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Female, born in 1967. Horton is a place name that I use instead of my real one. It's just an anonymity thing. Yahoo doesn't have any middle aged woman avitars. What's up with that? Former jobs: Air Force broadcaster (active duty), civilian Radio DJ, TV news videographer. Now, I'm a full-time college student studying to become an English teacher. Current Master Sergeant in the Air Force reserves, served three tours in Kuwait, one in Iraq.

  • Questions about Regents exams in New York state?

    Regents week is coming up (it's actually almost two weeks here). I have a few questions.

    Do all grades take the exams?

    How long do the tests take to complete?

    Do regular classes end during Regents week?

    Sorry, I couldn't find the answers to these questions online. Thanks very much!

  • Need a good self-help book for empowerment?

    My friend is having a tough time. She's under a lot of stress. She has an 11-year-old daughter but never married the father. He's verbally abusive to both my friend and her daughter. Thankfully, they only see him every two weeks, but it's been getting worse lately. She's getting professional help, but she still really takes all of his abuse personally and her self esteem has really fallen. Is there a book you could recommend to make her feel more empowered? Is there a good book about bullies but is written for adults?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Citing photographs with multiple contributors?

    If a photograph is the product of a creative team (set design, lighting director, costume designer, etc) like in an elaborate print advertisement, and the copyright is held by the advertising agency that produced it, does the agency name come first in the citation (MLA &th edition)? In other words, does the agency name replace the photographer's name as the first part of the citation? Or does the title of the image come first and the agency later?

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • Who sees my "likes" on Facebook?

    I have a few questions about this. (I'm going to make up some namesso this makes sense)

    1. I just "liked" a comment on my news feed. My friend (Claire) made the post, but I liked a comment made by someone I don't know (Jill). I have lots of friends who don't know either of them. Do those friends of mine know I've liked Jill's comment? Do my friends get an announcement like "Horton just liked Jill's comment"?

    2. Claire posts a lot of political stuff that I like, and I get it on my newsfeed. But not all my friends are of the same opinion, and I'd rather stay politically neutral in their eyes. Are they getting all of Claire's posts? Do my friends know when (or if) I comment on Claire's posts? Remember, none of my other friends know her.

    3. There are sites that I'd like to "like", but I don't all of my friends to know. Any way I can do this?

    Thank you for anyone willing to take the time to help me out with this.

    4 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • Can I cross the border to mail something?

    I have a big box to mail to someone in Canada, but I live 100 miles into the USA. It's expensive to mail it from my town. Could I drive across the border and mail it from there?

    9 AnswersNiagara Falls8 years ago
  • Movie reference in opening of Aug 8th Daily Show?

    Jon Stewart is away from the Daily Show for a few months, and John Oliver is filling in. As part of a running gag, John Oliver make a funny fake excuse for where Jon Stewart is. On August 8th's show, John said that Jon was "spending the summer fulfilling the terms of his crazy uncle's will by spending the whole time in a haunted house." They showed a picture (presumably from the movie but with Jon Stewart's face superimposed on the character) of someone crouching in the doorway of an old creepy house. Then John Oliver said what I assume to be a quote from a character in movie: "he doesn't like g-g-g-ghosts!"

    Any idea what John Oliver is referencing?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • How soon can I trade in my new car?

    I just bought a new 2013 car four days ago. The state I live in has a law that says I can't return it, I had to sign a paper saying that I understood that I cannot return the car. Now that I've had the car for a few days, I've decided that I don't really like it. I don't want to "return" it, but I'd like to shop for something else. I'm happy to go back to the same dealer, too. But I don't want to go back to talk to them without understanding if this is an OK thing to do.

    Can I trade it in for something else? Will that be a big financial hit? Is there some kind of financial penalty for trading it in so soon - like it depreciated the moment I drove it away?

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • looking for a poem to go with...?

    I'm a student teacher, I'm looking for a poem to go with the following two: "The Rose That Grew From Concrete," by Tupac Shakur, and "Mother to Son," by Langston Hughes. Do you have any suggestions for another poem about a hard life, or breaking out of poverty, or overcoming adversity, or something similar?

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • Site for NYS ELA common core that is easy to cut and paste?

    I have a PDF file of NYS common core standards for ELA, but it's constructed in columns. When I try to copy and paste the standards into my lesson plans, I end up copying across columns, and I have to do a lot of editing and reformatting. It's not a convenient source for me to copy and paste the standards in other ways too. Does anyone have a good site that will be easier for me?

    2 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • Can you suggest a name for my kitten?

    I found a kitten and need a name for him. He's skinny, all gray, with golden eyes. I found him stuck up a tree in a country road. I went to all of the nearby houses (which were few because this was a rural area) but no one claimed him. He's super lovey but needs a name.

    My mother likes "Smokey" or "Shadow," but I think those names are pretty common. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • How do I keep clocks visible on windows?

    I'm using windows 7. I'd like to have two clocks and their labels always visible. I don't want to have to click the bottom corner of the screen to view my two clocks all the time. Is there a way to have them always up?

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Wolves or coyotes, which live near me?

    Several times over the past year or so, I've been woken up in the middle of the night by a loud yipping, and last night, that yipping was followed by (I'm pretty sure) a kind of howl. I live in Western New York state, near Lake Erie. Which animal lives near me? And do they eat cats?

    3 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Help me find a particular kind of installation art?

    I'm looking for images of a particular kind of installation art. Even some terminology that may help me in a google search.

    I'm looking for a type of installation art that you might see on a hillside or in a large room, wherein from most angles it seems like there's just a bunch of random structures, but from one vantage point, there's a clear image. As you move around the space, the change of perspective makes it seem like a shape is forming. Does this make sense?

    I remember seeing something like this done in a village in Austria or Switzerland. As you traveled down the highway, it looked like there were random structures on some of the houses, but as you drove past the village on a hillside, the structures seemed to come together and form connected shapes. It's all done with perspective....

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts9 years ago
  • Who is a literary "manic pixie dreamgirl"?

    I'm planning an English lesson/unit. I just listened to a podcast by called Stuff Mom Never Told You. The hosts chatted about a type of female character called a "manic pixie dreamgirl," and they cited some articles that discuss this personality/style. I'd like to use the podcast and the articles in a lesson. The character examples that I'll begin with are Zooey Deschanel's character Jess in the TV show New Girl and Amelie from a 2001 French film of the same name since these are spot-on examples of the kind of female character the podscasters describe as "manic -pixie dreamgirl." The character is quirky, cute, loves doing nice things for others, isn't defined by the friends she has, is often not aware of how her quirkiness is seen by others, sometimes "lives in her own little world," can be a bit naive, etc.

    My idea is to spark interest using clips from Amelie and New Girl, then move to literature. I can use Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, but that's Adolescent Literature. What would be the next step? What character might I use for students who want a bigger challenge than Stargirl? Have any novel or short story ideas?

    Who are literature's manic pixie dreamgirls?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • disable the password function on my PC laptop?

    I'd like to open and use my new PC laptop without having to enter my password. Also, I have to enter my password every time the computer goes to sleep and I wake it. Can I disable this? I usually use a Mac and this is not an issue on Mac... you just open it up and use it.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Toshiba Portege says "plugged in, not charging."?

    My Portege laptop isn't charging. There's no battery to take off to try to reset things. All the advice I've found online say to take off the battery and put it back on, but there's not battery to take off on this model. It's a z835-p330. Any advice?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Do you know a website for college reviews written by students?

    I'd like some student perspectives about a college I'm thinking about. I there a website where students post their opinions about their schools? I want to be able to get real, honest views from students at the school I'm thinking about. Is there a resource online I could use?

  • A song that played during the first Gulf War?

    I'm trying to remember a song I played as a DJ with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service during the Persian Gulf War in 1990-1991. It was a re-release of a regular song which was already popular, by a well known artist, but it was re-released with audio clips from the news interspersed. It was a kind of mellow song by a male artist. I thought maybe it was Sting but I can't remember. It was definitely a well known male singer, though. I don't think it was a band, I think it was a solo artist. I could be wrong. Anyone remember this?

    6 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • A song from 1990 or 1991 with audio samples from the news.?

    I'm trying to remember a song I played as a DJ with the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service during the Persian Gulf War in 1990-1991. It was a re-release of a regular song which was already popular, by a well known artist, but it was re-released with audio clips from the news interspersed. It was a kind of mellow song by a male artist. I thought maybe it was Sting but I can't remember. But it was definitely a well known male singer. I don't think it was a band, I think it was a solo artist. I could be wrong though. Anyone remember this?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Time remapping audio clip with Adobe CS5.5?

    Im trying to time remap a short audio clip. The effect I want to create is that a song is playing on a record player and the power plug gets pulled. I want the song to play normally then gradually slow to a stop.

    I've tried recording the song through my camera's microphone so it would be attached to video, then tried time remapping in Premiere Pro. The audio didn't time remap, but the video did.

    I imported the song file into After Effects, but I'm so new to the program I can't figure out easy things like how to get the sound to work after an effect is applied, or how to even move keyframes in the graph. I've searched at length to find answers to these simple things, then gave up.

    I have Adobe Audition too, but don't see a way to time remap on it either.

    I've looked on the internet for hours and hours trying to find a tutorial, thinking that surely someone has tried this effect before, and I can't find anything. All I can find is how to change speed overall, not gradually.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? Do you have a forum to suggest for me?

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago