How do you make a fruit salad without the apples or banana's turning brown before it's time to be served?

My 10 year old son wants to contribute to Thanksgiving dinner at his godmother's house and I suggested fruit salad, I've never prepared it myself and could use some suggestions. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

as for the apples....soak 'em in salt solution.
but i wouldnt suggest u to use bananas because it will turn soggy when u mix it up with apple..
y dont u get another alternative?
say honeydew...
the combination with apple would be fine..

Pam H2007-11-21T11:00:27Z

Either put the apples and bananas in right before serving (best option) or toss them with a little lemon juice before putting them in the salad. The acid in the lemon juice will keep them from turning brown for a while.


take the fruit and cut it up place it in a bowl QUICK hurry
add some plastic space age stuff to cover up
no lemone juice needed

Janice Dickinsons' Shrink2007-11-21T11:01:52Z

Soak in ice bath until ready to compete salad. Then cover tightly, and refrigerate.


Yep, either alittle 7up or lemon juice and nooooo-brown

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