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  • Car when in gear will barely more or rev up?

    The situation as far as I know it. The Truck will move forward at a snails pace at normal revs, pedal to the floor the vehicle doesn't rev up or increase in speed. My initial suspicion was with the Transmission which was replaced. My second suspicion was with the fuel system, which has been troubleshot.

    I considered the transfercase, but someone who I really trust with mechanics said otherwise and to look at the fuel. As if the engine is not providing sufficient force to turn the transmission or even rev up when in gear. What I've done so far. -Transmission has been replaced. Fluid replaced with filter.-Fuel Water separator replaced- Kick down cable adjusted manually adjusted and even replaced modulator for transmission.-transmission lever linkage checked

    -Low fuel pressure (Before the fuel injection pump)checked 

    -High fuel pressure (After the fuel injection pump) Checked. 

    If this sounds familiar, would love a little insight. I feel like I hit a wall in this project. 

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 year ago
  • what does Ranger Qualified actually mean?

    one of my specialists was telling me that if you go to Ranger School, you will be a Ranger even though you haven't gone through RASP and you most likely are headed back to the unit. I was told otherwise and we had a friendly argument about it.

    But my SGT confirmed that the specialist is right, yet im not convinced.

    Also they say you are ranger qualified, what exactly does that qualify you to do. Like airborne qualifies you to be a parachutist.

    4 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • Why would a diesel engine have 2 fuel pumps.?

    So the trucks i work on there are 2 pumps, an electric one and a mechanical one. Also there is a fuel injector pump. Whats the point for all of these fuel pumps.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • can putting weights on your chest while laying down or tying an elastic band across your chest help you improve your breathing?

    I want to make the muscles that involve breathing stronger. I want it so i can talk louder as well as improve my breathing when exercising.

    If not what are some ways to achieve that.

    PS i run normally, i ran a 12:53 two mile after a month of holiday chilling. my point is please dont give me some wise answer like just work harder at running.

    1 AnswerRunning5 years ago
  • what is military/army writing format regarding essays.?

    I have to write an thousand word essay (in two days) about why you should be on time. And my Sgt. told me to figure out what military format was but i couldn't find anything other than something about using and active voice with straight to the point simple sentences. and i feel like this writing style is way to impractical for a long essay. So im hoping that im right in assuming that this isnt the format he was reffering to.

    3 AnswersMilitary5 years ago
  • can you light a fire with a spark plug?

    hypothetically speaking, lets say you are out in the forest with no matches but you have a vehicle. could you possibly take a spark plug and light a peice of wood with it by cranking the vehicle. if not, is their a practical way to use the vehicle to start a fire?

    2 AnswersPhysics5 years ago
  • My driver door sensor for my Toyota Camry isn t going off when closed?

    Pretty much when i close my driver door the open door light stays on, if i pull the door from inside while its closed the light goes off, so i don t think its the sensor, I think it might be the piece on the actual door that is supposed to push in the spring sensor isnt doing its job. i dont know what its called.

    The worst part is that this often times causes my car alarm to go off when i walk off, sometimes a while after.

    I just need some thoughts or advice from an experienced mechanic. i dont know what else it could be.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Does this sound like cheating, or just flirting.?

    Theres this chick who i know had a thing for one of my friends for years but he didn t really like her like that. Now she is married but she obviously still has a crush on the guy. The other day we were at a company party. the Chick always wears revealing or tight clothing when hes around. she was practically begging for attention from him. She would scoot up on him on the couch and rest her head on him when she was laughing. Just seeing other peoples opinion about it.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I need someone to recommend a website, set of videos on youtube that will be good for someone who has a soft voice and needs to get loud?

    I been looking around, a video or a series of videos on youtube would be nice because i feel like instructions are vague often when i read them. I found a lady with a good set of DVDs but a set of her dvds cost over 250 dollars. im open to invest in my voice but i feel like that's unnecessary.

    Give you an idea about my situation, I'm known to have a soft quiet voice and struggle to resonate and all that. My job often requires me to speak over a group of 30/40 some people. i also work around loud vehicles and need to learn how to be louder so i dont strain my voice. Thanks for the help

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • are the advertisements on Youtube random or based off of your internet shopping history?

    If you watch a youtube video, often times there is a box ad on the right hand side of the video. Is the ads personalized to each person or is it just random.

    2 AnswersYouTube6 years ago
  • Are people from more affluent backgrounds better with money than people from poorer ones?

    I asked this because there was this soldier who said that he didn't have money growing up so when he joined the army and started getting paid, he just started to buy everything. Needless to say the guy has money problems. While me, coming from a military family with steady income and benefits, am saving up and have a pretty good amount in savings.

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • Does smoking help you run better or breathe better?

    I joined the army and i made it a point to avoid smoking because of all the health issues associated with smoking, but i slipped over the past month and smoke 3-5 cigarettes a day. yesterday i ran a last minute PT test without any training and i managed to get one of the fastest run times i ve got my whole career, 12:38. and my breathing was fine, it was the endurance of my legs that was suffering at the end.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases6 years ago
  • need help naming a movie they played on African American month?

    Its about a black woman, she was in a relationship with an abusive guy, than she found a better man and started being with him. they ran away to like florida or something and they were part of a weird voodoo group. i forgot that part. but there was a big storm that destroyed every thing. at the end her lover dies somehow.

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • air intake component knocked out.?

    So I got into a little accident to where my driver side of my bumper cracked off. along with the bumper a little empty container came off also. I belive is part of the intake. What is this aND will it be fine to drive to the mechanic/body shop without it? The closest one is about 5-7miles away

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • auto dispute... parking lot accident?

    I recently got into a parking lot wreck. I was driving in the parking lot when I hit a guy backing up his car. the damage was to my driverside bumper in the portion of the car where the blinkers are (not the front as my headlights are still intact) Under the mirror. His was to the driver side rear corner.

    I kinda admitted to the police that i was destracted for a split second until noticing it was to late. will that affect the insurance that I said that? I feel like he was also at fault for backing up too fast. I also didn't do a good police report. I never done this before, and I wasn't thinking straight.

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration6 years ago
  • auto dispute... parking lot accident?

    I recently got into a parking lot wreck. I was driving in the parking lot when I hit a guy backing up his car. the damage was to my driverside bumper in the portion of the car where the blinkers are (not the front as my headlights are still intact) Under the mirror. His was to the driver side rear corner.

    I kinda admitted to the police that i was destracted for a split second until noticing it was to late. will that affect the insurance that I said that? I feel like he was also at fault for backing up too fast. I also didn't do a good police report. I never done this before, and I wasn't thinking straight.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration6 years ago
  • i remember seeing a movie trailer in theatres. i dont know the name. British parkour mi6?

    i think it was a british kid who was a parkour/free runner and he was recruited by mi6 or some kind of secret organization to become a spy.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago