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Lv 55,644 points

Dallen B

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  • What jobs? Where are these jobs?

    Where are the jobs the media talks about?

    Obama and some of the media keeps saying the amnesty Obama wants is so the illegal people in the u s can help fill the jobs employers can not find workers for. where are all these jobs they are talking about?

    If all the ones here illegally are allowed to stay here to find work they will be the same as the American people who can not find work. We will have just more unemployed people in the U.S. and our economy will just get worse!

    How can allowing 11 million more people who do not belong here to start looking for work help America when there is no jobs for so many Americans and legal immigrants already here and no work is available for them?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Will pandering to the Supreme Court justice's work?

    At the Performance at the White House the other day highlighting Hispanics George Lopez made a special point of “wooing” and fraternizing with one of the Federal Supreme Court judges (along with the similar actions to the Obama Family). To the best of my knowledge this is the first of these events at the White House that has been put on National TV.

    This brings a couple of interesting questions:

    . 1 – As the event was aired when Obama is pushing for amnesty for the millions of illegals in this country was it a part of the Presidents sales pitch?

    . 2 - As there is no doubt the Supreme Court will in the near future be addressing some of the issues relating to illegal aliens was Lopez’s deliberate association with the Justice wrong and won't she be biased in her opinions?

    . 3 – Should this kind of activity be publically held when it is obvious it was designed to help sell amnesty?

  • Will the Supreme Court justice be biased in her opinions?

    At the Performance at the White House the other day highlighting Hispanics George Lopez made a special point of “wooing” and fraternizing with one of the Federal Supreme Court judges (along with the similar actions to the Obama Family). To the best of my knowledge this is the first of these events at the White House that has been put on National TV.

    This brings a couple of interesting questions:

    . 1 – As the event was aired when Obama is pushing for amnesty for the millions of illegals in this country was it a part of the Presidents sales pitch?

    . 2 - As there is no doubt the Supreme Court will in the near future be addressing some of the issues relating to illegal aliens was Lopez’s deliberate association with the Justice wrong and won't she be biased in her opinions?

    . 3 – Should this kind of activity be publically held when it is obvious it was designed to help sell amnesty?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How many illegal aliens will apply?

    So - the new immigration bill passes allowing the illegal aliens to apply for amnesty. How many will actually apply?

    To apply the illegal alien will have to Identity themselves as illegal aliens, agree to identify the jobs they have held in the U S and agree to pay any income taxes (plus fines and late fees) they have not paid. They will have to learn to speak English and spend 13 years in the amnesty process.

    What illegal alien would do this? If they fail to meet the standards in the application they will not get amnesty BUT they have identified themselves and will be subject to deportation! What happens if they start the amnesty process and some time down in the future they fail to complete the amnesty process - what happens to them? They have been identified and investigated before they can enter the amnesty program so will they be deported? Chances are in both cases they will just slip back into "{the shadows" with the vast majority of the illegals who elected not to chance the amnesty process!

    I have read through the part of the bill suggesting amnesty and I can not find it; what provisions in the proposed bill covers these possibilities?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • What provisions in the Gang of Eight bill --?

    What provisions in the Gang of Eight Immigration bill will insure government appointed department heads will be forced to comply with the immigration laws.

    The problem with our current immigration law is there is nothing that forces federal managers from complying with those laws. These managers are allowed to pick and chose parts of the ;law as they desire and to use their personal discretion on how "they" want to apply the law.

    If the new immigration laws do not clearly define the elements of the law and make mandatory the legal application of the laws we will be left with the same arbitrary interpretations and self governing mess the current law has allowed.

    Does the new law provide for "hard and fast" rules mandated in such a way that federally appointed managers are forced to do as the law says?

  • What happens to family members who can not ---?

    What happens to family members of illegal aliens who try to take advantage of the amnesty suggestions in the new immigration bill if some of the family members do not meet the requirements for amnesty? Will they be deported or just allowed to stay in the U.S?

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Why are there so many jobs now but not yesterday or tomorrow?

    For the past 6 years we have been begging for jobs. We have heard politicians say we need new jobs to get American workers back to work. We have had millions of workers on unemployment most of whom have run out of benefits and still can not find jobs.

    So why then are we being told we need to give amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens as we need workers in the states? Why are Democrats saying every state Governor in support of amnesty for illegals needs to be doing everything they can to recruit these illegals to fill the jobs going unfilled in their states.

    Statistics show approximately 32% of these illegals have no education of marketable skills. Giving them amnesty will only make them eligible for many of the social benefits they are illegally drawing now and put an even greater strain on our social, financial systems and our quality of life. So where are all these jobs that the governors need to be filling? I need one of them!

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What is wrong with an increase in minimum wages?

    A discussion on Minimum Wage is almost sickening to me. We have millions of American workers who are struggling to make ends meet as the price of virtually ever thing increases.

    In 2011 the AVERGADE wage increase for CEOs was 39% (that’s the average increase).

    If a person making minimum wage of $7.50 and hour received a 39% pay increase s/he would get a $2.93 an hour increase taking them to $10.43 cents.

    So why if the average CEO is worth a 39% increase does the minimum wage employee not deserve something better than another year at minimum wage?

    But then a soon as the minimum wage goes up everything else will take another increase.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Is diesel used to heat a house the same as Diesel in the truck?

    I changed my furnace from oil (diesel) to natural gs now I have a bunch of heating oil left. I have a small tractor that uses diesel but it will take me ten years to use up what I have left. Years ago I wold run down to the gas station and get five gallons of diesel to keep my home furnace running through the night and I never had any problem with it. Would it be safe to use the diesel in my furnace oil storage tank in a diesel car/pickup? It is a combination of #1 and Number 2 as the delivery company delivered what they felt was appropriate for the weather.

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • Will Bryan's home state support him knowing - - -?

    Romney's Vice President nominee (Bryan's) was serving in Congress when some of his constituents asked him to obtain federal stimulus money for them. Bryan said he would do so and he wrote the papers to get the money for them. He then sent the request to Congress - BUT - he then told Congress he did not support the application.

    He had given his constituents the impression he was going to help them but then worked to see they would not get the money!

    Will his "home town" state people see him for what he is and just say NO?

    He is also one of the leading supporters in Senator Mitch McConnell's efforts to see president Obama Fail. - That effort to see Obama fail is he same efforts that has created failure in getting our nation's problems fixed. Had McConnell, Ryan and the others who backed them worked half as hard at helping fix America we would be well on our way to National Recovery!

    Do you honestly think his constituents will continue to support him knowing how he lied to them and how hard he has worked at seeing our nation and people continue to suffer ? ? ?

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why, if Romney was Governor of a state, does he not understand - - -?

    Romney says Emergency.Disaster response should be the responsibility of the states and done under control of the governor. He was saying FEMA should be abolished BUT now he is saying they are important but should have a limited role in disaster relief.

    He was a governor so he should know how FEMA works.

    Emergencies and Disasters are manged at the lowest possible level. A community is responsible for their disasters. If they can not handle it the county is asked to assist, If the county needs assistance they go to the Governor who provides states assistance. If it is too big for the state they can ask for federal assistance and FEMA will respond; the governor is still responsible for controlling the situation as we are seeing in the current East Coast disaster.

    FEMA can respond without request when disaster involves fedralproperty and they will respond when a disaster is so big it involves several states; but - the governors are still responsible for the activities within their states. FEMA provides advice, subject mater experts, labor, equipment, funds and virtually any resources needed to assist the local and state governments.

    Why does Romney not understand the role of FEMA and not knowing why would he suggest abolishing FEMA without finding out what their role is?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Why can't Florida return the $300 Million Meant To Help Homeowners?

    Florida was give $300 million dollars eight month ago to help home owners and those who have lost their homes. For some reason Florida has never activated the program and is sitting on the $300 Billion dollars.

    Is it because Florida does not need the money?

    Wouldn't using it to help relieve the housing mess and also help create jobs and help Florida's economy?

    Should Florida return the money to the Federal government so it can be used in states that will use it?


    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Why Florida Is Sitting On $300 Million Meant To Help Homeowners?


    This money was made available to numerous states (including Florida) eight months ago. Every state but Florida has adopted and implemented the program and has helped a huge number of people who were about to loose their home and others to get back into another home.

    SO - why has Florida not made the money available to those in Florida who need the help?


    1 AnswerOrlando9 years ago
  • If the final vote is completely equal - - -?

    If the final vote count comes out to be the exact amount for Obama and for Romney which will show as being the most expensive votes ? Like, romney has received billions of dollars from people like the Koch brothers, Karl Rove and the dumb dumb casino owner in Las Vegas and a lot of other wealthy donors. Obama has also received a huge amount in donations but mostly from the working class; so all in all - how much will each Obama vote cost compared to the cost of a Romney vote?

    It really seems like America is being sold to the highest bidder!

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Romney actually reduced his state budget by - - - ?

    According to Romney when he was governor he reduced his states budget. AND - during the debates two weeks ago he was asked Specifically what he would do to enforce the "Equal Pay" laws; he did not answer the question; instead he stated when he was governor he hired women into his cabinet.

    There is a strong possibility then that Romney reduce the state budget by hiring women and paying them less than he was paying the men? Could it be he had the same policies at Bain?

    Is that why he did not answer the question?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Why did Romeny NOT answer the Question about "Equal Pay?"?

    It could be that Romney reduced his states budget by hiring women and not paying them equal pay with the men! He did not answer the question but he said he had hired women and he earlier had said he reduced the sates budget: COULD that have been by paying the women less? Is there some way to find his budget and see who was being paid what?

    Did he also pay women at Bain Capital less than he was paying the men?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • What is the difference between "Off the cuff" and prepared studied answers?

    Romney blew it again when he told a gathering of Wealthy contributors that 47% of Americans are basically drains on Americas wealth.

    When confronted about his comments he said he could have said it better but that his comments were "off the cuff." Does this suggest that if he had prepared his comments he could have said more what the audience wanted to hear? Does it mean hi integrity and values may reflect differently when talking from a prepared speech to when speaking without notes?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Want to know why the Romney’s have so much money?

    Have you seen the Romney’s family picture? - There must be 2 dozen people in the picture; are they all his kids and grandkids?

    IRS regulations allow a tax payer to donate $10,000.00 of their earrings to anyone they want and neither you or the recipient has to pay taxes on the money. Let’s assume there are two dozen people in that picture and Romney gives $10,000.00 to each one - that would be a $240,000.00 tax deduction for him. That also means that $240,000.00 remained in is family without anyone of them having to pay taxes on it. If that $240,000.00 is added to the 10% he allegedly donates to is church and the other 10% his wife (Ann) says they donate to charity how much is he writing off? ? ? ?

    If this sounds fishy then maybe we do need to see his tax returns - - - What did John McCain see in the Romney tax returns that turned him off? Would it also turn off the American voters – it must be enough to keep Romney from presenting the returns.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why are the oil companies not keeping their refineries up to date and why are they not improving their output?

    The oil companies are saying they can pump far more oil than we have a demand for and at the same time they are saying their refineries can not process the amount they can pump. There seems to always be a reason why one of the refineries goes down and if there is not a better reasons for the refinery to be shut down they do so for alleged maintenance.

    Why don't the companies improve their refineries to prevent break downs and to increase their output?

    Why are so many of the refineries positioned in areas that are frequently so negatively effected by adverse weather? Why would the Keystone Pipeline be run into the Texas refineries that are already subject to weather shutdowns and by increasing the dependency on those refineries make them a major threat to terrorist activities?f

    They are in a position to make more money by processing less. They can reduce their overhead by cutting back on production, lay off a handful of employees, reduce their operating costs and kick the price up thus making a larger profit.

    Why - with the alleged intelligence of the Oil Company management, can they not improve their ability to increase output and to improve the refineries efficiency and safety?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Does a Kirkland make you an okay guy?

    Doe Mitt wear his new Kirklands on the campaign trail or are they his work shirts?

    Which Cadillac do you think Ms Romney drove to Costco to buy Mitt some shirts?

    She said she bought Mitt three Kirkland shirts at Costco and they didn't look bad at all. I wonder where she usually buys his shirts and what she expected to get at Costco. She made it sound like she was slumming - I wonder which Caddy she drove.

    I guess we are to assume he is a down-to-earth guy because he now has three Kirkland shirts!

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago