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Jonathan S

Favorite Answers32%
  • Can my Car Insurance provider require proof of insurance?

    So, I'm in the process of getting divorced, and to cut my monthly costs, I have parked my truck and am not using or driving it. My wife kept the car insurance policy for her vehicle and called and dropped the truck off of the policy. So, now, 2 moths later, they are still billing her for my truck on the policy saying that they won't remove the vehicle without proof of insurance through another carrier, or transferring the vehicle to another policy through them. Even after speaking to a person at the DMV, I'm certain that it's perfectly legal to remove a vehicle from insurance provided it will actually not be used, can i just flat out refuse to show proof of insurance to this company? They won't stop charging for the vehicle.

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration4 years ago
  • My employer shared my medical information?

    So, I had an accident at work today. I was sent to be seen by an Immediate Care Clinic and following my appointment, I sent the information to my boss to inform him of the extent of my injuries and to ask where to get my prescriptions filled at ( in case the worker's comp said it had to be a specific place). So after a while I got a response. He sent the picture of my Work Status notice will all my information and everything from the exam to the owner ( which is to be expected ). But then the owner's wife (who is a doctor) said that I needed to get the generic for the prescription, and told me the specific drug to tell the pharmacist to give me. I have no issue with getting the generic, but I do not like him having shared my medical information with his wife who is not the registered owner and is not at all part of the company. Do I have any stance to complain to him about it? I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does really bother me. I question who else he has or will share my personal information with.

    1 AnswerInjuries6 years ago
  • Lost power to outlets and lights?

    OK, I'll try to make it short. My son pulled the PS3 off the TV stand and when I tried to plug it back in and turn it on, the TV, everything on that outlet, a couple other outlets, the lights in that room and the lights in the basement below went out. Figured it was a breaker, so I went and could not find one tripped. Pulled cover and verified power coming from every single breaker. I'm almost completely certain this circuit has no GFI and I cannot find a reason for the outage, any suggestions?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Multiple errors on Police Report, what recourse do I have?

    Ok, so I was involved in a motor vehicle accident. I was driving on a highway, and as I came up the slope of a bridge (I was in the far right of 3 lanes), i checked to see if I was clear to move to the center lane. When i looked back forward from checking my blind spot, there was a vehicle right in front of me on the down side of the hill for the bridge, with no lights on the rear, no flashers, no brake lights, going either really slow or stopped. I had no time to react whatsoever. I hit them going 60 mph. Told the officer what happened and he said there had been used carpet dropped in the road which is why the driver slowed down. I was just ready to assume fault, even though I didn't really think it was because I hit him from the rear. but he was basically stopped in the lane of traffic, on the highway, where the minimum speed is 40, at night, just over the crest of a hill, right where one street light is out. I believed he held atleast 50% of the blame here. I got a copy of the police report, and I cannot believe the things that are wrong with it. The officer lists it as a 4 to 6 lane highway, lists it as a straight and level surface, put the vehicles in the wrong spot on the diagram, and cites a witness statement to put me at fault, the witness said he was in the center lane going 64 mph (max speed limit is 60) and I passed him going 10 to 15 mph faster and then hit the vehicle. Said it was just in front of him in the right lane when i hit the other driver.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Dealer claims "loan was not approved" vehicle is wrecked, not sure what to do.?

    Ok, so I had a 2014 Ford Fusion for about 6 months, we found out another baby was on the way so we traded it in for a 2013 Chrysler Town&Country. We had the van for 13 days and got into an accident that totaled the vehicle. Had full coverage insurance on the vehicle, that part is not an issue, but my insurance company called the Lien Holder to arrange payment and they said there was no loan in my name. So several phone calls later, I found out that the dealer claims the loan was never approved and because of this they did not pay off my trade in which is now 2 payments behind and they are threatening collections. The dealer says they need me to come in to determine what needs to be done and wont talk on the phone, the insurance company just wants to know who to pay. And I don't know what to do.

    9 AnswersBuying & Selling6 years ago
  • Insurance will not pay for damages?

    So, I got into a car accident. Short version. I was on a straight stretch of road that had 2 lanes in each direction. I was in the left lane. A man in in F-150 in the right lane wanted into the left lane but was overlapping me. He did not wait, just signaled and began coming over. I had nowhere to go to so he hit me. Minor damage to the front right side of my vehicle and to the left rear side of his bed. So I figure it will be quick and easy. I found out a week later when i got the police report that he claimed he was 2 car lengths in front of me and made the lane change and then I gunned the gas, swerved into the oncoming traffic lane and hit him on the left rear side intentionally.

    Because of the fact he lied, the police officer did not ticket him and his insurance company is refusing to pay for the damages to my vehicle. I'm very frustrated by this, by the fact he was not ticketed and the face that because he lied, I'm not getting my damaged repaired. I carry only liability and comprehensive on my vehicle, so my insurance company will not help. Is there anything i can do?

    9 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • can another driver sue me?

    So my wife was in an accident in June... there was question of fault, my insurance company found her at fault (80%) and her insurance company stopped answering my calls and sent a letter saying they did not find her at fault and would not pay against the claim.

    So we were upset, but hey... we moved on. Now we get a letter from a lawer saying they represent the other lady demanding 1,200 for damages they saw my wife caused through negligence.

    I thought that is why we had insurance companies... can i fight this? or can she even do that?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Defamation of Character question?

    Ok, so my brother recently quit his job. He was a manager of a used CD and Movie store that is part of a chain of stores. He had been asking for a raise for over a year and could not get one. He needed a better paying job and was given the oppritunity to have one. He quit his job with no warning, just called them one morning when he went in and told them it was his last day. We are in Kansas which is an "at will" employment state, but I gave him the lecture of not giving proper notice.

    So, his former area manager told him that he had done over $500 in returns over the last 2 months and that "people don't just up and quit unless they are trying to hide something" and that he was going to turn him in to the police department, but not mention of what for. So I went into another store of that chain today to buy a CD and the guy was talking about a manager that had recently left. I asked if it was my brother, he said yeah and that their area manager said he was fired for theft. I mentioned this to my brother and he said a couple of the people he knew stil were saying they have been telling people in the company that he was fired for theft.

    Is this legal? Can they divulge any information about why a person left, and even at that... FALSE information meant to make him look bad? My brother has made mistakes, but he is NO THIEF. It angers me that they did this to him. Is this a matter to just put behind and forget or should he pursue the issue of them telling other employess this?

    Thank you in advance for your input.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Car Insurance Problem?

    Can an insurance company for another driver have your vehicle sent in for am estimate prior to determining if they want to accept liability?

    More specifically, can they tell you they will accept 80% fault and tell you they will set up the estimate, then after they get the ammount, say they have not decided to accept fault and tell you they need the police report and give you the run around for 2 weeks?

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Which is cheaper basement or 2nd floor?

    I'm currious, in an existing single story house with no basement, which would be cheaper? Digging a basement under the house or adding a 2nd story above the house?

    My wife and I are considering buying a house we really like in an area we really like, but we would need more room so I am currious which would be more cose effective to add. Any information you can give me about this will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your time.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • insurance fault dilema?

    So, my wife was involved in an accident, and we filed a claim with the other driver's insurance, they said their initial findings conculded we were at the majority of fault and their driver was filing a claim against OUR insurance. So we hear from our insurance saying they decided thatmy wife was 20% at fault and the other driver was 80% at fault, and that since we only have liability through our insurance we would need to take it to the other driver's insurance.

    So we call back the other insurance comapny and ask if they have made a final fault decision. They said that they heard from our insurance company that their driver was found to be 80% at fault and that they needed to discuss it with our insurance company to make a decision. Last Friday i called to check back in on it and the guy I spoke to told me that they were accepting 80% fault and that they needed to have us take the car to one of their approved shops for an estimate, then they would cut a check for 80% of the damage and send it to us. So on Monday we took it to the shop and got the estimate done. $1550 to repair. I figure it will take a little time to process everything so i wait and today I heard from them and it is some lady saying she is waiting on the Police report to make the decision as to weather they want to accept any liability and fault. I told her the guy i spoke to on Friday said they were accepting 80% fault and that is why we took it to the shop for the appointment THEY set up for us. She told me I must have misunderstood. I was polite but very frustrated and told her I definately did NOT misunderstand what he had told me and that he said that they were accepting 80% fault. She insisted that I was mistaken and that I just took it to the shop so they knew what the damage WOULD be if they accepted fault. I realized I was going to get nowhere with her so i thanked her for her time and said goodbye.

    I feel they are pulling something sneaky and not being upfront and honest but i do not know what to do. Any advice?

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • offset intersection question?

    Recently, my wife was in an accident. I'll give the street names, not because you will know the intersection, but because it will make it easier to identify the details.

    1st and Kessler

    My wife was traveling Eastbound on 1st St. The driver of the other vehicle was traveling North on Kessler. This put her on the right side of my wife. This is an uncontrolled intersection with no traffic signs at all. My wife approached the intersection and slowed, did not see anyone and began to go through the intersection. She saw the other vehicle come towards and into the intersection without slowing. She slammed on her brakes and made contact with the rear driver's side of the other vehicle.

    Now the other driver's insurance company is saying my wife is at more than 50% fault because she should have yielded the right of way to the other driver, even though the other driver actually reached the intersection just after my wife did. And on top of this Kessler (the street the other driver was on) is offset through 1st street. Meaning that as you travel North on Kessler, approaching 1st St, as the other driver was, the right hand side of the road actually lines up with the LEFT hand side of the road as it contienues AFTER it crosses 1st St.

    What i don't know is why my wife is being called at more than 50% fault, when I believe it should fall at 50% each. And How much offset does a street need to have before it is considered 2 intersections? This is in Kansas,-9%E2%80%A6

    This is the intersection. I appreciate any help.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • offset intersection question?

    Recently, my wife was in an accident. I'll give the street names, not because you will know the intersection, but because it will make it easier to identify the details.

    1st and Kessler

    My wife was traveling Eastbound on 1st St. The driver of the other vehicle was traveling North on Kessler. This put her on the right side of my wife. This is an uncontrolled intersection with no traffic signs at all. My wife approached the intersection and slowed, did not see anyone and began to go through the intersection. She saw the other vehicle come towards and into the intersection without slowing. She slammed on her brakes and made contact with the rear driver's side of the other vehicle.

    Now the other driver's insurance company is saying my wife is at more than 50% fault because she should have yielded the right of way to the other driver, even though the other driver actually reached the intersection just after my wife did. And on top of this Kessler (the street the other driver was on) is offset through 1st street. Meaning that as you travel North on Kessler, approaching 1st St, as the other driver was, the right hand side of the road actually lines up with the LEFT hand side of the road as it contienues AFTER it crosses 1st St.

    What i don't know is why my wife is being called at more than 50% fault, when I believe it should fall at 50% each. And How much offset does a street need to have before it is considered 2 intersections? This is in Kansas,-97.385377&s...

    This is the intersection. I appreciate any help.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Can you be held without consent by a doctor?

    My freind just called and said he mentioned to his doctor that he had thought about suicide at one point, the doctor said they called and made him an appointment to be evaluated and he had to go right then, and if he did not, the Police would arrest him and make him go and stay.

    Is this legal? How can a doctor have the Police force medical care upon someone?

    8 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • Mazda B2000 Backfires through Carb?

    So, I'm working in this 86 Mazda B2000. Has 671,000 miles on it. Original engine and clutch I'm told. Anyway, it sounds like it is backfiring through the Carb. No flames, but a rather steady POP POP POP about every second and a half or so. Wondering if anyone might be able to offer me some help.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Performance Engine in GM 90's 1500's?

    So, I was talking with someone who said that some of the 90's and even earlier trucks were built at the factory with High Performance Engines and Camshafts instead of the standard stock 350's. He said he thought my 91 Suburban may have one because it has a 3 inch exhaust.

    Was wondering if anyone knew if there is any truth to this and how I might go about verifying this about my vehicle. Thanks.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I need advice about my son?

    Ok, I know this seems crazy, but please, if you have advice, please let me know.

    Ok, about a year ago, my car was stolen, and it was recovered a week later by the police. I never use the back seat of my car except to lug stuff around work work and side jobs sometimes, so I never really looked back there much. My car has one of those center arm rests that pull down in the back seat (it's a 93 Honda Accord). And I used it to go pick up my kids and when I had them get in (they are 5) one of them pulled it down and found a small syringe in there. It HAD to be from when it was stolen because I am the only one who ever uses that vehicle and I have never in my life used a syringe, I hate needles. The syringe says U100-Insulin - Single use only. it still had the cap over the needle and the other end. I asked him if he touched the needle at all, he finally told me that he took the cap off and touched the needle (it's very small and tiny). I looked at his hand and it doesn't look like it poked through the skin or broke the skin at all. I scrubbed it with alcohol really good too. I have called every hospital and clinic around and no one will tell me if I need to take him in or not, they just say "it's up to me, and they cannot say anything, even what they would test him for over the phone". It is frustrating, but I do understand why they cannot or are reluctant to.

    Anyway, my question is, should I take him in? Am I over reacting? I need advice from medical professionals and I would greatly appreciate any advice. I have no problem taking him to the hospital if I have to, I am just wanting to know.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    3 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • GM 6.2 Diesel question.?

    Ok, I know some of you out there know these engines, and I know this question will make me look dumb, but hey, so be it.

    I'm tearing down this 6.2, pretty sure it's out of a 91. Anyway, on the block, where the oil pan gasket would sit, there are letters stamped at each cylinder. 7 of them are "C", one is "D". Does anyone know what this means?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Figure out these letters?

    So, I have the remains of a bracelet that had those little white letters on it. I do not know what it said and I am curious to figure it out.

    Please, if anyone wants to help, go ahead.

    S E O H O D L L U and a heart shaped piece

    Best I could come up with is LO_E SHOULD with the heart shaped piece standing in place of the V for the word "LOVE"

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • 4A-GE Vacuum switch question.?

    Ok, so I'm working an an 86 MR-2 with the 4A-GE engine. On the side of the intake manifold, right near the coolant reservoir, there is a vacuum switch or solenoid with a 2 prong connector attached to it. I cannot seem to sort out exactly what it is, which is not good because I need to replace it, the plastic end is sheered off and causing a vacuum leak. If someone who is familiar with these engines could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago