illegal immigrants?

i plan to quit spending money at those businesses that closed today the latinos do not need gringo dollars


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Me too. I have no problem with legal immigration but its the illegals that are here using up our resources and not paying taxes on the money they make. They send a lot of it back to Mexico so its not even in circulation here. Since my ancestors worked hard and became citizens, why can't these people do that. My ancestors were happy to get here and gladly became citizens and help to support their new home and country.


I agree. Every single business that was closed today will NEVER see my hard earned money again. Lucky for my neighborhood it was few and far between.
Illegal immigration needs to STOP. We need to build another, better fence and close down the borders ASAP.
Don't forget it's not only Mexican's that are getting through our borders.


They are like cochroaches that need to be exterminated. Our relatives came here legally. We have laws in place for a reason. Two wrongs do not make a right.


We immigrants come here for better lives. And what about americans, remember ur great great great grandparents were immigrants too. So give us a break.


your right man they dont need ur fuking money
mexicans spend their time workin and having or at least triyng to have happy lives so *** U AND UR MONEY

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