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I want to know if this is a good quilting idea.?
I want to make a quilt with squares that have my favorite books, book characters, video game characters and sayings, movies and ships (normal and slash love). Im teaching myself how to make quilts and this is a way to practice handstitching letters. It will be a small blanket and I think it'll be a cool way of remembering what I was into as a 21 year old when im older. What do you think?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts5 years agoanxiety caused by driving. help?!?
Okay, im 19 and have been driving a while. i am supposed to go drive to see my friend tomorrow after work who moved 45 min away. I have never driven that far alone and im horrible at directions. I really want to see her because I haven't seen her in over a year and I want to be her moral support when she tells her dad she's prego. I'm afraid that I will get lost or get in a wreck. I have depression and dyslexia.
I may not be able to go if I have to work Sunday but hopefully I will.
I feel so much better. I needed to vent. I do want some opinions on whether I should go or not but I'm going to try anyway... Or not....
2 AnswersMental Health7 years agoshould i take off work?
Okay. i work at Burger King and i am planning to take Saturday off, call in sick, whatever you want to call it. I havent done it since i had my car wreck a month ago. anyway, i have to go in at 8 in the morning and i dont want to go in that early because im not used to the morning straight. also, the a/c doesnt work and usually, the ***** works the morning shift. my grandparents are having their 45th anniversary and i dont want to seem disrespectful by going out to eat smelling like onion rings and looking like a mess. i know they wouldnt care if i went smelling or looking bad or not but i would feel bad about it. I was planning to call in around 6:30 am and tell them i caught a stomach bug and i'd be willing to work another day to make up for it
also, I may ask if I could work the drive thru part of that day so I wouldn't be sweating as bad because it is soooo hot in there
4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years agohow can i work up the courage to buy cigarettes?
Look. Before you judge me and say "oooh, cigarettes are bad. blah blah blah", i already know this. i barely smoke. it takes me forever to smoke one cigarette because i only smoke a few puffs at a given time. i only smoke when im suicidal. it take the edge off of my thoughts. Its either i continue barely smoking or I self harm. You don't know my life so don't judge me.
anyway, I want to know how to work up the courage to buy a pack because I am 19 but I look from 16-17 most of the time. I'm afraid that they will call the cops or something. I know it sounds stupid but I have paranoia and other issues....
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine7 years agoshould i snapchat my crush and what do i say?
Okay, there's this guy who isnt hot but he is really sweet. He was on this two day field trip new orleans with me with two other teachers and 7 other students. anyway, it was really awkward to be around him after he pick three roses and gave then to me, among some other events.. anyway, he was always on his phone texting and using snapchat and he's never on instagram or facebook. He posted his snapchat on facebook when he first got it but we hardly talk and would it be weird? I am such a chicken when it comes to talking to crushes.
should i snapchat him and how should i do it???
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoi just started cutting....?
I just started cutting. Theyre above my ankle. Theyre very shallow, like they close up almost instantly, letting out maybe a drop of blood. ive had some stuff happened in my life and the other night i snapped. ive been using a pencil sharpener ive kept clean. it hurts at first but i do it because i want to feel something other than emotions and bleeding is the only thing that seems to never disappoint me.
should i stop?
any suggestions/tips??
7 AnswersMental Health7 years agoi want teen kik friends?
Im an 18 year old female that iss incredibly bored and has no social life. i only want people around my aga. not a decade younger or older. no creeps who ask me for dirty pics or sexting. i will block u of you ask. i tried that site that lets you get friends but i only attracted freaks, like in real life. its okay if youre weird. i am too 100%
@ live_love_move_on
2 AnswersFriends7 years agoam i totally crazy or is it fate?
Dont laugh at me for asking this because im doing it as i speak because its crazy. have you ever looked at a stranger's pic and knew instinctively that he was a stalker or a creep in real life?well, i was on instagram and added someone and i swear sparks flew my bones when i saw his pic and again when he repied to my comment i put on one od his pics.. am i just going crazy because im 18 and a virgin in all ways (kissing,dating,sex,etc...)?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoUmm painful nipples? help?
my nipples have been hard and sore for a few days and i want to know how to ease the uncomfortableness. also, im 18. smoked like barely and its been months, if it matters. i had no cycle because my hormones were screwed up. they have gotten on birth control and it seems to help. they said i have to wait a week between sets of pills so maybe my body nows sincewi already did this once b4 like a month ago. and for the retards out there, no its not because i have someone sucking my them.
3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoThe "L" word o_o?
I have been talking to this guy for like a couple years. We haven't seen each other in real life but I know he is real. My best friend (or was) was crushing on him and still think she is mad when she found he liked me. Anyway, he told me "This is Yy I loves you lol" after I told him about this awesome movie and why I liked it. Now, he told me good night and said love you. I don't know what to do. I like him too but what if it falls apart? I don't have many people to talk to anymore. I have issues with the love word and idk what to do.
I'm eighteen. A virgin. Never been kissed. Emotional scars.
I try to push my crazy on people to see how far I can go but he hasn't budged yet..
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoFlashing lights above eyes....?
I am eighteen.
I see visual snow, which is really annoying. Look it up.
I have 20/20 vision.
there is flashing above my eyes when I'm in the dark.
just started happening.
the whole room is dark so there isn't anything reflecting.
4 AnswersOptical8 years agoNeed opinions on being single forever?
I am eighteen. not the prettiest girl. i look fifteen. Never had sex of any kind. Never been on a date. never kissed a guy. i attract weirdos. i have only met a few decent ones but after today, i really don't want to date anyone. People can say that's weird but oh well. i just don't care about it anymore. any suggestions on how to achieve being single forever. My friend is doing it but I don't want to do the whole I'm gonna be crazy method
6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhy is this wrong or is this prejudice ?
Why is it that a white guy can date a black girl or Asian chick but when ever a girl tells her parents that you like a black guy and he likes you, they turn away kinda uninterestedly. (p.s. im insecure so maybe he's lying. i have trust issues from a kid). Anyway, i was hoping for your opinion. why does everything on the web and from everyone say that its not happiness that theyre looking for and that all white girls go out with white guys are looking for sex? why cant it just be about happiness? if it doesnt work out and all he is looking for is sex, i am officially going to be single forever.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoIs there a myth for this?
Okay. I'm writing a book. I am trying to finish it this time. I need a myth where a girl is born with powers that will end the evil across a land. There probably isn't one but I'm hoping because I want a real one
3 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years agoWhat is this movie??
This has been killing me for years now
the movie is about a group of people (two boys who wandered from field trip, others who work there) who are in a museum. There is a virus or something that came along with some leaves from another country. The virus or whatever starts killing people. One guy died in the bathroom and two guys find him. One says not to step over the body because it's bad luck. the other scoffs and steps over it. he dies next.
please help me out. I need to know... Or want to know lo
2 AnswersMovies8 years agoIs it okay to ask a guy this?
A guy has liked me for a while and i like him. i finally told him yes because he has asked me out before. is it okay to ask him how long he actually had a crush on me? i. Know i didn't leave a lot of info but i didn't think it was important
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoFirst date ever? need help?!?
Okay im eighteen i have never went on a date or been kissed. A guy has been wanting to go out with me for forever but i never knew. everyone knew but me. wth. anyway, he asked me out once but i never really answered it. My dad told me its scary going out for the first time. any suggestions to make me less freaked. To calm me down. we aren't going out yet but i need to know how to how to chill and act not nervous..
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoIs he into me or is he a player?
i havent dated much because unless a guy is weird or ugly, i am pretty much invisible or they just arent interested. im not ugly or anything. im not pencil-thin.
one of my guy friends told me he likes me. i really like him. no matter what i say, weird or depressing or anything, he still talks to me. he always texts me first. if he works or is busy, he sends a message saying miss me?
my dad freaked me out and made me think i had cancer (found out i may not have kids, which im not telling this guy) (why would i?). i did tell him i didnt abd he said if he had a car and money, he would take me out to eat and celebrate. i told him maybe another time. he replied, 'sooner or later?'
im 18 and dont tell me how weird it is to be this young and not know about how guys act. i already know.
**also, he asked me if i was a virgin and i said why should i tell you? he said he was just curious. i replied: are you a virgin? he said: yes... im not sure i believe that.....
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoUmmm.. awkward question..?
I'm 18 and havent had a period in 4 years or so. I have had a few periods when puberty came but they were irregular and then stopped.
i went to the doctor a few days ago to get ovaries looked at. they are pretty well normal. then, the test results came in. apparently, my girly hormones are very, very low. they arent sure why. maybe the brain isnt sending the signals or the ovaries arent getting the signals, i dont have a clue. they said i have a low chance of ever making a baby. they want to run more tests but they are trying to find a doctor that will. so my questions are should i get the tests run? and will i ever have a baby?
**also, they put me on birth control for a while to see if it will work. will it?
**im not trying to have a baby.
**if it helps, im a total justifible virgin.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoUmmm.. awkward question..?
I'm 18 and havent had a period in 4 years or so. I have had a few periods when puberty came but they were irregular and then stopped.
i went to the doctor a few days ago to get ovaries looked at. they are pretty well normal. then, the test results came in. apparently, my girly hormones are very, very low. they arent sure why. maybe the brain isnt sending the signals or the ovaries arent getting the signals, i dont have a clue. they said i have a low chance of ever making a baby. they want to run more tests but they are trying to find a doctor that will. so my questions are should i get the tests run? and will i ever have a baby?
**also, they put me on birth control for a while to see if it will work. will it?
7 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago