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  • Overly tight skin on entire body...?

    K, so, I've searched everywhere for an answer to this and I cannot find anything. So here's how it feels..

    My skin isn't sensitive to the touch but if it is pulled or rubbed it KILLS. I notice that I have very gushy skin though as well and I assume it has something to do with it. For example, you can't pinch my skin because its so tight.

    So bottom line, it feels way too tight and if pulled (like, grabbing my arm to pull me up-I'm aware this hurts everyone but it's overly painful for me) it feels like my skin is being stretched but it's too tight, making it really painful.

    PS. Im not just being a baby about it lol

    And I've been experiencing this for a few years it just never actually made a difference in my life but I've now gotten into high school wrestling and sometimes it's unbearable when my opponent grabs my arms or legs and pulls me around. I'm not gonna stop wrestling because I enjoy it so I'd really like to find a solution to this.

    Thank you if you help. PLEASEEE !!

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • What can I do with my hair for my wrestling meet?

    So, I'm a girl and my hair is pretty long so 1. what can I do with it besides a pony tail cause that still gets pulled pretty bad when I'm wrestling 2. I have shorter hair in front (bangs, sorta) so how can I keep those out of my face. You can't wear things that stick out like clips and such so I'm clueless on what to do to.

    I'm thinking braids but... idk...

    4 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Where is this coin from?

    My mom was doing her coin collection today and we were trying to find out where most of them are from to write down but of course we don't know this one because it is in a different alphabet. Seems korean or something.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • What is this thing and why do I keep finding it?

    kay, so the naked guy in the picture (don't worry, this isn't pornographic, he's not a real guy)

    I've seen him in multiple pictures over the web that I seem to just run into without looking. Another picture i seen of him was very odd and uncomfortable but I'm so curious of the origin of these pictures. Does anyone know??

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Gimp plug ins for windows xp help!?

    okay, so I know windows xp is super old but its my rents pc and they just dont update.

    im using Gimp as my photo editor and i wanted to install the plug in for the whole "fake" HDR images but i just don't get how. all the tutorials are on windows vista or later and its not the same, obv.

    for example, my gimp folder isn't called GIMP, it's geg-o or something, and the only folder in that folder is the plug ins folder. im super confused, someone, help?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Visa gift card pending transaction?

    so, i've messaged the help center but i'm inpatient and hopefully someone here has experienced this too.

    i ordered some stuff off of and it said the card was denied multiple times and the order isn't showing up on my order history but on my card account the order is there and my balance has been changed. above the order it says pending transaction.

    will my order end up going through? if not will i get my money back? and how long will this pending transaction take to go through?

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Zeiss Ikon Icarex 35 BM film?

    bought one of these cameras and i'd like to know what kind of film i can buy for it (if its in working condition, of course) and how much if possible.

    Cameras1 decade ago
  • Laptop won't boot after repairs?

    so, i brought my laptop in for repairs (they had it for a month) and they replaced the motherboard and the battery. now that its home, it won't turn on, at all.

    is there something i have to do to get it back up and running or is something else wrong?

    also, when i plug it in the ring turns half blue, half orange but then goes out... its an HP.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Linear Equation HELP?

    kay, so, I have a math assignment due Monday. I understand how to solve linear equations using elimination and substitution but i can't figure out how to rearrange the equation to put it into y=mx+b form.

    the equation is:

    3x + 2y = 5

    I need to know how to rearrange it. Not just an answer, steps please.


    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How to crack the upper half of your back?

    from the very top of my spine to the end of my shoulder blades...

    my back is KILLING ME and i think i really need to crack it but i cant figure out how to crack that half of my back.

    a chiropractor (sp?) would be nice but those guys scare me. lol

    thanks in advance

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Keep my ear holes from shrinking/flared plugs?

    k, so, i don't need like, advise on ear strecting in general, i've been doing it for like, 2 years now and haven't done anything wrong but i'm finally at a zero (which is my limit) and i've been trying to get my new pair of saddle plugs in but they refuse. i'm using tapers atm but when i take them out my hole immidiately shrinks, making it too small for me to get my plugs in. i don't wanna be walking around with huge tapers in, not to mension you aren't suppose to, apparently.

    i don't know if anyone is gonna have any advise on this but i just need to know how to get saddle plugs in, cause the middle is a 0 but the flare is bigger therefore it won't go in. and how to keep my ears from shrinking immidiately. (although, i assume the answer to that is to leave it in longer).

    thanks anyway

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How can i get curls like this? (picture included)?

    or waves... whatever you wanna call 'em

    i've tried using a straightener but i think mine's too thick to give me small curls and curling irons just plain don't stay, even with a gallon of hairspray.

    should get a new straightener (a thinner one) soon but for now... anything

    thank you :)

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Why isn't Glee on tonight?

    so, it's August 11th, 2010

    and i usually watch Glee every Wednesday night at 9 but tonight, it's not playing on any channels. Season 2 doesn't start until Fall.

    I'm pretty obsessed with the show so if i start missing episodes i'll be pissed :)

    anyone know why? lmfao

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a modern hope chest?

    i've been searching the internet for a while now and can't find one that... nice, more modern, yea know?

    im 15, gonna be 16 in a few months and my family gets hope chests for their 16th bday to fill with things for when we move out of the house (dishes, bedspreads, pictures...)

    my style is VERY modern, my rooms painted and white and all my furniture is silver/black/white or transparent. even my flat screen is white LOL

    so, really, a hope chest would look pretty loud in a room like that. anyway, i'd really like a white one, a little vintage too.

    hope someone can help.

    thank you in advance :)

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Good hamster treats and toys?

    HOME MADE please

    i give him bread soaked in milk, cheese once in a while and honey or crackers but what else can i make him that he'll LOVE :)

    any toys i can make too? just ideas, he's got a lot already but if you know of any cool ideas, SHARE!

    ps. he's a dwarf panda hamster,

    his names Charlye :D

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • How can i keep myself busy?

    so, my boyfriend is gone for 9 days and im pretty shooken up about it.

    i know, i know, it's just a week but we literally spend every minute together and we ARE in love.

    it's kinda crazy how much we're together and now randomly a week away so he can see his dad out of town is huge!

    i dont want advice telling me to get over it, if you were in my shoes you'd be crying and upset the whole time too.

    i just want something to keep me busy so time goes by FAST

    any ideas?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long will my youtube be suspended?

    so, i was running a very popular youtube account, my URL was

    i uploaded videos i made for songs by bands that weren't very popular and some that were.

    my account had 900 some subscribers and just got suspended, for obvious reasons.

    i'm really disapointed, i worked hard on the videos and the bands that knew about their videos were happy with what i was doing.

    but what i want to know is if it will even be given back to me or if it isn't really a suspension but a deletion.


    4 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • what in the world is the mac mini actually for?

    from what i've seen, you just plug it into your PC to make it a mac... wth is the point in that?

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • How can i get rid of cramps DURING school?

    so, i have a doctors appointment soon for an ultra sound and such to check for endometriosis. my cramps are so horrible i cry and roll around on the floor for usually the first 24hrs. But this month, i'm on my third day and they haven't gone away. I didn't fall asleep 'till 5am last night (day) because the pain stops me from sleeping.

    I know about exercising, hot bath/water bottle, all that junk but i can't do that during class. i've already missed two days of school so i can't miss anymore.

    Midol also helps but it makes my arms and legs shaky and i have to take it so often that i've been getting dizzy and nauseous from it.

    So, mainly, my question is, is there anything i can eat, drink, something possible during class? or at least to take away the pain until school is over?

    Need all the ideas i can get until i start taking birth control next month.


    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the meanings of the abbreviations on my class schedule???

    ENG-engish im guessing.






    FSF? and


    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago