Can a liar be a winner?


Favorite Answer

No, because it's like a pregnancy... eventually the truth comes out!


alkjdfsafjalkf bananas...

yeah. Until they found out... y'know, this isn't a very good question, its too general. This question is asking the possibility of a liar being a winner. And even then, what do u mean by "winner"? i mean, a liar can win a race, that would make them a winner. Be more specific, don't ask stupid questions or i'll give you a stupid answer ONLY.


a liar is not winner cause when you lie at heart you always feel a hole in your heart... I no this might sound really gay but my dad told it to me when I was little that he got in a e-mail anyway ok well lets say you have 2 hungry wolfs in side of you and there both really hungry. One is really evil and the other is really good, when you lie you feed the evil wolf and when you tell the truth you feed the good wolf but lets say you keep on lieing the bad wolf gets stronger and stronger and evenchally you practically don't even no it but your lieing like 24/7 and it happens to people so ya.


A cheater can win. A smart loser will never play with him again.

To address your question, the world is not fair. There are losers, cheaters, ever-so-good people, liars, bullies, sweeties, unfaithfuls, faithfuls, some win some lose. There is no right correct answer to your question.


Of course. She can win the congratulations of bad people for adding just a little bit more evil to the world.

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