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YES, it is.
What is so hard for people to understand? If you give someone making 40K a tax break, they get what $300 back?? What are they going to do with that exactly? Put it back into the economy? Buy something with it? What a new bike?
If you raise taxes on someone making 250K, and they now pay 10K more, they will stop putting money into the economy and buying things. If you raise taxes on small businesses they will not be able to create jobs for people!!!
80% of the tax burden is already on 5% of the population that everyone calls "rich". People making under 200K only pay like 15% of the total tax from this country!!!
Rachel B
No way. As an upper middle class person myself, I am ineligble for a tax cut under Senator Obama's plan. Many of my loved ones will in fact have their taxes raised, and in a few years, so may I. What's more I'm grateful for it. I cannot use that money to provide social programs, educate a generation, arm our troops, expand health care, and sponsor research that will keep the American economy competitive in the 21st century. With our MASSIVE budget deficit, there's no way the goverment can do those things without some of my money either. I'm glad to give it, and I'm glad that those being asked to give a little more are those like me who can easily afford it. This isn't just bleeding hear liberalism. These service directly benefit me, because they lead to a safer, more prosperous America. Really, I think envy, and its cousin greed, are the only reason anyone is unhappy about these reasonable and necessary tax increases- people covet a lifesyle of excess and they don't want the government interfering with the possibility that someday they too can fiddle in their palaces while Rome burns.
The wealthy in society have had their butts kissed for way too long. They were seen as the vehicle that would drive the economy forward. They would spread the wealth by spending and the rest of us would reap the rewards. If you know any wealthy people, they tend to be the biggest tightwads in the world. As a result, they stay wealthy and the rest of us have stagnating incomes.
It is not unreasonable that the wealthier of society pay a larger share of the burden. That is what Adam Smith, the father of capitalism claims and that is what Teddy Roosevelt, McCain's favorite president, instituted.
Nobody likes to pay higher taxes and maybe we wouldn't have to if the Republican presidents would stop spending us into huge defecits.
Shelley L
No. I'm happy because the rich don't need the tax breaks that Obama plans to let expire. Frankly, I think they need to stop their whining. They got a free ride for 8 years under Dubya. Now it's time to pay up. It's not like paying more taxes is going to make them poor, either, so they should all just stop their b*tching. Boo Hoo! Poor little richies will have to give some of their money back to society? WAAAAAA. I feel SO bad for them.
Envy as nothing to do with it.
I'm happy because requiring the rich to pay more means the middle class can pay a lot less. Rich people can afford it.
I'm tired of the old trickle down stuff of the past.
We need a trickle up economic theory where we give the tax breaks to the middle class and hope it trickles up to the rich.
Sounds a lot fairer to me.