Global Warming Hoax.....?

to all you people who say global warming is a hoax, i just have one question, do you deny the fact that global warming is happening at all, or just that humans are causing it? Cause i can see humans not causing it, but the temperature is definently rising...


kesu, i found your two reasons rather two wayed. I'm sure you could just as easily say that the reason anyone buys global warming is because they are to afraid that they are going to die and would do anything to stop it, or because they don't have the cranial capacity to see that it is a myth.

I firmly believe in global warming, i'm just saying that you're two reasons really weren't good ones.

I've seen dozens of versions of that graph, i've seen a few where the greenhouse gas chart rises only after the temperature one suggesting the reason carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising is because of the temperature increase.


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Basically the idea that Global Warming is going to cause an apocalyptic crisis is a complete lie.

If you study the subject in depth from a skeptic's point of view (and I think the scientific frame of mind is naturally skeptical about new hypotheses) you will notice that a lot of the information we are being given is completely untrue.

Global temperatures have been steadily decreasing since 1998, that is a fact. From 1940 to 1980 the world's temperature was decreasing, leading to the media sparking fears of a new ice age. Graph's have been doctored to make the effects of global warming seem more extreme than they are.

If there is a genuine scare then governments have been completely stupid in telling lies and exaggerating the nature and repercussions of global warming and have sacrificed their credibility.

Scientist are no longer allowed to challenge the hypothesis as any scientific grant application, which explores the possibility of global warming being natural and not man-made, will be instantly rejected. In fact scientist can pretty much guarantee getting a grant if they claim their paper will consider the affects of global warming in their results.

Despite the recent cooling and the complete lack of indication that CO2 causes temperature increase (if you check the graphs carefully you will notice that the CO2 level rises and falls after the world's temperature does) the media keep churning out more dramatic horror stories for the future, and making poor explanations for their poor predictions so far.

By the way the reason CO2 level rises after temperature rises is because sea water releases CO2 when it is warmed up, as sea water takes a very long time to warm up though, the effects are not seen until approximately 800 years after the temperature increase. You will notice that global warming propaganda always shows the CO2/time and temperature/time graphs with a very large scale (over a period of 100,000- 1 million years) this is so the "delay" is unnoticable and to the untrained and uninquisitive eye, the proposed theory goes by unquestioned.

Animals and bacteria produce 150 giga tonnes of CO2 per year, humans produce 6 giga tonnes. Dying vegetation produces more than animals and by far the biggest producer of CO2 is the sea.

There are reasons why we should try to move away from coal and oil power and try to save energy; because they are finite and will need to be replaced by renewable energy sources, however this necessity should not justify governments lying to us and manipulating the truth about causes of climate change.

Edit; In response to the poster below me I would agree that global warming is a complicated issue, there are over 1000 variables which affect climate change (which as you have correctly pointed out is a natural phenomena). Up to 80% of these variables are very poorly researched and it seems like only one of the thousand variables is being sourced as the singular cause of climate change.
I would have thought solar activity would be a fairly obvious place to start, considering that the sun produces our heat, however global warming theorists try to side step this fact, and try to place the blame elsewhere.

They would have us ignore the sun, ignore the majority of greenhouse gases and ignore the vast majority of CO2 that isn't caused by humans and focus solely on the absolutely miniscule amount of CO2 that humans contribute to the atmosphere.
The "hoax theory" (as you put it) is all for the exploration of the other parameters which come into question, to try to attempt to get a full interpretation of the causes of climate change, rather than boiling it down to, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, we produce greenhouse gases, ergo we are causing a greenhouse affect which is destroying the planet.


Most people believe it is a hoax because they don't understand the implications behind 'Global Warming.' They hear that phrase, and much like the poster above me, think that if the average temperatures aren't going up, nothing is taking place. However, global warming is a complex system that is not always reflected in present average temperatures.

Today, average air temperatures are cooler than back in 1998 because the glaciers are melting and breaking at a fast pace. When that ice falls into the ocean, it cools the water, which then cools the air, creating the lower air temperatures. Glaciers are steadily loosing more and more mass, and if it continues, it will enhance the feedback mechanism that is already in motion.

In the arctic, the huge glacier is helping keep the earth cool. The high albedo(ice is white) reflects heat instead of containing it(think of the white shirt vs black shirt on a hot summers day.) Now, however, that glacier is melting, and when the ice goes away, after an initial cold period, the seas will begin to heat, causing the global temperatures to increase.

What most people also don't realize is that the earth's temperature has almost never been stable, and right now, we are still in an Ice period, and have been for at least a million years. The earth has, during most of its life, been MUCH, MUCH hotter, and its temperature fluctuates often. However, pumping CO2 into the air is speeding up the process of what would have happened naturally anyway.

The results of global warming might not be 'catastrophic' at first, if we find ways to adapt. But it will certainly not be pretty.


People who say global warming is a hoax "usually" deny the fact that humans are causing it. They argue that the earth goes through it's ups and downs in temperature during it's entire existence. But however, scientific proof clearly states otherwise.

Many people who refuse to acknowledge the existence of Global Warming either A. Don't want to know that the world will probably end if they don't give up their plasma T.V. (or something like that) B. Don't have the cranial capacity to contemplate what would happen in the near future.

According to a new study (I think, read it in the paper a couple days ago) the world will increase by 7.4 degrees in the next 100 years if the government doesn't do anything about it. This is 3 times the original expected amount and they guess it will probably put earth on the "brink of collapse"


Humans are causing global warming, well a better form of saying it is, we are SPEEDING up the proccess of global warming
There is definetly scientific proof that within the next 100-200 years, the avg. global temp. will rise by 1 or 2 degrees, and that is very bad.

can you say co2 co2 co2! Airplanes, busses, cars, any engine form. There's a lot more that causes GW such as methane, carbon in the oceans layer, deforestation. Of course, this gets a bit more complicated.


I don't know much about global warming, but it seems to me that man isn't responsible. But im willing to listen to other arguments. As far as Horner being on the payroll of Exxon/Mobil, I don't know that he is, but the scientists you quote are probably on the payroll of someone like greenpeace, everyone has a salary my friends. They don't do it for free. I do know that for every scientist that says it's caused by man, another doesn't think so. That report the left always likes to quote, some of the scientits on it sued to get their names taken off of it, because they didn't agree with the summary, only the part they had written.

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