Arrow vs Bulletproof Vest?
Direct from Second Chance:
"I contacted one of the guys in our test lab. He said that none of our ballistic soft body that he has tested can stop an arrow. It would require armor piercing steel reinforcement (trauma plate) to stop it. Our multi-threat 3A ballistics and level 3 stab has not been tested. He said that could possibly stop it.
Debbie Grise
Customer Service
Second Chance Armor, Inc
Armor Holdings, LLC
800/253-7090 (ext 226)"
I reckon that finishes that discussion.
Boy, JD, you just can't ever give up, can you? Poor boy.
First, in the original question asked by Narmer, HE said bulletproof vest....HE DID NOT say "can a trauma plate....?" HE specified only the part that stops bullets on a vest which is the fabric.
YOU also specified "body armor" ie bulletproof vests....YOU NEVER mentioned trauma plates. Trauma plates didn't exist at the time that you said you saw and helped design vests stopping arrows for Second Chance.
Second, the question I asked was "whether or not standard soft body armor can stop a hunting broadhead from a bow?" Nothing "generic" or confusing about that....well, except to you.
Third, Ms. Grise specifically said she asked a lab tech who has DONE THE TESTS. Give it up, bud.
Fourth, I DID say stopping an arrow would take anti-stab armor/reinforcement. You just quoted me.
Fifth, I don't "put you down", sir. I simply answered a question in which YOU were WRONG.
Have a nice day, now.