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Statesville, North Carolina, are you going to get any colder?
Will it get any bit colder here? It's 65 degrees now and it's supposed to be the dead of Winter.
1 AnswerOther - Environment9 years agoMy HP mini's sound isn't working, help?
I have Windows 7 Starter. My HP isn't having any sound through the speakers recently. I've tried re-installing it's driver IDT High Definition audio CODEC and running those pointless troubleshooters both online and off the computer itself, nothing worked while saying 'fixed it'. Though the troubleshooter I used off the internet download said that it detected a hardware change and it fixed it. I'm not interested in calling in an HP technician for maintenance, I rather do this myself. Although it worries me that I have to open the computer and see what's wrong inside it which I wouldn't like to do because this computer is at constant use... And for the fact that I'd hate to accidentally break it.
Although if it's the necessity to do things I rather not, I'll take it as a best answer. But I rather find another away around...
Got any ideas guys? Thanks for reading and I appreciate all help!
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoWhat kind of set of colors is called when it's dark but has light sensitivity to change?
I'm sure it's used in paints (not cheap either...) has a dark color (indigo, black, dark blue, ect.) but changes when it's illuminated? Like if a plastic was painted with this kind of.. thing so to speak, it reveals and changes to rainbow like colors (not the whole rainbow) but blue, purple, red, light gray, or another color appear when light hits it. What is this kind of paint style called or any coloring tool used for that matter?
1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts9 years agoCan I stream music to my xbox via FORMATTED flash drive?
This question may seem the same as many other questions concerning playing music onto your XBox with a flash drive. However my flash drive has been formatted for the XBox 360 and isn't a regular kind of usb drive for PCs, although I can view it's contents just fine on here and notice my profile I saved on there. Can I add music onto the drive through the computer and have them play through the XBox? If so, how can I come about this? If I can't, how so?
I appreciate all help.
2 AnswersXbox9 years agoSo I was reported twice, boy am I not on a roll here?
1st time as of this morning I was reported for abuse, when my answer was about the parent not being supportive for their daughter, practically calling her ugly in her photos.
2nd Some one was begging to be reported and I answered, assuming that they were hacking into the person's account to get them reported, and warned them.
Am I in the wrong somewhere???
6 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years agoWhich exotic/wild animals are regulated or restricted in the county I live in (Iredell, NC)?
I am interested in owning quite an exotic animal, but all I've found about this was that it is considered wild in my specific county. Here in North Carolina, our regulations and restrictions are specified by county ordinances and not as a whole state law. I want to own an Arctic Fox, after attempting some thorough research I've come to find out the snow fox is considered to be in the Canidae family (duh..) and is classified WILD rather than EXOTIC. Furthermore, I need a WRC license acknowledging I own the wild animal, if it can be registered to begin with.
It's a simple yes or no question really, as far as for the animal I wish to own. I threw all those details in because if I'm going to own one, I'm going to show my responsibility of having him/her.
So the question, In Iredell County of North Carolina, which animals are restricted and regulated? Or more specifically, can I own the fox I want?
I appreciate all help from the community here to bring a conclusion to my question! All I can give you is ten points, if I could, I'd give you a thousand. Anyway, I'll greatly thank you to bring my confusion to an end.
2 AnswersOther - Pets10 years agoWhen is a popular japanese film released in the US either subbed or dubbed?
A movie in Japan is releasing in February 2, 2012 - AND BOY, CAN I NOT WAIT. It's Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (The English name of course...), and I think the film will be great because I'm a huge fan of the series in both manga and video games. I was wondering since it's made such a hit here in North America, if anyone has a clue as to when it'll be translated for North American viewers?
1 AnswerMovies10 years agoSolar panel spot light isn't working?
I have two were one isn't as bright as the other after a good charge and when I go to turn the faulty spot light on, the light dims and turns right off. I thought the switch is loose so I try to move it in a specific spot to keep it on but it doesn't work. I'm figuring the problem is in either the transistor or the switch, but I'm not sure what to do or not do. Help?
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoWhat causes disturbing nightmares?
I want to become a director, some scenes of my films though I want to be utterly disturbing and well detailed visions of just absolute petrifying shock. I've been having chocolate in the very late evenings before going to bed and I record my dreams in the mornings. Alongside I try to just simply get on my creative side to help my creativity in general, even if it's a happy dream. I want to direct science fictions and mysteries. What else can help me get creative dreams or nightmares before going to bed?
1 AnswerPsychology10 years agoMac OS Panther 10.3, file can't be read on Windows?
Hi, I'm using a Dell E510 with Windows XP and would like to know why I cannot use a burned Mac Operating Systems, from this computer, onto a iMac G5 2004. The description of the situation is that I see it boot up with a refresh and continue button. It Identifies the disc and has an X right next to the picture, I click go anyway seeing the lack of options. It then shows me many wordings including "Latest stick.. cpu8: [many codes]" and it ends with "panic! We are hanging here..."
What did I do wrong and how may I get this Mac OS working? I appreciate everyone's help to this question.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoHow do I grow grass on North Carolinian clay?
I just moved down to NC and I'm a bit confused on how to grow some grass here.The clay is a light redish brown and it is rough when you dig some inches deep into the grown, I'm figuring the average grass seeds won't survive being grown on here. What grass I'm looking for though is something cliche, nice and soft yet thick, practically the average lawn grass. I've looked online and found that I can use 'bermudagrass', but it's something I really don't want. What other seeds can I use? Any procedures need to be done? This is the first time I'm working with a lawn so some tips would be really helpful. I appreciate everyones' support to this question, please no ads.
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoUSB problem with my BlackBerry Smart Phone?
It can charge, but it won't be recognized onto the computer (laptop). I'm confused, I've looked for help. But everything I found, everyone was complaining that it wouldn't charge either, though I can charge it.
What can I do? I appreciate all help.
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoCan I become a historian for this subject in this day in age?
I'm 17, Iv'e been looking at careers and one I'm interested about is becoming a historian. Thing is, I want to be a historian for music history (Pop, Rock & Roll, Jazz, Classical, ect.). Specifically I want to study recorded pasts of music in pop culture (which goes only back into the 1920's) It's 2010, is it possible for me to do this? How can I perform such a career?
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoTrying to sell used phones, help please?
I've looked at some historical questions. I found Envirofone very interesting and helpful to recycling, but I can't take Euros because I live in the U.S.
Are there any stores that'll take my old phone and buy it?
I'm more towards looking for a store to sell it to rather than use it online (I'm in NJ if a buissness that buys phones is common here).
I appreciate your help.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhat does it mean to have "Ears of an ***" ?
I've been told by my school teacher it means to be stupid or in-comprehensive. I went online and everything is saying that it means to dwell longly on a situation or live a short life (Thusly, Donkey years, but it's not that that I'm looking for). Ear's of an ***?
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade agoWhy do things glow green in the dark?
I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but why can't 'glow in the dark' phosphorescence items glow blue or red or even white? Do they and I just happen to not know? What properties and fun experiments can I use and practice to make these things?
I appreciate your help.
5 AnswersChemistry1 decade agoQuestions about Spring Hill, Florida?
Does it ever snow there? When?
What's the temperature and the wind usually like? Any breezy/ chilly days or nights?
I know, these are indeed stupid questions. I'm moving there soon and I was hoping if there'll be any cold weather down there, I like the cold. Please be honest, I don't want my hopes up for nothing XD
I really appreciate your help.
3 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade agoAnybody know about 60's Heavy Metal?
I wanted to know about 60's metal music. How did it evolve right after the Golden Age and Rock and Roll? What was it like being in the 60's and loving metal? Anymore interesting information I'll take as well. Thank you.
11 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoNeed help with black hair dye, please?
I'm not an expert with hair dyes and the chemicals in it but at one time I dyed my hair black, it was black but when the sunlight hit my hair it was incredibly purple- I loved it. I know that I went somewhere wrong because I bought regular black hair dye from the Revlon hair brand... What did I do that made my hair purple in the light? (it was much stronger than a tint, my hair was completely purple.) I really want to know how because I want to redo the same mistake again but with blue. How can I do that?
I really appreciate your help : )
2 AnswersHair1 decade ago