How do you feel about Obama sending more troops?

He promises to decrease the troops at the time of pre election..and now he is sending out more. He is currently on TV addressing our nation.


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LOL... being more aggressive in Afghanistan and sending 30,000 more troops. Isn't that a brilliant plan of attack? I can guaranteed you that his pledge of slowly bringing troops back by 2011 while not happen. That's pretty much the end of his term and laid to the next president.

Do you really belief that Obama would uphold his proposals that he said while he was running for president? I don't know if he was just stupid or just came into reality of not just the war but also the economy. I'll bet that at the end of his four year term he will be far from half of his promised proposal.

I really don't expect much more. He has already made history of being the first African-American president and winning the Nobel Peace Prize which he in no way did deserve.


he is a liar.....