i've been reading about the wonders of hydrogen peroxide is it okay to drink it?

i've been reading about the wonders of hydrogen peroxide. some people regularly drink a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide in water to detox their bodies or alleviate medical conditions. some inhale it through a sprayer and swear by it. the fda and some doctors say not to. do you know anyone that has benefited from drinking it?


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I don't think there are any benefits to drinking it. And I don't think it would taste good either.


I would side with the FDA and the doctors. There are always people who do stupid things to their bodies like that and eventually it catches up with them. When I was in high school, some kook came up with a diet called the Scarsdale Diet. You were supposed to eat only grapefruit or only cheese or something and you would lose weight. Well of course people lost weight; they also died of malnutrition. Drink the water straight. Leave out the hydrogen peroxide.


Yes you can drink hydrogen peroxide.
But you will need to mix water and 3% hydrogen peroxide.
You will mix 20-30 drops in your glass of water in morning
You will need to drink 1 hour before or 3 after you eat.
Hope this helps


hey ive been drinking hydrogen peroxide for like a year now. and if you are going to do it you have to buy the food grade stuff from an online site you HAVEEE to i cannot stress how much it has to be food grade lol. but i have been doing it and it gives you a little "high" just you just ran a mile cuz the oxygen is getting put into your blood stream. my vision has increased from it and my stamina also increased. but ive done it for like a year now and im perfectly fine.


generally i would listen to the fda. I would be more afraid of side effects than i would be grateful for benefits. im sure you can find the same benefits in something that is fda approved

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