Democrats: does Oboma's statement on abortion, not strike you as ironic?
He says he wants to reduce but not eliminate abortions. The example he gave, was that if one of his daughters 'made a mistake'; he would not want her to be 'punished with a baby!' It's good that his attitude was not retroactive in his own case. Because a young white Christian college girl did make a mistake, with a black Muslim man, but kept the baby. With the support of her parents they raised that child & made sure he had the best possible education. Today he is running for president, go figure.
Sorry, that's Obama!
BASH: I'm not american & don't belong to a party. I'm just opposed to abortion.
Here's a link to the statement:
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Are you trying to say that most teenage girls who get pregnant have not made a mistake? Any individual case can prove the exception to the rule but we have a severe, and growing, teenage pregnancy problem in this country and it is not something to make light of in order to prove some obscure political point.
Comprehensive sex education and ready availability of contraception will reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and, hence, abortions.
He is conceeding that we need the legal version of the procedure available in society--while trying to work for alternate measures to reduce it's incidence where it can be reduced.
Abortion is reduced through improved birth control, comprehensive sex education, better jobs with better salaries, better public transportation, better health care including prenatal care.
She didn't make a mistake, she happily wanted her pregnancy and married her child's father.
What IS ironic is that your party desperately wants to outlaw abortions, your VP wants little girls to be forced to keep a pregnancy caused by rape or incest, yet it is YOUR party who consistently calls for LESS funding of social programs, LESS funding of welfare to work, LESS funding of foster care and support of mothers. Your candidate has the WORST rating in Congress on children's issues. Why is it that your party believes that every fetus should become a child, yet refuses to care about the child the moment he is removed from the womb? Why is it that everyone thinks 'there are TONS of people who will adopt the child' when that is COMPLETELY false. We have thousands of children in the system who will never be adopted. FEW people want black babies, FEW people want children older than infants, FEW people want children with medical problems. FEW people want neglected, abused, drug addicted children. <<Foster mommy to 3 bi-racial children through CPS who NO ONE wants, who NO ONE cares about except me. <<Foster mommy who KNOWS that the services that they desperately need are the same services that your party wants to take from them. <<<Foster mommy who has been called the most disgusting and demoralizing names for simply trying to care for the children that NO ONE in your party wants to give a crap about.