Precsciption medicines/pharmaceuticals--Your thoughts?

USA and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow Direct to Consumer Advertising of Drug to their populations.

Do you think the pharmaceutical companies want us dependent on drugs? And if so, Why?
And what can we do about it?

Know the Truth2009-12-12T15:52:09Z

Favorite Answer

Of course they want us dependent on drugs, because it makes them rich.

We can learn to use the plant medicines that grow for free around us, that have little to no side effects (when used properly) and that fix the cause of the health problem, rather than mask the symptom.

Ruth C2009-12-12T15:48:38Z

Yes, they want us dependant on their product.

Why? Because they want our money in their pockets.

What can we do? Be as drug-free as possible, and buy generic when we do need drugs.


Follow the money. The why is a myopic viewpoint of those who want to "control".....what can we do about it?
Turn to alternative medicine, functional medicine and homeopathy.