1. They insist they definitely do not follow Christianity (even though they accept core Christian beliefs, such as Jesus being their divine savior, son of God, who died on the cross for their sins and then was resurrected)
2. Jews insist they are definitely not following Judaism but instead are committing blasphemy by practicing Christianity while calling themselves Jews.
So what religion do they follow?
OK Devoted1, you asked for it so here is just one example: I am sure you have heard of the commandments God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai? Read them again, this time paying careful attention ot the commandment regarding not having any other gods. Besides, as an avowed Christian who was devoted to Christ (the exact term you regularly used to use for Jesus) as recently as a year ago, you probably are not as familiar with the Torah as you claim.
Abiyah-- you say "We do know the Commandment of 'Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.' YHWH is One( Echad) &Y'shua is His Son" Ok, are you saying God's son is not a god himself? If not, what is he? a god-man hybrid? Certainly does not sound mortal to me (oh yes, you say Jesus is not mortal, so that would make him a god......) Why do you continue to insult Judaism with your blasphemy? For goodness sake, you are a Christian cult--why not face facts and get over your obsession with wanting to be Jewish--you can't have it both ways.
Grace says, "Christianity has never been defined as belief in Jesus," a statement which calls her sanity into question.
DSM--why do you continue to insult us Jews by referring to us as "non-messianic Jews?" And since you seem to have so much trouble understanding that a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ (regardless of what name you use for him) and use of the New Testament as a holy text is NOT a part of Judaism, perhaps you should check with a rabbi (any rabbi will do--e.g. Reform, Orthodox, Conservative) who is not a Christian minister masquarading as a rabbi. I am sure a rabbi, one who is much more qualified than I to discuss Jewish theology, will set you straight.
Favorite Answer
answer: The worship of a divine, sacrificed human/deity is foreign and abhorrent to Judaism.
Twisting Jesus (or whatever Hebrew name you give him) into Jewish rituals and Jewish holy days doesn't make one Jewish - it makes one either self-deluded and willfully ignorant or deceitful and dishonorable.
answer: a form of Christianity that attempts to force Christian beliefs into Judaism which is impossible.
The description of the Creation of Woman in the Bible is rather Symbolic. First of all it says that it is not good for man to be alone (I would like to point out it doesn't say that about women). Then it goes on to talk about how Women was created by pulling a rib out of Adam's Chest. Not a bone from the foot to be trampled upon, and not a bone from the head to be above, but a bone from the chest to be equal to. Now think farther, what purpose do the ribs serve? They protect vital and life giving organs. A woman by God's plan fills the same role. They are to be respected, honored, cherished, and protected. In the Bible do you know of anywhere it mentions God's wife? It isn't in there. Why? Not because he is not married. In Genesis God says a man should be married. So to be perfect a man must be married, and God is perfect so God is married. If God is married why don't we read about his wife anywhere? Answer, If you knew that your name would be treated in the manner that God's has would any good husband allow that to be done to his wife? No, and so instead of doing something to limit our agency He didn't mention His Wife, and thus She does not have Her name desecrated like His has been. As far as the passage you refer to in Timothy I would imagine that is one of the many spots in the Bible that have been the victim of intentional or unintentional mistranslations over the centuries. Women are not 2nd class citizens. Christ in his ministry taught that, not with words but His actions. If you look at the respect that He showed the women He interacted with, and compare that with how women were treated in that day, you will see he was downright revolutionary. He would have made just about any womens rights activist today happy. When you take that into account there are plenty of reasons why a woman would be a Christian. Oh yes I should mention I am a male.
They are following Judaism but believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Since Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Messiah it is only natural that it would that they will have a few things in common the the Christians. All the first followers were Jews, the New Testament of the Christian Bible was written by Jews with one exception. Some Jews are reading the New Testament and coming to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. It's just like it was almost 2,000 years ago. Since some Jews believe that Yeshua is the Messiah and they are called Messianic Jews the ones that don't believe that Yeshua is the Messiah have to be called non Messianic to differentiate them from the other Jews. It all starts getting really confusing because Jews from all the Jewish denominations have gone Messianic. So the only way us Christians can sort it out is to use this terminology. If not we can't even discuss the subject. None of us are intending any offense but you guys are making it really hard on us because of all the different opinions about what flies and does not fly in Judaism. There us a Jewish saying ask 5 Jews a question and you'll get 10 answers so I hope everyone know what I mean.
For goodness sake, get a grip, your obsession with Messianic Jews & Devoted 1 inparticular is rather tiresome. She has said she was a christian a year ago, i myself was a christian 6 years ago, having come through christianity, we & others like us have come to the conclusion that the first disciples of Y'shua were Jewish & the Gentiles who came into the sect followed the practises of Judaism, that is Torah & observed the Feasts, Festivals & Shabbat, they all believed that Y'shua was & is the Messiah of Israel & asked them to follow His Commandments, the very same ones that YHWH God gave to ALL Israel at Mt Sinai & as a result of us seeing this we have decided that something is missing in christianity & what is needed is a Relationship with Father YHWH & His Son Messiah Y'shua. The Jewish faith is also supposed to be a Relationship with Father God not a religion, so Messianic Jews & Messianic Believers do not belong to a Religion. True Messianic's are not worshipping Y'shua, but YHWH God our Father as Y'shua instructed us. We do know the Commandment of "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." YHWH is One( Echad) & Y'shua is His Son, He defers ALL Worship to the Father. People make mistakes along the way & correct as they go along & seeing as Messianic's do not have the support of Jews most have not had the benefit of growing up in a Jewish home, things would go a lot faster if Jews would just open their eyes to see that we are not the enemy & help us to fit the puzzle together. Some Jews who are now Messianic's have seen the light & are giving insight that one can only get from the Jewish mindset. We also realize that JEW FOR JESUS has done a lot of harm, meaning to help, they took Jews who joined them, totally away from the Feasts & Festivals & turned Jews into little christians, when they were supposed to find their Messiah & remain Jewish & continue in their wealth of family blessing & heritage. Not all Messianic Jews & Messianic Believers are trying to proselytize U, BUT U do not seem to see the difference & are against the very people who are more for Jews than any other group of people on the face of the earth. All I can say is Come Y'shua Come, so that all this fighting & jealousy can stop.
Suckels Clown of Righteousness2009-06-02T05:25:26Z
Most are following Judaism The reason that that there appears to be so much confusion is that Reform Judaism is unique in believing you can stop being a Jew after being one. So the comments about Jews becoming Christians and no longer being Jews is strictly from the Reform perspective. It should be remembered that the Reform movement at one time wanted to celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday to be more like Christians.
Traditional Judaism maintains that a Jew, whether by birth or conversion, is a Jew forever. Thus a Jew who claims to be an atheist or converts to another religion is still considered by traditional Judaism to be Jewish. However, the Reform movement maintains that a Jew who has converted to another religion is no longer a Jew,[1][2] and the Israeli Government has also taken that stance after Supreme Court cases and statutes.[3]
It is very common for Reform Jews to become involved in other religions. Unitarianism, Paganism and Buddhism are great examples of this unusual phenomenon. Most of the people running Unitarian Churches are (Reform) Jews. Mark JPAS summed it up well when he said "it is acceptable to blend some degree of foreign spiritual elements with Judaism. The one exception is Christianity, which is perceived to be incompatible with any form of Jewishness. So there is a double standard when it comes to Christianity.