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Archie and Madison's auntie

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I have a gorgeous 4 month old nephew called Archie, and my name will soon be 'Auntie to 2' because my sister is pregnant and due in December.

  • Teeth removed under general?

    I need a lot of work done to my teeth. Last year I went and they said I needed 7 fillings. I had 1 done at a normal dentist but then I stopped going because it was too much for me.

    Now my teeth are getting worse and need a lot more done.. I refuse to have it done when I'm awake. I had teeth removed under general when I was 9 (11 years ago) but I know they usually put children to sleep.

    Could I have the work done under general? I live in the UK so I can get treatment for free. My mum recently had teeth removed under local but they did say she could be put under general anaesthesia but she chose not too.

    4 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • How to recover from this embarrasing moment?

    When my mum was sorting out my bedding she found my vibrator. I am the youngest, I've never had a boyfriend and I'm a virgin so my parents treat me like I'm younger than I am (I'm 20) so my mum was shocked when she found it.

    It was really embarrassing! I only stay with her weekends and the couple of hours after was very awkward between us. The next time I see her is Wednesday.

    Will she forget? Or should I explain to her?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Could I get my toe straightened?

    Ever since I could remember one of my toes has been deformed. I've heard it's called a 'hook toe' and recently it's been uncomfortable when wearing certain shoes.

    I would love my toe to be straight but I'm not sure if it could be done. Would I need surgery?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Best Ukelele for beginner?

    I want to start learning to play the ukelele and I am just about to buy one. I know nothing about the instrument so I don't really know what I'm looking for. I'm from the UK.. Does anybody know any good Ukelele brands for a beginner? Cheapest possible.

    3 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • How much is a taxi from Victoria coach station to The Royal Albert Hall?

    Me and my sister are seeing a band at The Royal Albert Hall and we go by coach. A friend of mine and her sister are going on the same coach as us and we've decided to go together.

    Me and my sister usually go from the coach station to our destination on the tube but my friend said we should go in a taxi and split the cost by four.

    How much would that cost each person?

    5 AnswersLondon8 years ago
  • Why isn't my dog in season?

    I have a 3 year old Cavalier King Charles and she isn't showing any signs of being in season.. I think there's something wrong because she should have been in season by now. I think the last time I remember her being in season was over a year ago.

    What's wrong with her? I'm taking her for an annual vet check up soon so I'll ask the ver but for now I was wondering if anybody on here could tell me something?

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How to make my periods easier to cope with?

    I'm 20 and have had my period for 6 years so I know I should be used to it by now. But it's been getting worse the last year or so.

    My stomach cramps are getting a lot worse and last longer and painkillers don't seem to work. My flow is also a lot heavier than it used to be and I stay in bed a lot for the first couple of days because its very uncomfortable to move about.

    It's ruining my life and I just want my period to be lighter and to not have to go through all that pain every month.

    Does anybody have some advice?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What should we do when we meet?

    I've met this guy a couple of times and he wants to meet up again.. Neither of us have cars and we live 12 miles from each other..

    I live in a small town and he lives in a bigger town so I always go to him. The thing is that whenever we meet we do the same thing.. All we do is walk around town and we soon run out of places to go and it gets boring.

    I want to go somewhere we can get to know each other more. I don't want to go to his place because I've done that before with somebody else and it didn't end well. I haven't messages him back because I never know what to say.

    Where would be a good place to go?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I stay out of it or say something to him?

    My sister had my beautiful baby niece in January and broke up with her dad when he went to prison when my sister was a couple of months pregnant. He came out of prison and ever since he has been pressuring her to take him back.

    She found out he's had 4 other children with different women and recently got another girl pregnant. He lies about everything and generally isn't a very nice person.

    A couple of weeks ago he stayed the night (he lives far away and it's easier because there aren't many buses so he often can't get home) and a couple of things happened. He grabbed onto my sister's arm and went right up to her face. His excuse was "I didn't mean it."

    Then my sister said that she heard him shouting at my niece (who is only 5 months old) and he said "shut the f-uck up" to her. When my sister walked in the room he acted all innocent. Something similar happened before when he "shoved" my niece to his girlfriend.

    I'm worried that if he keeps going on at my sister asking to get back with her, that she will give up and get back with him. If that ever happened I would be worried for her and my niece.

    Should I confront him? I did something a few months ago that went a bit far, so I don't want to do anything that will affect my relationship with my sister.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can you go to a doctor to go on the pill just for your period?

    I have really bad periods and I've been told that the pill make your periods easier. I know that the pill is mostly for contraception. I've never had sex and I won't be for a while. Would a doctor put me on the pill just for my periods?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why is my body doing this to me?

    For the last couple of months my body's been all over the place. I've been getting constant constipation which has been happening every couple of weeks.

    My period has also been strange. They've been getting a lot heavier and I've had very bad stomach cramps. I've had my period for 6 years now and obviously for a while it was irregular. But when I was 16 it started nearly the same time every month (with no more than a day or two difference) but the last few months it's been random...

    It started 3 days early in April, 4 days early in May and I can feel it coming on now which is 6 days early.

    Is the weird periods and constipation related? Is there something wrong, or is my body just changing as I'm getting older?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Symphonic metal albums released this year?

    For years I've been into bands like Nightwish, Within Temptation, Delain, Sirenia, Leaves's Eyes and Kamelot but I've stopped listening to them for the last year or so.

    I would like to buy some albums that have been released either this year or last year. I'm getting back into it again so I would like to buy some new albums.

    They don't have to be the bands above but they've got to have a similar sound.

    Does anybody have any albums to recommend?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Does blocking somebody from Facebook stop you from being able to search for them?

    I had a friend on Facebook but suddenly they've disappeared. I checked our mutual friend and when I searched for their name nothing came up. Does that mean I've been blocked? Or aren't they on Facebook anymore?

    8 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • How to train a nervous dog?

    I have a 3 year old cavalier king charles spaniel who I love to bits. Unfortunately the time I got her I was depressed and anxious and didn't know anybody or even like going out (except walking her when she was old enough of course) so I didn't socialize her very well.

    When she got to a certain age and I started going out more and being around more people, she started to be scared of everybody apart from my mum and sister because we lived with them for a few months when she was a puppy. She also loves my 5 month old niece.

    The trouble is when we're out and about. She is a beautiful dog so we often see people who want to make a fuss of her. Sometimes we walk her into town and when there are a lot of people about she barks at me and jumps up at me until I pick her up. This makes her impossible to walk when there are a number of people about.

    When people try to stroke her she struggles away from them and if I hold her she struggles in my arms. If a dog tries to get anywhere near her she tries to get away from them as far away as possible. My mum has a staffordshire bull terrier who always wants to make a fuss of my dog but she's scared of her. And if I stay at my mum's we can't keep both dogs in the same room which we would love to do.

    I have other family members who we don't see often but when they come to visit us she barks at them and acts the same way as she does with strangers. It's the same with friends who come over. She barks constantly even when we put her in another room.

    Around me and my dad she is a very happy dog with a bubbly personality. We want people to see the dog that we see, not as a nervous dog.

    Is it too late to train her? If not, how can we train her to stop being scared of other people or dogs?

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Why is my vein like this?

    Today I noticed a red vain (I think that's what it is) which is small and a y shape on my leg. I pulled my skin and it'd definitely under my skin. The rest of my skin looks normal.

    What could it be?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Where are these seats in the Royal Albert Hall?

    I just got tickets to see a band at the Royal Albert Hall.. Our seats are in the 'choir' section which I already know is behind the stage... Our tickets say Choir E 1 seats 3 and 4.

    5 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Why do my questions keeping getting deleted?

    I was looking through some of my old questions and I've noticed quite a few have been deleted. I didn't delete them myself and most of them I gave best answers. The questions I asked weren't against the rules so I don't understand why they were deleted.

    Is there somebody purposely reporting them?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Is there anything to make my period easier to cope with?

    I'm 20 and I've had my period for 6 years now. Obviously for the first couple of years it was irregular but after a year or two it became regular. For the last year or so they've been getting worse. Usually they start the same date or 1/2 days apart but now it's starts 5/6 days early or late. It lasts for 3/4 days and that hasn't changed but it's a lot heavier and the stomach cramps last longer and sometimes they're so bad I start crying and I can't move about.

    It's getting on my nerves. I've tried some natural remedies that I've found on the internet but nothing works. I'm seeing a doctor next week for other reasons, and I was wondering if there's anything they can do to make my period easier to cope with?

    I was thinking of going on the pill because I've heard it makes periods easier, but I'm not sexually active so I'm not sure they would prescribe me some.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Can you go into bank to draw out less than £10?

    I only have £6 and I know you can't draw out less than 10 from machines.. If I went INTO the bank up to the desk could they give me £5?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • What should I wear to my job interview?

    I've got a job interview tomorrow but I don't really have decent interview clothes. I've decided to go shopping tomorrow before to get clothes for the interview.

    The job I'm being interviewed is in a cafe. I've got a black blazer, black ballet pumps and a knee length black dress but I think they look a bit too formal for a cafe job.

    I'm a 20 year old woman. What should I wear?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago