my neighbors grass is very high and he refuses to cut it.?

Now we have snakes in our yard. And we have a two year old that loves to play in the yard...Isnt there a city ordinance that prevents such high grass. its over a foot... what department do i call? L &I? I live in the city of Brotherly Love


Favorite Answer

Contact a homeowners association. If there is not one, I'm not too sure what else can be done. Then again, if there was one, the snobs at the HOA would have already fine them. As for snakes, they usually won't be poisonous. Leave them be. Do NOT attempt to
Remove or hurt them, as this Is when
People get hurt.


It's doubtfull that there are laws. Might have some in the way of unsightly or 'eyesores', but if its green its gererally considered to be not ugly as far as I know. They are more towards stopping people from aprking old cars on their lawn or not watering and having everythnig dead and brown.

Id contact your humain society or police offices they could probably point you to the right place.


I would go online and go to your city's website, call the main line and then they'll direct you to the people you need to talk to.


Smoke him out


Haha cut it for him when he's not looking :]