I have a 17 year old future brother in law that is so addicted to the 360 game HALO he has played nonstop for 4 days now. He has not slept at all and has became very nasty to his parents. What you all reccomend they do. He is a total A_ _ Hole about his game.
I told his parents to take the controls from him and throw them away. He is a MONSTER HELP????????????????
Favorite Answer
wow unplug the tv steal the game and run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well the best bet is to talk to your fiance and have them talk to their parents about setting some boundries about playing Halo. They can set up a plan in which if he does his chores and homework he gets to play. For example, if he does his homework then he can play an hour. If he does chores then he can play for another hour and so on.
Tak the controls just away from him/turning off the game will just enrage him and he'll sneak on in the middle of the night to play.
If it really is past the point of no return have his parents go into his room when he isn't there and physically take the disk out of the system and stash it somewhere and tell him that he has more than abused Halo and that when he is in full control of his actions again that he can get it back but until then he is back to his regular games. That way he can only get mad about the actual game, rather then the system and having it all taken away.
If children are really that out of control then it is impossible to fight fire with fire... or go to the extreme with them. 1. It gives them power 2. More then likely someone will cave, and it WON'T be the hardcore gamer. 3. He will dig his heals in and become worse
They could also have him committed for 24 hours (depending on where you live... a parent can do that atleast in Florida... bonus is that he is 18 yet, and his parents still virtually control his life. )
Oh, and if they wanted to be really nasty they could go to the circuit breaker and turn off the power. That would give him a nasty shock of realization... at that point all you have to do is sit back and laugh and say 'oh noes, I think we had a power outage'. It would be pretty funny and nobodies fault if he can't figure it out. Have dad (or mum) or fiance say 'I'm going to go down to check the circuit breaker' and have them spend around an hour or more down there reading a book by flashlight and enjoying the silence as the kid freaks out.
He's 17 and they can't control him? This problem has been around for long time. They are suffering from a lack of proper discipline when he was a toddler.
He will tire of playing the game. Most hard core gamers play 24 or 48 hours straight when a new game like Halo comes out. It's okay. I doubt he has been UP for four days. When he sleeps, they can remove the console and game.
However, he will leave and go to a friends and play the game. They won't be able to keep him away. They must reason with him and teach him moderation.
The judge did the right thing, given the laws. "Video game addiction" is not legal insanity. The prosecutor describes the kid as a stone killer and there's nothing in the news story to suggest the defense has done anything to dispel that idea. There's no legal insanity that would justify the mental ward, and you can't put a kid like this in the juvie system. That leaves only prison for real. The father is a minister. What a surprise. Oh, and for all these people who are typing "death penalty." Read the question and the article. Death penalty is off the table in this case. Learn something about law and don't be so f---ing stupid. Or at least don't advertise it.
When I was younger, my parents used to take the controlers away from me and hide them. They'd give them back to me for certain things: doing my homework, getting my chores done, and not talking back. Just basic behaving stuff. Seeing as how you've already suggested that though, apparently it didn't work. Which leads me to this suggestion:
Beat his ***! Seriously, back when I was a kid, if I ever gave my parents lip about anything, I would get smacked around for being disrespectful. Parents nowadays live in so much fear of DSS and being reported for child abuse. I like to think I turned out to be a respectable/respectful man, and why: because my parents weren't afraid to knock the snot out of me when I was stupid. It sounds to me, this kid could use the same treatment.