My three and a half year old says Walking-Walking?
My garrulous three and a half year old repeats words when she means "a lot" or repeated but it also crops up in unexpected places: "The telephone is ringing-ringing" "I came walking-walking" "Mama;s sleeping-sleeping" (this at 4am on monday morning!)
Does this indicate a problem?
Favorite Answer
haha that's cute! I'd say its just a darling idiosyncrasy of a toddler! I've got 5 kids, and they all do or did silly and cute things at about that age. My 4 year old will sometimes sit next to me and repeat everything I say, (as best as she can). It's like having a parrot. 4 am! You have to love their lack of a sense of time, don't you? Have fun!
My daughter use to do that also. I think it is normal and she will learn that she doesn't have to repeat everything when she starts paying more attention to how her mama speaks.
I agree, it's adorable. Just enjoy your little one now and how she is learning a whole new language from square 1. I sometimes didn't correct my daughter right away because the way she said things were so cute. Even if it wasn't correct.
25. I walked a protracted thank you to college whilst i became youthful. whilst i became around 7, at some point i became late for college and that i became the only new child walking on the line at that element. An older couple stopped and asked me if i needed a trip to college. understanding that I shouldn't confer with strangers I shook my head and saved walking. They accompanied alongside slightly and insisted that I should not be walking on the line via myself and that i could enable them to force me to college. i presumed they looked advantageous so I have been given into the motor vehicle with them. i could be lifeless suitable now in the event that they hadn't extremely been "advantageous". the fact that I did that still haunts me to this present day with the "what ifs". Unfortuately/luckily(?) i'm an overprotective parent and that i could experience paranoid to enable my 8 year previous walk to college via herself. I pay attention what you're asserting, little ones at the instant are way too coddled regardless of the undeniable fact that it beats being lifeless or stalked via a pedophile.
No way does this indicate a problem. She is 3 and establishing her vocabulary and sometimes they like to make their own stuff up. I have a 3 year old daughter and she is babbling away constantly and is always coming out with different combinations of words in sentences. I find it adorable. My boys did the smae kinds of things and grew out of them by the time they went to school. Don't worry about it.
This is to you and all parents out there. Leave your children to overcome their milestones in their own time. Each child is diffrent and while some speak well at certain times others take longer. In your case you can just constantly correct him (gently ) besides that leave him he is only three and a half be grateful he can put sentances together .