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Lv 6
randkl asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

Arrow vs Bulletproof Vest?

Direct from Second Chance:

"I contacted one of the guys in our test lab. He said that none of our ballistic soft body that he has tested can stop an arrow. It would require armor piercing steel reinforcement (trauma plate) to stop it. Our multi-threat 3A ballistics and level 3 stab has not been tested. He said that could possibly stop it.

Debbie Grise

Customer Service

Second Chance Armor, Inc

Armor Holdings, LLC

800/253-7090 (ext 226)"

I reckon that finishes that discussion.


Boy, JD, you just can't ever give up, can you? Poor boy.

First, in the original question asked by Narmer, HE said bulletproof vest....HE DID NOT say "can a trauma plate....?" HE specified only the part that stops bullets on a vest which is the fabric.

YOU also specified "body armor" ie bulletproof vests....YOU NEVER mentioned trauma plates. Trauma plates didn't exist at the time that you said you saw and helped design vests stopping arrows for Second Chance.

Second, the question I asked was "whether or not standard soft body armor can stop a hunting broadhead from a bow?" Nothing "generic" or confusing about that....well, except to you.

Third, Ms. Grise specifically said she asked a lab tech who has DONE THE TESTS. Give it up, bud.

Fourth, I DID say stopping an arrow would take anti-stab armor/reinforcement. You just quoted me.

Fifth, I don't "put you down", sir. I simply answered a question in which YOU were WRONG.

Have a nice day, now.

8 Answers

  • JD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK..Point #1 Where in narmer_amferos original question did he refer to standard soft body armor with or without ballistic plates? Fact is he never did..YOU went that way on your own.

    Point #2 You did in fact contact Debbie Grise in Customer Service via E-MAIL, and asked her your interpretation on the question of soft body armor (generally) and it's ability to be penetrated by an arrow. You didn't even bother to talk to her in person on the telephone. I did earlier today.

    Point #3 Debbie Grise is a Customer Service Rep and does not nor has she ever worked in the lab where these vests are tested. You asked generic questions in your e-mail and got generic answers in return from a Public Relations fact sheet. 'Direct from Second Chance" Yeah right.You have the gaul to put me down and and say I "change the words to support my statements." You are a mis-informed hypocryte. Hardly proof of anything let alone proof that it has actually happened as I challenged originally.

    Point #4 Had you bothered to address the question as given, done your homework as you claim, common sense would tell you without a slash/stab insert, or ceramic or metallic magnesium inserts NO vest would probably stop an arrow. I'll take it a step further and inform you that the term "Bullet Proof" is within itself a total mis-nomer as NO vest is " bullet proof" only "bullet resistant",plates or no plates. "Bullet proof vests are designed to stop bullets." Laughable. I guess your military background failed you. POINT #5 I offered Second Chance as an example in manufacture of these vests. They are not, nor will they ever be the only source or manufacturer of these products,nor are they the only business with labs doing research on this.

    Point #6 You have absolutely no Police or Law Enforcement experience or backround that puts you in a position to be an expert in this area. If you had such experience you would know that as of June of this year 80% of all accredited municipal police departments in the United States, have upgraded their body armor to meet slash/stab issues with an anti slash/stab layer along with ceramic or metal plates (not anti-armor piercing as you stated) included. Hardly the small percentage you quoted as "factual" There is a new armor called "Dragon Skin" currently being tested that meets and exceeds most level 3 vests available on the market today. FACTS.Nothing more, nothing less. I tried to inform you as a gentleman, YOU turned this into a public bashing of reputations...So be it. End of discusion

    Source(s): Personal knowledge. Hands on experience involving the field testing of these products
  • MuhdER
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have never seen a test like that done. I have seen a coffee can full of sand stop a .30-30 win bullet dead without penatraiting the opposite side while an arrow fired from a recurve bow pentraited through and through. Having seeing the bullet vs arrow demo I would say its true. Its not the speed but the area of contact if I remember right.

  • 1 decade ago

    This topic came up the other day and after mulling it over for a while I suspect the reason an arrow or knifepoint can penetrate what a pistol bullet can't is that the force is applied over an extremely tiny area with the edged penetrators. Any math whizzes on here who want to do the calculations?

  • 1 decade ago

    Does Rich Davis still do the 44 mag test for demonstrations anymore?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I knew it would pierce without having to listen to the debates. It will pierce most any fabric armor that does not have solid backup plates.

    Sharp objects cut cloth, weather it is Kevlar or not!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like cool work

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats junk at the fastest a arrow is traveling 350fps and a bullet is close to 2 thousand. i dont see the problem with stopping an arrow am i missing something as far a physics,i prolly am.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Interesting how that works, aint it?

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