What's wrong with this Limerick, and why?

A poet once took up the challenge
To find a word rhyming with orange.
     He spoke choice after choice,
     Almost losing his voice,
'Til he sucked on a menthol throat lozenge.


Oh my! A pointless Limerick.
Who would have thought......


There is nothing 'chi-chi' about me, Jon,
unless you mean Chi-Chi the Giant Panda.
In which case, one could argue a slight


Favorite Answer

I love it, Crates. Off-rhyme is very chi-chi in the elite of poesy, ya know.

I remember seeing an ancient clip from a TV show with Petula Clark ("Downtown," "Don't Sleep in the Subway," lotsa hits back in the 50s and 60s).

She posited: Cockneys are the only people in the world who have a rhyme for the word orange. It's the thing that allows a door to swing open and closed: a door 'inge.

For some reason that makes me laugh.


The last line has to many syllables. It should have the same as the first 2, which have 9. Last line has 10.

Experto Credo2009-02-21T15:53:14Z

"Lozenge" is not even considered a close rhyme to "orange", which has no pure rhyme. Ditto for "challenge".

The only word, which is barely acknowledged, is "door-hinge" and that limits what you can do

GotThatJustinBieberFever; ♥.2009-02-21T15:20:22Z

Nothing rhymes with orange.


Nothing's wrong with it, 'cause I never could say lozenge correctly!
sounds good to me!


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