Have we forgotten what Freewill is about?

Are we SURE we understand what Freewill is about? If so, WHAT does it mean to you? - I'm curious.

Just a Poll, but you can use your freewill to expand your answer if you want. hehehehe

I've been seeing a lot of questions about "Freewill" and the apparent unfairness of being "punished" for it. Like Freewill is a right and there fore expressing that right in any form, shouldn't incur any consequence OR Something like that.

What does Freewill mean to you? - apparently the right to do whatever the F*** you want. RIGHT?
Like using a THING, you are merely using your freewill how it was designed to be used.. therefore you should be punished for it.. RIGHT?
Alot of the questions seem to imply this attitude.

PERSONALLY, I think MOST people think Freewill is about "the right to do whatever I want"
But is it really?

I think Freewill is merely the ability to differentiate our will from that of others. Nothing more. It allows us to realize that we don't have to do what others tell us. THUS, we formulate our OWN will, free from theirs.
Our "will" is free and we can formulate an idea of what we want and differentiate that from other people... even God.

While everyone I have heard uses this to justify ANYTHING, I THINK that instead.. it actually gives us great responsiblity and was designed for 1 thing in particular.

With a Free WILL, we can freely CHOOSE to cooperate. We can actually use it to SUBMIT to others authority. We can actually USE it to REALIZE what is best for other people and freely choose to help them.
We can use our freewill to differentiate what we want and what others want.. this allows us to realize WHAT people want and help to fullfill it.

I can't see there being any love, any altruism without the existence of Freewill. We'd be slaves, Zombies, Action--Reaction Engines. Computers, where you input something and get predictable output.

But Freewill allowed us to ANALYZE situations and realize what He wants, What She wants, and what I want.. and weigh and balance all those things, before reacting.

To ME that's ALL Freewill is about. NOT doing whatever we want. Not being SHOCKED when our choices actually have a negative impact.. which seems to be what most people think. They seem to think "but I have freewill... why am I being "punished" for using it??"


Sorry for the wall of text.. Most of it is merely giving my view of Freewill to spark some discussion.
I'm curious what other think, cause I suspect my view of Freewill is not that common.

Again, sorry for the ramblings


Good answers. But everyone is saying the same thing, basically. I was hoping to get more diversity.
But I can't complain. Apparently a lot of well balanced people.

I'm guessing no one from the "its not fair.. it's not fair, [CRY CRY] It's not FAIR" camp has decided to answer this question.
Where'd they all go? - too busy asking questions maybe??


"Sarah" - Good Job! this is the diversity I was hoping for. This is the classical "it's not fair" logic I've been seeing so prevalent here on R&S.

Thanks for representing exactly what I think is screwed up with so many people's view of Freewill,
I couldn't disagree with you more.. but this is exactly the mentality many people have about Freewill. Thanks for representing the deluded majority.


"very General" - Bravo! Obviously Life isn't a Role Playing Game but if it were... You just leveled up your Wisdom stat by 1. Good Job!

Exactly my point. You used Freewill to realize your actions were not tied to this other person's action and you differentiated. You then went further and used your freewill for a positive by choosing to not force this person but instead forgive so that YOU can move on.


Favorite Answer

We have no choice...but to choose.

If you think about it, everything that we do or think involves choice. I see free will as really our interaction with reality, whether physically or mentally. Even when we entertain certain thoughts, those thoughts present a kind of reality which we make choices/judgments about/in.

Free will is the fundamental condition of an autonomous human.

The term freedom is used alot, especially in philosophy (where it has a different meaning than in the modern vernacular). True freedom is found in doing what is most excellent (the good or love etc). Our will is only free when we will what is most good. If we will what is not most good, our will is not free, it is corrupted. For example, choosing to work hard for my money vs. stealing money from someone else. If I will that I should earn my own money honestly, my will is free. If I will that I should be able to take what I want merely because I want it, then my will is not free, it is imprisoned by my own wants.


Unfortunately, we live in a time in which the concept of freewill has been brought to a level which it was never supposed to go. I don't even mean that from a religious perspective, but also a political and practical perspective.

Freewill, in the modern sense, has become linked with the ideas of individualism and libertinism. These ideas that, we as a human society are simply a collection of individuals with a divinely or political ordained freewill. This idea that a person is beholden to none but his own ambitions and judgement. But that was never what it was supposed to be.

I find it facinating that if you look at theories presented over the ages, you run into freewill as a concept being presented in very similer ways by both religious scholars and political philosophers alike. It is almost as if, the theologians set up a relationship between God and Man based on responcibility and freewill, while political thinker are doing the same with Government and her subjects, on could even argue that in Enlightenment ideology, Government and the nation state became the "New Divine."

But both would argue freewill is simply a method of maintaining balace. Balance beween liberty and responcibility, faith and obligation, pleasure and duty. Freewill is what allows us to get a slice of all things in moderation.

So in a political sence, Locke and Russeau argue the Social Contract. That all man is free to enjoy the fruits of prosperity, but this isn't a individual prosperity, but a collective prosperity. One contributes to the group in his own way, his most productive way, the group is enriched by that productivity, and the entire nation benefits from a collective prosperity.

The same applies to religion. We find the best path for us to enteract with God. Some become monks, other priest, still other remain faithful laypeoples. Some protect the poor, others protect the weak. It is our freewill to choose our path, but then, together, when all men are made equil we taste to fruit of our labor. This isn't an individual salvation, or individual prosparity, but a communial one.

I think thats what we in the Modern world have lost. We have sold away our freewill and now we are governed, we are ruled, by the tyrant that is lust for wealth and power. We have lost that sense of obligation to the communtiy and the sense of celebration through the community. We dont realize that individual wealth, individual glory, or invidual prospertiry is enjoyed by one, but should be enjoyed by all.


Free will is all about doing what makes you happy, what fulfills your current agenda whether that is wasting time here arguing or out in the world feeding the needy. Free will is the lack of control, the idea that we are in control of what we do.

This is what America is suppose to be about, what we were about after the revolution but we have lost sight of that. The government is taking away more of our free will each and every day and people are stand by and not doing what needs to be done. We need an uprising, we were so close in the 70's but I was not around then and sincerely hope that I live to see this country be taken back by the real rulers of this place: the people.

That's part of the problem I have with Christianity. They claim that they have free will, that God gives it to them but that isn't really true. I mean yes, they can do things differently then he supposedly wants them too but if they do then he condemns them to Hell. How is that free will when a lot of people are controlled by that very fear? So maybe indirectly God takes away the free will of those sheepish enough to stand and take the control just as Hitler controlled those foolish enough to stand by and wait for him to do it.


Well, geeeesh, now I have to use my brain to think, and I have such a head ache..... I really do !!..... but, I get what you are trying to say..... Freewill has become a *dirty* word it seems..... Freewill is simply the ability to make a choice..... To weigh the options and take what ever action each individual deems as right, at the time.... If you are in love, you use that free will to show it or not to.... Hungry ? you make the choice to eat or not and what to eat or not..... Sleepy ? you make the choice to go to bed, take a nap, party all night etc..... I am using my free will, even with a head ache, to answer your nice question.... and now I am gonna make the choice to go and take something for that head ache....... go in peace.... God bless

Very General2009-09-04T10:42:01Z

Great question!

For the past several months I've been asking God to help me forgive the actions of someone who hasn't a clue of what he did.

Recently, as in two days ago, the idea that I can choose to forgive came into my mind. I've stopped asking God to help me forgive, because my mind is made up - it's not necessary anymore. Now whenever I mentally get reminded of what this person did, I counteract the thought by thinking I have forgiven him. What he did is moot.

God answered my prayer by telling me something so simple, yet so complex.

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