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  • What is your major and why did you pick it? College Students?

    Just out of curiosity I wanted to see why people choose what they do

    Whats your major?

    Why did you pick that major? What do you like about it?

    What do you plan to do with that degree?


    Im a political science major planning to go to law school. I love the subject because pretty much nothing is black and white. Almost anything is defendable or twistable. There is usually no straight right or wrong answer as long as you can reason it. I love the whole debate part and hearing other people s reasonings. Plus, what goes on in the government affects everyone no matter whether people like it or not.

  • Gift idea for our maid?

    I live in a dorm at college. Each floor has a maid who cleans our bathrooms and sinks, sometimes tidies our rooms for us.

    My roommate and I want to get ours some kind of thank-you gift for the end of the semester.

    Any ideas? I literally have no clue what to get her. I make very small talk with her sometimes if I see her in the hall on my way out or into my room, but I don't really know her or anything. She's a really sweet, older lady.

    I just need some nice thank-you gift ideas that anybody (or maybe just females) could use or might like. Thanks!

  • Gift idea for our maid?

    I live in a dorm at college. Each floor has a maid who cleans our bathrooms and sinks, sometimes tidies our rooms for us.

    My roommate and I want to get ours some kind of thank-you gift for the end of the semester.

    Any ideas? I literally have no clue what to get her. I make very small talk with her sometimes if I see her in the hall on my way out or into my room, but I don't really know her or anything. She's a really sweet, older lady.

    I just need some nice thank-you gift ideas that anybody (or maybe just females) could use or might like. Thanks!

    11 AnswersEtiquette4 years ago
  • Girlfriend threesome with friend?

    So my friend and I were chilling in my room one night. We were both pretty wasted. I was texting & snapchatting my girlfriend throughout the night.

    Well I was opening her Snapchats and he was looking at them with me (I let him, I didn't mind) and she all of a sudden started talking a little dirty. And one of the ones she sent said "we can have a threesome." We both were just kind of shocked when we read it and kind of laughed it off. A few minutes later she kind of brought it up again & I told my friend like "bro you know she meant me you and her". And he just nodded and was like "I'm down"

    Should I even entertain this idea or brush it off. She hasn't brought it up again but if she did one night (like three days ago) then it probably means that she does want it, right? This guy is one of my best friends. Neither of us have done a threesome before. What should I do lol thanks

    2 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Girlfriend threesome with friend?

    So my friend and I were chilling in my room one night. We were both pretty wasted. I was texting & snapchatting my girlfriend throughout the night.

    Well I was opening her Snapchats and he was looking at them with me (I let him, I didn't mind) and she all of a sudden started talking a little dirty. And one of the ones she sent said "we can have a threesome." We both were just kind of shocked when we read it and kind of laughed it off. A few minutes later she kind of brought it up again & I told my friend like "bro you know she meant me you and her". And he just nodded and was like "I'm down"

    Should I even entertain this idea or brush it off. She hasn't brought it up again but if she did one night (like three days ago) then it probably means that she does want it, right? This guy is one of my best friends. Neither of us have done a threesome before. What should I do lol thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to ask this girl to have sex with me?

    This girl who i want to have sex with, well call her Sue. Sue is a friend of a friend. My friend and Sue sit behind me in one of our lectures and I can hear them talking about how Sue is basically a hoe. She openly talks about how she is one and some of her experiences. And she makes vulgar comments quite often.

    Ive only talked to Sue a few times and we've only actually hung out once. She's a very chill and cool person.

    But yeah my question is how should i approach it? She's obviously very open and willing to have sex with many different guys.

    Should i be upfront or just kind of hint at it or just try to hang out with her alone? Any advice appreciated thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How ask this girl to have sex with me?

    This girl who i want to have sex with, well call her Sue. Sue is a friend of a friend. My friend and Sue sit behind me in one of our lectures and I can hear them talking about how Sue is basically a hoe. She openly talks about how she is one and some of her experiences. And she makes vulgar comments quite often.

    Ive only talked to Sue a few times and we've only actually hung out once. She's a very chill and cool person.

    But yeah my question is how should i approach it? She's obviously very open and willing to have sex with many different guys.

    Should i be upfront or just kind of hint at it or just try to hang out with her alone? Any advice appreciated thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years ago
  • Don't know what career path to pursue??

    I'm in my first semester of college right now.

    I am a chemistry pre-dental major. My plan was to do my undergrad then go to dental school.

    But now towards the end of the semester I'm pretty sure this isn't for me. I'm not enjoying the science and I just can't see myself as a dentist in the future. I thought about changing to pre-law and going law school, which I think I would actually enjoy, but the job outlook for lawyers is complete ****. So realistically I don't want to do that.

    I love politics and current events. I think that stuff is just really fascinating. But I wouldn't want to pursue being a politician because it's too risky. Nothing really guaranteed with having to be elected, etc.

    I don't really feel like I have a passion or anything that I love and I've been getting sad lately because I don't want to waste time in school. Any advice on how to find that passion or any advice in general would be much appreciated. Thanks

  • FAFSA - grants?

    How does this FAFSA thing work?! I know it's based on income and how much your family is expected to contribute. Right? I'm just asking cause I got zero grants and qualified for a few loans while my friends got sooo much. We're both about to be freshmen at the same university.

    My friends fee bill for the first semester was over 8k because she chose all the top choices and gets the most expensive options (premium parking, new dorm, etc.)

    Mine is 5k and I have all the basic things. And I received no free money.

    The thing is that her whole fee bill is paid for by grants while I have to take out loans and work.. She and her family live in the same neighborhood as mine, in essentially the same house. Her mom drives a newer Mercedes. She also has those designer handbags. She's the only kid while there's myself and my sister.

    How is this working out?! She gets luxury for free paid for by my parents' tax money while I have all the basic stuff that I have to pay for myself. Freakin ridiculous

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid5 years ago
  • Allowance in college enough??

    I'll be a college freshman starting in August. I'll be living in a dorm, about an hour and a half away from home. My parents & I were talking about an allowance they would give me for the extras in college. They didn't really know how much would be sufficient & neither do I. I have no clue.

    They brought up $50 a week (so $200/month). Does this sound like enough? I don't plan on going out too often but maybe out to a restaurant every now and again. But everything does cost money, like if my friends want to go paint balling, etc.

    yes I am very grateful for my parents. I know I should consider myself lucky.

  • Free things for pregnant girls?

    Okay so there are two girls in my class that are pregnant. Today I heard that they get free stuff from our high school that everyone else has to pay for. They got free prom tickets ($50 each), a gift card for prom clothes, free graduation supplies ($80 per girl), & a free ticket to our class party (worth $40).

    I think this is completely stupid and unfair. We were talking about it in class. Some of my friends think it's super nice & it's just helping out the girls. Others, including me, think that it's s waste.

    1) It's their faults they got pregnant.

    2) with that comes responsibilities

    3) none of these (except he graduation supplies) are required.

    I can almost understand if the school just paid for just their graduation stuff, as it's required to walk across the stage, but everything else is voluntary & extra. They didn't have to go to prom & they don't have to go to the class party. And if they want to, they should pay for it just like everyone else.

    What's your thoughts? Am I being a dick?

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Free things for pregnant girls??

    Okay so there are two girls in my class that are pregnant. Today I heard that they get free stuff from our high school that everyone else has to pay for. They got free prom tickets ($50 each), a gift card for prom clothes, free graduation supplies ($80 per girl), & a free ticket to our class party (worth $40).

    I think this is completely stupid and unfair. We were talking about it in class. Some of my friends think it's super nice & it's just helping out the girls. Others, including me, think that it's s waste.

    1) It's their faults they got pregnant.

    2) with that comes responsibilities

    3) none of these (except he graduation supplies) are required.

    I can almost understand if the school just paid for just their graduation stuff, as it's required to walk across the stage, but everything else is voluntary & extra. They didn't have to go to prom & they don't have to go to the class party. And if they want to, they should pay for it just like everyone else.

    What's your thoughts? Am I being a dick?

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education5 years ago
  • Getting my racket restrung?

    My tennis coach said my strings are loose and recommended getting it restrung. I didn't wanna ask her because I don't wanna seem like a complete noob lol.

    How does that work? I have a Wilson 99s. It came strung when I bought it. I saw on the internet they recommended the synthetic gut power strings. Do I just purchase the strings and bring them somewhere, paying for them to replace the strings?? Or do I bring it to the place & they buy the strings themselves?


    2 AnswersTennis5 years ago
  • Selecting pictures for client??

    I plan on doing senior portraits for two of my friends pretty soon. I am charging them (very low; I'm an amateur) and they are getting a certain number of pictures. How do we go about choosing the photos though?

    Like after the photo shoot, do we sit down together and go through them, letting her pick out her favorites? Or do I just go home, pick out the best ones on my own, edit them, then send them to her.

    2 AnswersPhotography5 years ago
  • Charing for amateur portraits?

    Okay so I've doing photography as a hobby for probably 4 months now. It's something I really enjoy doing. I love doing photo shoots and I don't mind editing; I've been learning a lot of editing techniques in the last couple months.

    I have a couple friends that have been asking me about doing their senior portraits because doing it with a pro photographer is so expensive. I said I would think about it. I would love to do it, but not sure of how much to charge.

    I was thinking between $50 - 60 and this would include one 8x10, one 4x6, and a flash drive with maybe 10 photos on it. Or should I do just the flash drive and no prints?

    Does this sound reasonable? Idk, it feels weird charging for my photos, but I know its a fair thing to do. Plus I'm getting more practice. PS: I'm a high school senior (18); this isn't something I'm going into as a career. Thanks for any advice

    10 AnswersPhotography5 years ago
  • Affirmative Action racist & stupid?

    How is this legal. Like seriously? College admission and job opportunities should be based on merit !!!!! MERIT!

    Without the affirmative action in California, UCLA and UC Berkley and other California universities had very high Asian populations. After implementing AA or a form of it, Asian percentages went down drastically (in some cases, got cut in half) while the number of blacks increased.

    How can you even justify it? Its a case of, "oh we were forced to admit more blacks even though they don't deserve it"... Asians obviously earned it based on merit more-so because they were the majority when race was not taken into account. OH LETS REMEMBER: Asians are an even smaller minority than Blacks! Woah!

    Seriously though, this pisses me off so much! The only defense is more diversity. Which isn't worth it with lower standards.

    If they want more blacks and hispanics, they should work harder !!!!!! Look at Asians!!!

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • How does one defend Affirmative Action?

    How do you even defend Affirmative Action?

    Im a senior in high school and have been going through the college admission process.

    I got denied to a university I applied to, which isn't that big of a deal. It only upsets me because I have two black friends that applied and got accepted. The two of them have lower ACT scores, one has about the same GPA, and the other has a lower GPA.

    So I looked into this. Affirmative Action came up.

    I read about the cases with the universities in California and it really pisses me off.

    All of this (college admissions, jobs) should be based off of MERIT!!!!!!! This makes no sense and is blatant racism. How do hispanics and blacks (asians don't seem to benefit) defend this? If they really want fairness, they should work hard and want merit-based acceptance also!!!

  • How to stop them moving here???

    I have no problem with anybody who is civilized and educated but the ones moving here are pretty obnoxious and don't contribute anything. I know I'm generalizing but oh well, I don't want my city to go down the drain!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Questions about Bernie Sanders???

    Okay I'm a pretty right-winged conservative. But lately I've been reading on Bernie Sanders and have been intrigued by his goals. He seems so genuine. Okay my questions are..

    If he wins, how much power will he even have???

    He supports free higher education and healthcare but is it even realistic? Where will he get the money from? It would cost A LOT.

    My personal opinion is that I don't want to pay for other people's education. Health care I can kind of understand as a 'basic human right', but not college.

    He wants to 'take the money out of politics'. How does he plan to do this? Doesn't seem plausible.

    He wants to raise taxes on the rich. This is crazy. They already pay an unfair amount (most of them) while over 40 percent of people do not pay income taxes. One set percent across everyone is fair. Period.

    He wants to get rid of private prisons to make the legal system less crooked, etc. I love this idea. But how?

    I guess my overall question is how is he planning to accomplish these goals? Don't you think he would have lots of opposition.

    5 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • What is an "open" in tennis?

    Like right now there is the Australian open for tennis (of course in Australia lol).

    But wasn't there recently a US open? Is the opens for tennis like olympics or something or is it just different tournaments for the best players all around the world? If someone could explain thankssss

    7 AnswersTennis5 years ago