Did anyone see "The Golden Compass"?

I have a younger sister who wouldn't let her kids watch it because it has anti Christian subliminal messages. It doesn't
The beginning of the movie explains there are millions of universes and possibly alternate Earth's where human live. But unlike us where our souls are IN our bodies,on this one version,the souls are animal spirirts who interact with humans.
Who knows? Maybe it could be happening now?


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I saw it. It's a movie like any other. People take things way too serious.


The anti-religious overtones, while very pronounced, don't show up in "The Golden Compass," unless you read heavily into the organization they call the "Magisterium." The author, while vehemently anti-religious, doesn't insert these messages into the story until the third book in the trilogy ("The Amber Spyglass"); the currently released movie doesn't have anything that would be overtly interpreted to be anti-religious unless you inferred the story from the subsequent books into it, which a child who hasn't read the trilogy will not do on their own.


I doubt a child would get any message. The movies don't go into the anti religion stance as much as the books. The movie just relied on special effects and turned out to be a bore. They sanitized it and removed any story line. SO..it fails as a movie and as a statement.


"Do unto others as you're able to have them do unto you" is, I hear, the Golden Rule present in a non secular e book.? And, its an magnificent Rule to stay by means of...easily!!! ~~~ genuinely, very doubtedly! it incredibly is a mistranslation, and destructive adequate to make it meaningless! What if I enjoyed soreness? that asserts that i can inflict it on others! the unique translation is; "do no longer do to others what you do no longer decide for completed to you!" think of roughly it, there's a international of distinction between the two! yet, does the sturdy e book let us know a thank you to recover from our unhappiness if 'others' decide for to disobey or ignore approximately it?!? ~~~ What "sturdy e book"? The Xtian e book of the lifeless? Us? (diverse character ailment?) in case you're upset that others do no longer return your 'kindnesses', then you definately are doing them for the 'incorrect' motives, being cheating and proud/ineffective/sinful. additionally actual in case you anticipate others to act or think of how which you, with your project with judgement/satisfaction/sin, think of that they could desire to! What suitable have you ever to 'anticipate' something, o ineffective sinful human? there is your answer, confusing because it incredibly is to chew; recover from your self, and you will no longer ought to subject your self with (and be upset in) 'others'! That! is what faith, whichever, tries to facilitate. Your project isn't with others, bypass away them on my own! whilst your 'gentle' is shining brightly, others will come to you in looking out why!


Subliminal messages? *HEADDESK!!!*

Sorry for calling your sister dumb, but if she actually believes that then your sister's dumb. Dear Primus, the amount of retarded lies you hear about things like this...

Arianna: Okay, you clearly haven't read the books, as Dust has nothing to do with the concept of god in the books, and Lyra is not trying to kill Dust. In fact, they end up SAVING the Dust from oblivion, thereby saving the world. So straight off the bat, you're completely wrong.

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