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  • Strange Question (No ridiculous answers please)?

    Okay, where to start! Ever since I can remember, I have always been in tune with my emotions and intuition. High school is where my intuition really started kicking up. We had a guest speaker come in and talk about her son who overdosed and I just felt so sad. I felt like I was connected to him in a way and I could just feel him around in the room. After that event, nothing really happened until my grandma moved in with her boyfriend (this year). My grandma and I were watching tv when I got a very overwhelming feeling and it felt like someone was right next to me. It was really uncomfortable, I have never experienced something like this in my life before. I tried brushing it off but then images started popping into my head of a petite, blonde haired girl and the name "Jessica" was shown to me in my head. I found out that my grandmas boyfriends daughter passed away in a car crash 18 years ago and her name was Jessica. I was shown a picture and she was blonde and petite. The other day, I was checking out a lady at the register and she had a baby. I saw a quick image of a lady holding her pregnant belly and smiling but it was being shown to me, like someone was holding it in font of my face. When the lady walked away, I heard "abuela" in my head which means "Grandma" in spanish. All I want to know is how to go about telling people that their loved ones are coming through. I am extremely terrified to go up and end up being wrong so I just need a little guidance! Thank you!

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • What should I include when talking about environment and habitat?

    I am researching an extinct animal for my geology class and my role is to talk about the animals habitat and environment. Of course I would include where the animal lived, what the conditions were like etc. But I don't know what else to talk about. Should I include their adaptations, they way they behaved towards each other? Advice is much appreciated!

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersZoology5 years ago
  • Dreaming about my deceased grandpa and grandma?

    My grandpa passed away three years ago when I was a freshman, I recently just graduated and it was a little hard that he wasn t able to see my accomplishments but the night before graduation I had this vivid dream about him and he was telling me how proud he was of me and it ended and then last night I had another dream about him but this time it felt real, very real to the point where I could literally feel his hands holding mine and I could see every detail in his face. He was healthy and normal again. We were talking but in our minds. We weren t speaking out loud. Later in the dream he gave me a big hug and I will never forget his face but he looked straight at me and said, this time speaking "goodbye pookies, I love you" but his face looked so relieved it literally looked like him like he was really talking to me and then he went away. My question is was that a visitation dream? And a follow up question: every time I have dreams about loved ones that have passed they always say they "have to go" I had a vivid dream about my grandma who passed 11 years ago. a while ago I had a dream about her but in the dream it was very vivid and again at the end she told me she " had to go" and I haven t had a dream about her since? I m just not sure where they "have to go" sorry it s so long I m just very interested in visitation dreams and getting answers! Thanks a bunch

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • Boy problems lol please help??

    This guy and I have been like a thing for a while now and all my friends tell me that he's a little f*** boy and he is but being me I always try and see the good in people. Im super naive and I hate it. Today I asked him what we are and he replied sarcastically saying "I thought you liked so and so." This boy always thinks I like other dudes when I constantly tell him that I don't and he doesn't believe me which frustrates me so much!!!! We aren't even together and we already get into fights about really stupid things. We only hang out and he never takes me on dates or out to dinner or anything sometimes he will just blow me off (LOL). I just feel like I am wasting my time with him. Maybe I expect too much. I just don't know if I should let go of what I think we have or keep on trying and hoping we will be something in the future.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Which x men movie?

    There is a scene where two teenagers are in a lunch room and they are trying to hide their powers and another scene where the two mutants are in love but they can't be together because the girl can like freeze people or something. Which x men movie is this??? There are soo many!!

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Argument for my short story?

    I am writing a creative story and we are supposed to have an argument that sums up the whole story. My story is about a man who has schizophrenia and he's just getting out of the home and doing all these things with his life because he is finally free but it turns out that he has been in the home the whole time and has just been imagining his life. I need help developing an argument that basically tells the story as a whole. Sorry if this is confusing but help would be much appreciated :)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • The yellow wallpaper??

    I just read the yellow wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins and I need some clarification to the story. Why does she lock herself in the room and start ripping off the wallpaper?? Just like a whole explanation on the story would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What movie is this?

    So I watched the movie freshman year but I have nooo idea what the name is. The movie is about a boy who is taking a package somewhere and during his journey he faces unfortunate events and him running into obstacles to and for and in the end it turns out that the little boy is actually in a insane asylum and he's imagining everything and is just riding on his bike in the courtyard of the asylum. Please help this is bugging me! Thanks!

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Forgot to take birth control pills?

    So I forgot to take my BC pills and I know you have to double up the second you remember it but today I missed an active pill and tomorrow I will starting on my inactive pills. Should I take the pill I missed and the inactive one or should I skip the inactive ones and just take the one missed today and start my new pack? I really don't want to screw up my period though cause it's stresses me out not knowing when I will get it. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Should I breakup with him?? Please I need advice.?

    So my boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for about four months now. During Halloween is when he stopped talking to me. No texts and no calls from him whatsoever. I finally just stopped trying to talk to him all together. My birthday rolls around and again no calls or no texts. I decided to break up with him and for a little bit I was happy and then the memories stared coming back. Early December My friend was on his Facebook and showed me a picture of him and this girl uploaded from his cellphone on November 2.. two days before my birthday. It crushed me a bit and later that night he texted me saying that his phone was shut off and that he had to go to Florida for his grandpas funeral. We ended up getting back together but the picture of him and the girl was still lingering in my head. If his phone was shut off then how in the hell could he have uploaded that picture? I haven't talked to my boyfriend since Christmas night. We made plans for Friday to go see a movie. Wednesday no communication, Thursday i asked him what movie he wanted to see didn't respond, didn't talk to him on Friday. I called him today and his phone rang and no answer. Everyone thinks I should break up with him but i wanted some more feedback on my situation. He always tells me he misses me but whenever we make plans it always falls through and we end up having to wait another week. We have not seen each other since October.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My dad thinks I have a gift?

    So my dad thinks I have a gift to tell the future. One day my dad and I were figuring out what celebrities had the same birthday as us and my dad goes guess who has the same birthday as me? And Elton johns name just popped into my head and I said Elton John? And he said yeah! How did you know that? My grandma and I were waiting to get our passports and my grandma was freaking out thinking we weren't going to get them and I just knew that we would get them the next day I just had that 100% feeling that we were. The next day we got them. In Spanish class we were playing this bingo game and I saw this Spanish word and I knew that was the word that was going to be called next so I just put my marker on the word and about 2 seconds after that the teacher called that word. I have a lot of dreams that end up happening in real life and at first it freaked me out but I've gotten used to it. I just don't know how I can control it. This gift or whatever it is happens on it's own. I get these little messages in my head that come out of nowhere. My dad even gets those messages in his head too.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I need some ideas......?

    So in Spanish class our teacher wants us to make a fake school and present it. My friend and i decided we want to make a candy school. If you were at a candy school what kind of classes would you want there to be??

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration9 years ago
  • Making up a fake school. What kind of classes should there be?

    So in my Spanish class we are to make up a school and it can be anything we want so my friend and i wanted to do a candy school and i need some help being creative about classes. What kind of classes would you guys want to have in a candy school?? Your answers are greatly appreciated :)

    Polls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Scared of starting something?

    so my boyfriend and i have been going out for a month now and i guess everything is going fine. He just had to move to a different school so its been kinda hard to see him. Lately hes been acting distant when we text he usually answers with one word and he used to say a lot more and tell me sweet things and now he doesn't. We haven't seen each other in a week and i really miss him and i want to ask if anything is bothering him but i don't want to be that girlfriend who is up in his business but hes just worrying me a bit. Should i ask him whats up or just leave it? Your advice is greatly appreciated :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Am I wasting my time?

    So my boyfriend and I have been dating for a month now and a couple weeks ago he had to move schools he said he wanted this to work and so do I. We have been trying to see each other during the weekends and the first week was good and then this week has been a little rough we tried making plans but he didn't text me back to let me know what was going on. What is annoying is that i have to do everything for him. I have to pick him up from his house and take him back home. I just feel like i am putting more effort into this relationship than he is and if he really cared and wanted this to work he would try to make an effort to see me. I'm starting to feel like he doesn't care anymore and i should stop wasting my time. I don't know what do. Your advice is greatly appreciated :)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Please help me find this song!!!?

    So i have been trying to find this song but i have no idea what the lyrics are or who sings it but i think it was in the late 90s or early 2000s. The video has a rapper and he has blonde hair and there are people behind him i think he is at a party or a circus or something like that but the song sounds similar to nu flow by big brovaz. Please help me find this song ive been looking for so long now lol my mom said it is andre 3000 but i dont think it is.

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Instagram will not let me sign in....?

    Whenever i try to sign into instagram it says Error: Sorry, we couldn't connect our server to your internet connection or something like that and my wireless connection is working. Its making me very frustrated.

    34 AnswersMSN9 years ago
  • Boyfriend is acting weird???!?

    So my boyfriend and i have been going out for 3 weeks now and on wendesday we dont have any classes with eachother or lunch so he texted me throught the day and he told me to come out of my class so we could see eachother and he was giving me a lot of attention and thursday is when we have our classes together and he was ignoring me the whole day. He went and ate lunch with his friends which is fine i just dont know why he had to do that on the day we see eachother mostly. Today hasnt changed, hes been avoiding me. Every class i get out of we usually see eachother during passing period but hes been getting out of his classes early to go straight to his next class. By this point i feel we are going to break up but what is hurting me is him not talking to me and avoiding the situation. What should i do? Thank you in advanced :)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Neighbors light keeps going on and off?

    My neighbor recently passed away of age about a month ago. Today I was home alone and i noticed that his lights in his house keep going on and off. No one lives in the house but it's getting put up for sale. I thought it was just his porch light sensor but I looked closer and the light is coming from inside his house. I don't know if realtors use sensored lights and timed lights but it's kind of freaky any suggestions on what's going on...?

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • Going to the movies with a boy?

    I am 15 and this boy that I like asked me to the movies and he likes me back I just don't know how to ask my parents if I can go with him. They barely even let me go to the movies with my friends:/. I still feel like I'm in 6th grade. I know my dad will freak out I just need some advice on what to say to them. Thank you in advanced :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago