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  • How can I protect my dogs nerve damaged leg?

    My dog was hit by a car about 3 weeks ago and now had a dead leg from nerve damage... He already has some decent grazes on his leg from dragging it and I was wondering what I could do to stop that? I've already seen the vet and he has ordered a boot for him but in the mean time what can I do other than just bandaging it (he keep chewing the bandages off)... HELP!!!!

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Friendly pranks to play on teachers?

    I know teachers have it tough but its my very last day of school ever and my class and I and pretty close with all our teachers. We just want something harmless and fun for them to remember us by :)

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • I need help with this maths question?

    If you could, step it out so I know how to do it next time :)

    Tai earns a gross weekly wage of $1024. Each week her deductions are:

    *tax instalment of $296.40

    *health fund contribution of $24.50

    *union fees of $15.80

    She also pays $3640 over the year as her share of the household expenses. What percentage of her net wage does Tai pay for household expenses?

    Does net mean after all the deductions have been made?

    Thanks in advance :)

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How do I do this maths equation?

    Its for an assessment task which is due on Monday and I just really can't get my head around this one question.

    Bhawana purchases pool chlorine in a new container which holds 35kg.

    Her weekly use:

    3 cups on the first day of each week.

    1 cup daily for the rest of the week.

    She begins using this new container on the first day of a week.

    How many full weeks should this container last?

    This question seems so simple and I know we've done it in class before but I just cannot answer it! If you could, step it out for me rather than just answering it. I'd really like to know how to do it next time.

    Thanks in advance :)

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Getting a piece of jewellery engraved for my boyfriend's 18th?

    I've bought him a stainless steel dog tag and a black one of the same size to dangle in front of it. I was thinking of having "My gun, forever & always (love heart)" written in the silver dog tag but I'm not sure :/ help!!!

    P.S: his nickname from me is my gun so, yeah haha lol

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • What's wrong with me?!?

    It first started about a month ago, I was having trouble peeing and when I did it hurt like a pressure feeling a little while after... I had a feeling it was uti but its really embarrassing for me because I live in a small town where all the nurses and doctors know me :/ and I've been having sex which I don't want my mum to know... Anyway, it felt as though it went away on its own for a while but now I'm waking up at the early hours of the morning and peeing lots of small amounts, but it doesn't hurt. I pee and I feel relieved until I lie down to go to sleep then I need to go again... What is this??? And how do I get rid of it???

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Have I got UTI or not?

    It first started about a month ago, I was having trouble peeing and when I did it hurt like a pressure feeling a little while after... I had a feeling it was uti but its really embarrassing for me because I live in a small town where all the nurses and doctors know me :/ and I've been having sex which I don't want my mum to know... Anyway, it felt as though it went away on its own for a while but now I'm waking up at the early hours of the morning and peeing lots of small amounts, but it doesn't hurt. I pee and I feel relieved until I lie down to go to sleep then I need to go again... What is this??? And how do I get rid of it???

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • I'm 16, a girl and my father hit me...?

    Tonight whilst I was cooking dinner I heard my mother mumble something about money being gone from her purse... I ignored it not really think much about it then she comes out to the kitchen asking me where is the money?? I calmly said I have not taken any money from you're purse without permission. She shook her head then went into my room to look for it. I ignored this as well because I knew I didn't have the money. She came back out an asked again, this time I was getting upset and I started to get weepy as I told her again that I had not taken the money, all of a sudden my father came running into the kitchen and he hit me several times in my shoulder and face... Not really hard but slaps that stung. He told me that I was not allowed to see my boyfriend until I owned up for stealing the money and that if I continued to steal I would be kicked out... I was very shocked! I have taken things in the past but I have owned up for almost all of them... Is this child abuse? Violence againts women? domestic violence? I feel afraid of him after this and I'm scared to leave my room...

    9 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What job can I do to stay with my boyfriend?

    My boyfriend has just been accepted into the military and its fantastic, but now I really need a job to look into that won't keep us seperated when he comes home. I was looking into journalisim and Anthrapology beause they look like an interesting and challenging job which is kind of what I want. I don't do so well under pressure and I hate being locked inside... So any suggestions??

    Please and thank you :)

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I got drunk and momentarily forgot where I was?

    My boyfriend doesn't believe me... But I'm telling the truth!!! Is this normal or should I see a doctor??

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Can someone give me a list of new music to put on my ipod?

    So far ive got:

    Gangnam style

    We are never ever getting back together

    Blow me one last kiss

    As long as you love me

    Good time

    Pound the alarm

    Let me love you

    Big jet plane

    Set this world on fire


    i love every kind of music except heavy metal and country so whatever you can think of :)

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • I need to write an essay on what effect music has in movies.?

    But I really don't know what I'm doing :/ can you please help me?

    3 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Can you help me with this question?

    Kim had a taxable income of $381 459 and paid $84 639 in PAYG tax. Which of the following is Kim's tax debt? Select A,B,C or D.

    A) $69 739.44 B) $64 017.10 C) $64 017.55 D) $148 656.55

    The answer is A. But i dont know how it came about?

    The tax bracket is $58 000 plus 45c for each dollar over $180 000 and the medicare Levy is 1.5% of whole taxable income, if that is even needed to answer th question?

    Sorry if I confused you I just really need some help with this :/

    Thanks :D

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Is this a normal reaction?

    My "friend" and I have both really liked each other for a while now. But about a month ago I found out he'd slept with my best friend because he was upset and I basically died inside. I smiled and tried not to make it obvious. Then just last weekend we were at a party and he got really close to me. He held my waist and pressed his nose into mine. He always makes me all tingly and nervous but I'd never go with someone who slept with my friends so I had to control myself and push him back.

    I really had my heart set in him. It crushed me when I found out he'd slept with my best friend, I'll never forget him... But i feel like I have to let go and go away. Is this a normal reaction?? Am I over reacting??

    3 AnswersAllergies9 years ago
  • Please help!!! My dog is sick what do I do?

    About 2 hours ago my mini fox terrier cross kelpie started to look really tired. We brought her inside to sleep and now she's shaking/twitching. She looks really worn out but she hasn't vomited. I've searched her all over for ticks but I couldn't find any. I just called out to her and she hasn't even looked at me.. What is wrong with her???

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What's wrong with me!?!? Should I just tell him how I feel?!?!?

    My best friend is a guy... We went out for a tiny while a couple years back but it was very much a secret and my parents didn't even know. We kissed a few times but that was it. My mum says I'm too young to date and I'm daddy's little girl so it would break his heart but I think I'm still in love with my best friend!! But I'm soo confused!!! One minute I feel like I'm completely head over heels in love with him the next I feel almost regretful about how I felt and I don't even know why I felt like that!! Right now I feel the first one :/.... So I'm just wondering, what do I tell him?? And if you think I should just go for it (I just turned 16 btw) how do I break the news to my parents??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to understand financial maths?

    We are studying financial maths in class and I dont really understand. It holidays now so I can't ask my teacher but I would really like some step by step examples??

    Thanks soooo much guys :)

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago

    I'm trying to write a song from my heart and I've just been writing down random lines as I feel them but I need help to unjumble them so they make sense.

    I can't bare to break your heart,

    So i don't know where to start.

    I grip these words between my teeth,

    But I know they'll slip eventually.

    I'm just trying to give your heart some peace.

    They look at you and count the flaws,

    As you try to climb those stone cold walls.

    I try not to say anything wrong.

    I'm trying to help you stay strong...

    Then I dont know what else to put...

    Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, it's about my friend who is in love with me but I would never go with him because of the first line... Can you help me out with it and tell me what you think of the lyrics? Thank you :)

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Can you tell me what you think of my lyrics please :)?

    Verse 1:

    When you look into her eyes, tell me,

    What do you see?

    You’ve told her so many lies,

    And you’ve cut her way too deep.


    They say the memories took your place.

    That she’d finally moved on.

    But you left your fist upon her face,

    And you meant it all along.


    Is this how you’re going to leave her?

    You’ve thrown her to the floor.

    She may not be perfect,

    But does she deserve that?

    And do you feel like a man now?

    Did you make your family proud?

    You say you’re perfect,

    But you’re not worth it,

    Worth it...

    Verse 2:

    You broke her,

    But still you need her back,

    Because you can’t stand her being happy,

    When you’re still stuck like that.

    Pre- Chorus:

    They say the memories took your place.

    That she’d finally moved on.

    But you left your fist upon her face,

    And you meant it all along.


    Is this how you’re going to leave her?

    You’ve thrown her to the floor.

    She may not be perfect,

    But does she deserve that?

    And do you feel like a man now?

    Did you make your family proud?

    You say you’re perfect,

    But you’re not worth it,

    Worth it...


    Is this how you’re going to leave her?

    You’ve thrown her to the floor.

    She may not be perfect,

    But does she deserve that?

    And do you feel like a man now?

    Did you make your family proud?

    You say you’re perfect,

    But you’re not worth it,

    Worth it...


    When you look into her eyes tell me,

    What do you see....?

    Soooo.... what did you like/hate? what can I change? and does it flow??

    Sorry I ask alot of questions :)

    4 AnswersLyrics9 years ago