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  • my hair is dark brown, how bad would it damage my hair if i bleached it?

    my hair is naturally a lightish mousey brown, but I have dyed it a few times, the most recent being a couple months ago when I dyed it a dark brown with a red tint. It's faded out a lot to where it is more red than brown, but it's still pretty dark. My roots are pretty bad, so it's definitely time I go to the salon again, but I want to do something different. Several people I know have recently dyed their hair blonde, and it's kind of inspiring me. haha, so I was wondering, if I go to the salon to have it done, how much would it damage my hair to go blonde? My hair is long, but not super long, and I would like to keep the length, but I'm afraid that if I dye it blonde, then it would break off and I'd have to cut it short. I don't want it super light blonde, I wanted it a strawberry blonde color. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    2 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Would I look good with bangs? Pictures! :D?

    I'm getting my haircut this week, and I want to do something different for the summer. So I was thinking bangs. This is me ::

    and this is the haircut I was thinking about ::

    I would leave my hair a little bit longer than this, but I would still like to hear your opinion! :D Thanks!

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • HAIRRR! (: (for people in Tennessee only.)?

    HAIRRR! (: (for people in Tennessee only.)?

    how long is the Tennessee School of Beauty open?

    i think i'm gonna get my hair done there soon, and i cant find their hours on their website, and i don't really want to call them. :P

    so does anyone know their hours? like on weekdays?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • im really confused! wi-fi question!!!?

    ok. so i have a pc computer that is not wireless. and i just got the itouch. i wanna be able to get on the internet,but i dont know how to get the wi-fi. can someone please give me a straight answer about getting wi-fi?? like how do u get it? what do you have to buy? what do you have to do?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • how old do you have to be to volunteer at Ft.Sanders hospital in Knoxville,TN?

    i wanna volunteer somewhere this summer..but i cant figure out how old you have to be to volunteer at Ft.Sanders. im 14. so if i cant volunteer there,do you know of any other place i can volunteer at? (doesnt have to be medical,can be any type of place) and i can work at places that hire at 14,know any? thanks for your help! (:

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • would i look good wit bangs?? like fringe?(pics included)?

    so im thinking about getting fringe. not short fringe...fringe like emily osment...and i wanted to know if u thot it would look good on me or not. i want an honest opinion. (: thanks.

    this is my pic.

    7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • christians only! :) pls answer?

    ok. so say im an athiest. and i want physical,like i can touch it,proof of the "god" they have in christianity. what would you present me with? what evidence do you have besides "look around you,and the Bible says so". do you have any more evidence? i want evidence you can TOUCH. or SEE. not something you have to have faith in

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • non christians- no stupid answers!?

    ok. so if a christian came up to ur door,and presented the message of christianity to u. what would it take to make u believe? would it take a creative way of presenting it? a hard hitting message? what would it take to make u realize truth in christianity? be serious! :)

    44 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is great clips salon?

    ok. i know its like a salon,but is it like a salon school?or a pro place? or one of those just walk-in clinics? and its the great clips salon im talikng about.:)

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • would this go in a ponytail? just curious.?

    hey,im getting my haircut today,and im getting it cut like this: and i wondered if it would go in a ponytail. thanks.

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • wood this hairstyle look good on me? (pics,but a bad 1 of me! )?

    this is a pic of me.horrible horrible pic of me,but it shows me at least. and im getting my haircut soon,and i wanted to know if this other pic wood look good on me. thanks. and be totally honest w me! lol! :) like if its nt gonna look good pls telll me! :)the 1st one is me,lol. obvious! :)

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • hair help! plz help!?

    ok. so rite now my hair is bout 2 inches below my shoulder, and im gonna get it cut soon,it is sorta thick,like not horribly thick,but not what i wood call thin. and my face is round/oval. and i wanna know,if i get it cut like low neck to very top of shouldr,do u think it wood look okay? and get layers,and side bangs starting right above my eye and slanting down. like,what im not sure about is if it wood make my face look kinda fat,bc as i said,its round/ovalish....pls help me! thanks!

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • HELP!!!! i need birthday party ideas!!!as soon as possible!! please no stupid answers!!?

    help!! im having a birthday party in like....a week..and i still havent thot of like a theme or anything!! and i need help! im 14 and i dont want the party 2 dorky,but a lil dorky is ok!:D lol! and..yeah...HELP ME!!:D thanks 2 all who respond!!

    9 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • i need help with yahoo!messenger as quick as u can get it 2 me!?

    ok, so i was just chating w/ a guy, and then wen we finished chatting i accidentallly closed off my yahoo!messenger IM thing, i really need 2 print out what we talked about, is there any possible way 2 like retieve what we talked about? please say there is!

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • i cant see what the other person is typing in!?

    ok, i just downloaded yahoo messenger like yesterday,and i was trying 2 chat w/ sum1 yesterday,but they could c what i typed in, but i could not c what they typed in,y is this? can u please give me instructions how to fix this? its really important i chat w/ this person! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • i need help finding a really intriguing book on a certain topic!!!!!!!!!?

    im trying to find a book on the topic of like people dying and like going to hell or going to heaven and then coming back to earth. my topic is exactly like the two books" 90 minutes in heaven" and "23 minutes in hell" but i need to find more then just these two books. please help me!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • i am trying to learnhow to play the acoustic guitar, and i really need help!?

    ok, so suddenly i want to play the guitar rite? so i got my sisters old acoustic guitar, printed off some detailed instructions how to play. ( jamorama newsletter 1 is what i typed in)but anyway when i try to play any chord, the strings are muted.(they are not suppsosed to be in the chord im trying to play) ( im trying to play either Amajor or Dmajor)maybe im holding my hands wrong. the paper says to"make sure each fingertip is placed directly behind the fret" what does that mean? i know what the fret is, but i dont know what they mean by behind it, i tried it several different ways, but in all of them the strings sounded muted. please pleas help me!!!!!!!!!

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • pliz help me to name this song!?

    ok, the artist's name is on the tip ov my tongue, but i just cant think ov his name. hes a christian artist. the name of the song is dead man. some of the lyrics go: i'm just a dead man lying on the carpet,tryin to find a heartbeat, set me free, iwnna be a new man.

    pliz help me!!!!!!!

    5 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • i need pictures 4 my haircut pleas help me!!!!!!?

    i need some pictures w/ some choppy layers and hair rite now is about down 2 the top part of my armpit and i was not going 2 cut any lenghth off. please help me!!!!!!!!!!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • i need help finding safe internet sites to download music videos!?

    i just got an mp4 player that plays videos, i formerlly downloaded all my music(not videos) from, but i dont think they have music video downloads. so i need another site. it has to be compatable w/ avi or mpeg-4(the type of videos the mp4 player will hold) id appreciate if u would give me a site that was legal( that means no limewire!)

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago