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  • Black Ops Zombies Help?

    In ascenion I was playing and the bottom door from where u start I opened it and it was weird I opened it and walk though really fast like I always do but this time I died and heard the girl laughing was there a glitch there that was patched like the luna lander

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • On Call of Duty Black Ops?

    I have been playing Black Ops since it came out on my sisters PS3 now I got mine I've got mine wireless and hers wired to the router that we both use but when I try to make a party with her in the room it kicks me out or her out of the room when we launch or sometimes it tells me her session is no longer active and I can see her screen she has everyone she plays with waiting for me to get in I've even jumped in while in game lobby and does the same and Oh I have static IP on my PS3 which I dmz. Any help I have a netgear cable modem/wifi router

    1 AnswerPC1 decade ago
  • Call of Duty Black Ops?

    I have been playing for sometime on the multiplayer and when I am in some matches my secondary or claymores come out especialy when i try to shoot another player that is not paying attion only to have them turn to me and kill me first is there a paticular hack they r using or is it a glitch in the game itself. Thank u all who respond

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What is the Top of the Line commercial Gas Stove Range.?

    I am looking for a Commercial Gas Stove Range the Kind they use in the Restaurants.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Alfread Hitchcock Movie or tv question?

    when i was a little girl i use to watch alfread hitchcock on T.v. there was one that i watched that a man fliped a coin into a hat and it stood up on it's side and after that he could hear peoples thoughts in his head at the end he hit the coin with another and it fell down with the rest of the change and he couldn't hear anymore could anyone tell me the name of the movie. thanks a lot

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What is better of the two a Plasma tv or a Lcd tv for gamming and watching?

    I am trying to buy a new flat screen tv to play ps3, wii also in general to watch which would be the best one to buy and does 1080 mean pixels like a computer screen and i've read that some say 600 hz is that how fast the imaging is transitioning between images like a computer screen. could anyone give me insight on this

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • 98 Tahoe LT 4 wheel Drive Question?

    Hi I was Driving on the freeway and doing the Speed limit and all of sudden the truck started to vibrate real bad when I was trying to get off the freeway I heard a PoP and when I put it in park it still kept rolling so I put on the emergency break to get it to stop I looked under and saw some gears r out and the casing that enclosed them was busted but the gears look ok to me. However Do you know how much this would cost me to fix it looks like it's a 4 wheel drive casing.

    Here are 3 Pic's of what it looks like if anyone could tell me what the part name is or how much it would it cost to repair I'm in California and Thank You.

    2 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Fixing Motion Blur in Pictures?

    Is there a good program with a one step photo fix to fix pictures with a lot of motion blur. Or is there a guide on how to fix pictures with a lot of motion blur. Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Has this Happen to you while pregnant?

    I am almost due have had 2 children already but I never felt like this with my other children like I do with this one. When I walk around the house from one room to another I feel like a lot of pressure like the baby is trying to find it's way it feel like pressure with some pain and if I don't sit a bit it seems to get worse has this happen to anyone else. I know that every pregnacy is diffrent but this one just has taken a large toll on my body.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Beta Strep test why?

    I have 2 kids and one on the way and all of my kids I have tested Neg. for Beta Strep however when I had my daughter she had it but not I. I just saw the obgyn yesterday and he told me that my test was neg. again this time with my son and I told him that my daughter had it but I didn't when she was born he told me that I needed antibodics when I go into labor with my son (soon I hope been a very long pregnancy for me) is this a precaution step that is taken when they find out the child has beta but not the Mom?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Beta Strep Does anyone know Why?

    I have 2 kids and one on the way and all of my kids I have tested Neg. for Beta Strep however when I had my daughter she had it but not I. I just saw the obgyn yesterday and he told me that my test was neg. again this time with my son and I told him that my daughter had it but I didn't when she was born he told me that I needed antibodics when I go into labor with my son (soon I hope been a very long pregnancy for me) is this a precaution step that is taken when they find out the child has beta but not the Mom?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • One Life To Live Fans Do would you like a new them song?

    I read that Snoop Dogg is going to sing at Ultra Violet club on May 8 and May 9 and do a little acting and feature his re-mixed version of the show's theme song. What do you all think.

    Personaly I think it's about time OLTL need it and I like Snoop.

    here is the link so you can read the artical

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • When are they going to bring Tiffany and Sean Donaly back?

    I think they need to bring back Tiffany and Sean donaly for a couple of shows to recruit some young blood to the WSB being they have brought a couple of oldies back. Just to give the mob a run for there money don't you think?

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What about Lucky?

    When are they going to finally let Lucky be Lucky in love instead of haveing him always sad and betrayed as of late they just need to get him back with Sam and start a family with her or give him someone else to fall in love with so Elizabeth and Jason can be together

    16 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Breakfast Club Question?

    In the movie the breakfast club Sheedy Charater has lunch.

    Me and My Hubby are fighting about what she does to the lunch I say she puts pixi sticks and captin crunch but he say that insted of captin crunch she put's fritoes. Can you all help me settle this. Thanks.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is Nicholas a guinepig?

    I think doc Devlin is using Nicholas as a guinepig I think Devlin is the one behind the Metro Court incident and the one who had Jerry poision Nicholas and now is trying to get Nicholas to another experimental drug. I also think he is the one Jerry has been talking to and he is just anthor mobster waiting for the right moment to take over Port Charles

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH Fans Does anyone Think?

    What do you think of the whole episode dedicated to Amy Vinning. Do you think the writers should have taken the time to give a proper tribute to her insted of just telling us at the end she passed on, don't get me wrong I like Epiphany Too but they could really tell us the reason Epiphany took over her job

    13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Anyone watch Prison Break?

    Good season fanaly Is Sarah really dead kinda confussed because at the end of the episode they made a referance of Sarah and can someone tell me the the name of the song that was played while everone realized where the were going to be for now

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • what do you think about todays episode of GH?

    Who here thinks that Diego being the Text Message Killer was a good idea I really don't think it was not such a good idea to boring and a lack of imagination really I understand the motive and it explains why Christina went catatonic but the way they drug it out for so long and they revealed it really sucked especially how he just kept going after Sam. Want to know why he killed Georgie she used to have a thing for him and gave him the benifit of the doudt for alot of stalking he did way back when.

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • General Hospital People Do you Think about this crazy Stuff like this?

    What if they brought back WSB a new generation of them like when luke and lura were on. If so what's your opeion. OR about Ex carly and new carly (married to Jax)

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago