Why is it most of America seems to want Obama to fail, before he has even begun ?

To us in the rest of the world it seems so negative. Bigger Government is often a good thing. Just visit Scandanavia !


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The use of the word "most" is what invalidates the premise of your question. A majority of Americans enthusiastically support President Obama, and his popularity among other nations' leaders remains above 80%. There are a vocal and organized cult-evangelical and white supremacist few who spew a little bile and pus about our elected leader, but they are nowhere near being "most" of America---they are an irrelevant minority backed by lobbyists from big oil, insurance industry, bankers, pharmaceutical, and other corporate interests used to having no regulations or oversight. We, the people, believe in the initiatives put forth by the Obama administration and are looking forward to getting universal health care, Cap and Trade with "Green Technology" incentives, a re-repeal of the Republican-led repeal of antitrust restrictions which has allowed price-fixing without control to the detriment of consumers and our economy, and so on. Insecurity-driven loudmouths with radio or TV shows on stations owned by right-wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch, like Limbaugh and Beck or anyone on FOX (a.k.a., "Faux") News, tend to spread vitriolic lies and propaganda, but don't buy what they are selling. Like I said, a majority of Americans strongly support President Obama.


The left really does not get it...I do not wish 0bama to fail...only his ill conceived socialist redistribution of wealth and power grab of the health care system...there has never been a government program that has been successfully and economically run...Socialist Security and Medicare have cost over 9 times than they were estimated to...stop the madness...


We want MARXISM to fail. We would much rather Obama became a patriot and succeeded as a real American and stop trying to make the US a communist state.


I like visiting Scandinavia. But I like living in America. I don't want what he wants for our country. and scandinavia is not required by law to purchase sucky, government designed health insurance that enriches and protects special interests at our expense. Scandinavia is so small it is 'local government' to us. We think ALL such matters belong to local government, if the people locally want that.


Because we don't want Obama's brand of government nor Scandanavia's either.

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