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Lv 32,262 points

Gary C

Favorite Answers9%
  • Where can I find a front parking sensor beeper for a 2005 Ford Galaxy?

    I can't locate a front parking sensor beeper. Does any body know where I can find one?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Where can I find a tutorial for Windows Live Movie Maker?

    It isn't included on the program & googling leads absolutely nowhere!!!!

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Why am I charged a HUGE booking fee?

    In a single transaction with BMIBABY I was charged £40 for a single debit card transaction. I am absolutely livid. Can anyone explain why?

    2 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • Charity Bags.....Are they Genuine Charities?

    We get several bags through the door almost every week. I took a closer look & saw written on one bag (small print) that a very small amount of money from the profit of the sale of the clothes goes to the charity itself.

    My wife is Czech & I observed in her country 2nd hand clothing stores have sprung up all over selling quite good quality clothes much coming from GB. I often wondered where it all came from.

    Why are charities tolerant of this practice when they must be aware that their names are being used for what almost amounts to fraudulent practice? I was always under the impression that this was a convenient way for charities to collect saleable items for their shops & for the public to donate any unused goods without the hassle of filling up the car, finding a place to park etc. etc. to donate.

    It would appear the generosity of the British public is being taken advantage of by charities who are probably stuffed with unwanted goods & also by unscrupulous foreign textile traders.

    Is the charity 'business' overstepping the mark & becoming another way for fat cats to profit while taking advantage of the decent volunteer workers & our desire to help our fellow man in impoverished countries etc? I have heard, & it may be mere rumour, that the directors of charities are handsomely paid & taken care of materially, company cars etc.

    We are not a wealthy family. We have four kids & struggle with the ever increasing bills like most. I'm by no means complaining but I just don't feel right about someone padding their nest with what we have donated to help others.

    Any answers that may help resolve this issue in my own mind would be appreciated as I, for one, am feeling I've been taken for a ride in a society that is becoming increasingly devoid of any moral value.

    5 AnswersCommunity Service10 years ago
  • Does the Nokia C7 mobile phone with it's HD recorder produce very good sound quality?

    I need really good sound quality without so much background noise. Is this possible?

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Is there a reasonably priced camcorder with an audio input?

    I want to record music videos for YouTube. But the audio quality needs to be fairly good. I need sound quality more than visual quality. I've googled til I've worn out the keys & nothing comes up. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    3 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • How Do Banks Get Away With This?

    My daughter lives in South Africa. She has had a Barclays current account for some time now. She has responsibly maintained her account over the years & not gone overdrawn. She was unable to access her online banking. She phoned the bank who promised to put things right. Nothing happened. She phoned several more times, received apologies, several more times nothing happened. These calls are not cheap from SA particularly when one has to wait to be connected to a representative for long periods.

    Eventually she wrote a formal letter of complaint & received a letter of apology with a promise that things would be up & running again soon. Nothing happened.

    Eventually she had a new baby & needed to buy a pram. She estimated the amount that should be in her account & bought one. A BIG mistake. She went £30 overdrawn. From that point she was being charged £22 every five days until she had accrued a debt of £390. Again she phoned her bank to try to sort things out only to be told about the debt. Understandably she was shocked. In order for the 'reserve service' to be stopped they informed her the debt would be immediately passed to a debt collector & she would face court action til she paid. The Barclays rep was totally unsympathetic, unhelpful with a threatening note in his trained 'polite' voice.

    She tried to explain her side but to no avail.

    My question is where does one go to lodge a complaint that will hopefully bring some sort of positive result.

    The behaviour of Barclays in this matter is absolutely deplorable & amounts to legalised theft.

    My daughter is a very decent person & mother of three. She has done a lot of work in helping to better the lives of many of SA's poor & does not deserve this.

    Can any body offer us some advice?

    Thank you in advance. Your help is much appreciated.

    I have been a Barclays customer for 22 years so this is a shock.

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Would it not be better to let GM (Vauxhall) go down?

    I read in a Michael Moore newsletter that GM have a policy of 'planned obsolecence', the practice of building cars that won't last so as to generate further trade. I have a Vauxhall Zafira that has a FSH most at Vauxhall that has done 51k & has been meticulously well cared for. Already I have had to change the main engine ecu & I now have to fix an alarm that constantly goes off for no reason. There have been some little cabin breakages that are very inconvenient & the seats are not very comfy at all. The carpet is really cheap & nasty & almost impossible to clean as dirt gets trapped in the hairy pile. I used to wonder why this vehicle suffers so much when I am a particularly careful ownwer almost to the point of overdoing it. I think I know why now. So my question is, 'Why throw good money after bad'? Unless Vauxhall can drastically improve it's standards then would it not be better to let her die? Feel really sorry for the workers though but will government help really make much difference? What do you think?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why do female British newsreaders always dress as if they are going to a funeral?

    I know the news is rather bleak these days so a little colour, or dare I say sexiness, would certainly brighten things up would it not?

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • If I robbed a bank & said 'sorry' would they let me keep the money?

    After all 'sorry makes everything alright doesn't it?

    15 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Tony Blair truly a Christian as he claims?

    Personally I don't understand how a person who knowingly makes decisions that result in the deaths & injuries of so many innocents can profess to follow Christ who said 'Love your enemies & do good to those who persecute you'. I do understand that you don't just sit by while evil people attack you & yours & do then nothing to defend them. However we were not under threat from Iraq yet even today innocents are losing their lives. Your thoughts please.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between a bank robber & a corporate banker?

    I can already envisage the answers but I'd like to know why you give the answers you do. Thanks.

    13 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • How do the bankers get away with it??

    We are told the bankers, while drawing obscenely huge bonuses, are guilty of gross mismanagement leading to the present economic crisis & recession. Governments step in & bail them out & they continue on in their jobs. Given the extent of the damage they have caused should they not be in jail? People are incarcerated for a lot less & yet these people are rewarded. Has the whole world gone completely bonkers? These are smart men? Don't tell me they were unaware of the consequences of their actions. They must have been which means they are guilty of fraud & theft, pure & simple. The fact that they continue on in their jobs & are allowed to keep the funds they have accrued is ludicrously unfair to the honest crooks who blight our society to a much lesser degree. The world has become a mental institute run by the inmates. Those who do evil are the beneficiaries. Opinions please & if there are those who can offer me a less critical opinion I'm interested.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know anything about 'Down Your Street Magazine' ?

    I advertised with them but can't find their magazine anywhere in this area though they had told me it would be in supermarket stores on the free mag rack. They also told me they put the mags through letterboxes but I have found no evidence to suggest they do..

    I don't know if they are legitimate & now they are demanding money for another advertising run. If any ody knows of this mag in the UK I would appreciate your answers Thanks.

    1 AnswerMagazines1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to be a 'Paki'?

    It appears to me that those who cry 'racist' because Harry referred to someone as a 'Paki', with absolutely no guile, are the ones fanning the racist flames. They are stating that the word 'Paki' is a derogatory term the inference being that a person from that country is a second-class citizen. So a lot of time & money is being wasted while these hypocrites blow their own trumpets by putting down Harry. Really, who are the racists? How should I react if one of them labels me as a 'Brit' or 'Yank' or whatever? Do these small ignorant minds have nothing of significant value to think about? Maybe they should be sacked & replaced by others who have a far more intelligent outlook on the more serious events befalling our world

    23 AnswersCricket1 decade ago
  • What will it take to resolve the current Israeli/Palestinian problem?

    Intelligent answers only please. I know a lot of people would like to answer with statements like 'annihilate all the motherf***ers' or 'when every last one of them is dead' It's precisely that type of attitude that prevents peace in this mixed up world so I would like to rquest positive input for the benefit of us all. Thanks.

    20 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can an army be held accountable for acts of terror?

    Why is it that if a militant group kill innocent civilians it is quite rightly called an act of terror but if a legitimate army does it, on an even grander scale, then it is not viewed or condemned in quite the same way? Does an army have more of a right to kill the innocent?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Where would be the best place to advertise cherished no plates?

    I have plates that may be of of interest to Man U lovers but apart from ebay I wouldn't know where to advertise where I might target a specific group. Any suggestions? Tx.

    2 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade ago
  • Why has my laptop stopped going into standby.

    I keep getting the error message that the 'device driver for standard 101/102-key or Microsoft PS/2 keyboard device is preventing the machine from entering into hibernation. If the problem persists you may have to update this driver.'

    I have been onto the Microsoft website & it says the cause is Adobe Type Manager. I don't have this program, just Adobe Reader 9. I can't find anything more on the MS website so would very much appreciate any suggestions. Tx so much.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago