Does anyone have an ex husband like mine?

Ex husband always taking me to court over the children who are now adults. Ex husband 'abandoned' his relationship with our children since 2003. He doesn't want to continue paying child support, even though our youngest child is a full time college student.
Ex husband's background: domestic violence abuser and child divorced 11 years.
Does anyone have a similiar story to share?


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He has an afair.
He doesnt want to pay child support.
He stalks me.
He take me to court every 6 months for 5 years now.
He pays 510.0 per month and hates it.\
He got current husband kicked out of house for one year over lies he made up.
he wont let me move.

unfortunatly for him i win most of the time


Yes, my ex husband kept threatening court if I didn't agree to whenever he wanted contact with the kids. I called his bluff and he kept painting himself into a corner. This went on from when I left around 2000 and kept going until last year when it came to a sort of stalemate. If he takes it to court again or doesnt follow the original family orders / contact arangements he will have to pay my costs for all the other times he took it to court. It took a long time but I feel he eventually learnt to appreciate just how fortunate he is to have our sons most weekends and half the school holidays and he also learnt that he can't threaten me any more. The kids are with me 60% of the time which consists of week days (before and after school and half the school holidays). I am fortunate to have flexible work hours during school hours and weekends. We eventually built a bridge and got over it....after alot of money in legal fees...and hopefully with little emotional cost


Does anyone have an ex husband like mine?

who am i?2009-06-25T16:59:15Z

I lived 10 years off and on with an abuser. I am now free of him, and me and my children are better off without him. It took me a long time to learn I did NOT have to live that way. I really believed for a long time, I had no choice. Abusers tend to brainwash, for lack of a better word. I don't even try for child support because I don't need nor want his drug money. I can take care of my children better by myself. He is actually in prison right now and that is the way I like it!


nope just the opposite

ex wife abandon the family and took up the party life after making my life miserable for almost 10 years.

youngest child turned 18 and graduated this year so she says she no longer should have to pay the thousands of dollars she has owed for years.

p.s.--i asked the judge to forgive almost 8 grand years ago cuz they kept throwing her in jail--- she got out and went on the run and still refuses to pay

its a 2 way street --- women do it also

beat up and broke in kansas city :)

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