This President (sadly) will do anything to keep himself in the limelight.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Cell Phone Privacy: Must I register myself to the Fed to get a Cell Phone?

    I went to T-Mobile to obtain information about their unlimited plan. Rounded to $140/mo for 24 months or about 3400 plus some taxes.

    They wanted to see my DMV ID and a SSN.

    I said no and told them that I would be back with the cash and the name would be Neimand.

    I was told that they must have my ID and an SSN. per federal law (which they would not cite). What is this law if it exists?

    Why can one buy a service anonymously? Where is privacy in this country? To think that a German company would ignore it rules about privacy is another issue!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Cell Phone Privacy: Must I register myself to the Fed to get a Cell Phone?

    I went to T-Mobile to obtain information about their unlimited plan. Rounded to $140/mo for 24 months or about 3400 plus some taxes. They wanted to see my DMV ID and a SSN. I said no and told them that I would be back with the cash and the name would be Neimand.

    I was told that they must have my ID and an SSN. per federal law (which they would not cite)

    Why can one buy a service anonymously? Where is privacy in this country. To thing that a German company would ignore it rules about privacy is another issue.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Email Disclaimers? Do they have any actual legal value?

    An email was wrongly sent to me: This email had the following Disclaimer typed at the bottom of the text:

    "This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or his or her authorized agent, the reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately."

    Does this verbiage have any legal standing? Am I required to "notify the sender" and "delete this wrongly addressed e-mail"? Why would I be obligate to correct someone else's mistake? Why would I need to delete it? E-mail is not like first class postage? The sender mistyped my e-mail address to a list about issues that I know nothing about.

    Since the e-mail was in clear text, it is available to millions of readers globally, so how can this stay "private"?

    Does this have any teeth. If I ignore it/delete it/or keep it. Under what theory could I be liable?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Failed Case Against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was the White House Involved?

    In politics as in comedy, timing is everything. Does anyone else suspect that this facade of a case was orchestrated by the BHO Administration to ruin not only Dominique Strauss-Kahn(DSK) and humiliate the Pres. of France and to ruin the career of NYC DA Cyrus Vance Jr. a Democratic up and comer?

    The media did to DSK what it did to those Duke U Lacrosse students. Notice that the police are only now releasing the weakness of the maid's story? This story took the media picto-second attn span off the US Debt and ran with this joke of a story for weeks. Obama still wants to turn the US into Greece in levels of debt. The DSK story also took the horsetrading over the NY state homosexual bill out of view and no one expected 4 NY legislative RINOs to allow the bill out to the floor.

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Suggest 10 Activities that can be done Nude by a Family Group?

    Okay, I would like some actual suggestions.

    I am the events person at a family gathering for Nation Nude Recreation Week (2nd week of July). We are expecting some 34 people with an age range of 8 months to 68, with a median age of 22. There will slightly more females than males.

    We will be on a relative's farm with pool and a volleyball court and an indoor gym. Can this group come up with 10 fun activities that we can all participate. Extra weight shall be given to 10 activities to avoid doing.

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • Anyone Else Object to this Meeting?

    This little fact was found on the Net. "...The Senate leader planned to spend part of the day at a new shooting range in Las Vegas with National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre."

    As a Life NRA member, I want to know why the EVP is meeting with Sen. Reid? Reid has echoed his party hatred of the 2nd amendment for as long as I have read about politics. I have never heard Reid object to Obama and SoS H. Clinton call to adopt the UN Treaty on Small Arms. Reid objected to Ambas. Bolton under GWB.

    Exactly whose interests is EVP LaPierre seeking to better. I do not believe you can teach a old dogs a new song or tricks. It does not speak well for LaPierre's judgment.

    Any others agree or question this meeting?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who owns found property?

    I read recently, that a man and his son, while looking in a public woods for deer antlers, found a skeleton of a human.

    1) Who own that skeleton?

    2) If the skeleton was that of a bear, could this father son team claim ownership?

    2a) If so, why not that of an abandon human skeleton?

    Victorian literature is replete with people having human skeleton in their homes, often times skeletons of their deceased family members.

    3) Can one keep a family skeleton today?

    3a) If not when was the law changed? Why?

    I guess the general question is:

    4) Is a human corpse property and does the family or finders have a property ownership right?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Holder's Statement on Bin Ladin Trustworthy?

    AG Eric Holder said "...we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden" Does anyone else think this to be another lie by this guy?

    Sadly, I think the only people who would hear those rights read would be to the SOP team that took the mass murderer out as they await trial staged by Obama and Holder to boost their liberal ratings with the media their mob screaming for a fair and impartial trial ..."

    Should people in the military trust this administration?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Rise of Crime with Pot Growers?

    There has been a number of articles relating an increase in crime against growers/sellers of marijuana in the 15 states that have "decriminalized" it. Two of the articles attribute this to typical drug rivalries with gangs of Mexicans or Chinese mentioned. But are the data there?

    Could DEA agents or local drug teams be staging these assaults to get the return this plant to illegal status? The article told that the proponents of decriminalization argue lower crime, but the law enforcement is proclaiming an large increase?

    The police authorities have a vested interest to bust the growers since they once could obtain sums of money by forfeiture or seizure of criminal profits with little need of proof of guilt. Cities depended on these funds. A loss of such a large revenue stream would encourage many PD to look the other way in investigation. Does anyone see merit in requesting an investigation of this sort? The media is playing the increase crime in state of "legalization" to the hilt in still illegal states. FUD is being used during this political season.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Old Web Site Cached Anywhere:?

    I was asked to organized the data on several old computers. On one of my nephews, I found saved as text the a good deal of the content of a web page from 1996-1999 period. The web page was from the UK and it was DanielleYoungNudist or something like that (Full web address was not extant.) Several articles about young females and their introduction to naturism? Does anyone know anything about this site or what happened to the people or site?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Letterman Sexual Harassment?

    Does anyone expect the women who worked at Letterman's WorldWide Pants to sue for sexual harassment or hostile work environments?

    He admitted to having sex with interns and employees --- Some got on the show more frequently than others. Interns who did not have sex with Letterman may have felt inferior to those who did not have to work hard or creatively because they just bedded the boss.

    I hope lawyers are looking for clients from his staff (current and former) and that he is sued out of existence. I believe that this "Blackmail" bit was a Letterman Ratings Grab --- His market share was low and Night line was up. CBS may have been in on it--- Was the NYC AG told to prosecute because CBS would relocate the show to LA?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • OBAMACare & Salemanship?

    Does anyone think Obama's Martha's Vineyard visit and Ted Kennedy's Peaceful death a coincidence?

    Or were these two events planned after the public rejection of the House version?

    Did Obama and Ted speak in recent weeks and the message that Ted's spilling away would be a marketing tool to get OBAMACARE (AKA National Bankruptcy) passed?

    Does anyone doubt that the Senate will name their non-existing bill, the Ted Kennedy National Healthcare Bill?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • News Media Hype or Data?

    A recent AP sub-story sought to associate the recent Gym-murders (by a true loser) and a WI sporting goods store. The linkage was that two murderers who gained infamy via the media purchased items from the same on-line store. See link.

    Is this not just hype -- de instill fear of firearms.

    Do we know that both murderers did not share common purchases with say Amazon, NetFlixs or Cabala's. We do not know --- Should we boycott the retailer of the common TP used by both of these criminals?

    Association of A to B does not imply causation. Yet, we did not see a linkage between these murderers and say Kraft Mac & Cheese a product that both of these murderers is likely to have consumed sometime in their pathetic lives.

    Should not the AP and other media be called on this illogic?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • North Korean & Iran Employment.?

    How many think we should hire several North Korean or Iranian Border Guards to protect our borders? It seems that these two nations know how to keep illegals out.

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Media Oddity -- Did Anyone Else Notice?

    The media was all over the Death of a 50 yo ersatz entertainer, the 40th Anniversary of the US Landing on the Moon, The death of a CBS journalist, and the Health Funding Bill --- This weekend was the 40th Anniversary of the Death of Ms Kopechne at Chappaquiddick, yet I cannot recall one mention of it on the mainstream news. Teddy's name was mentioned each time the Health care bill was noted. Ted Kennedy and his 45 years in the Senate, His concern for 40 plus years on health care issues was said on CBS and NBC today --- but I did not read one mention of Kennedy and this death.

    Does this support the notion of a liberal bias to mainstream news?

    Note: This was often mentioned by my parents where I grew up --- so I am biased.

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago