Favorite Answer
Harry: "Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention." Dumb and Dumber
A Guy Named Joe
Just about every line in Airplane 1 or 2 and My Cousin Vinny...
"And don't call me Shirley!"
"Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing through the forest and you spot a little brook; and you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water and BAM! A f****g bullet rips off the top of your head and your brains are lying on the ground in little bloody pieces. Now I axe you, would you give a s*** what kind of pants the guy who shot you was wearing?!"
The flights down
Down as in landed?
negative Down as in some field
From Flight 93
It's like we're in some bad movie.
first we most establish a motive, the killer saw the size of the bugs dick and became extremely jealous..
It's off Ace Venture, It makes me piss myself laughing everytime i see it, gotta love Jim Carrey when he's a spastic...