Love Vs. Lust -- Marriage Vs. Divorce?

Ok, I know - I have been reading all these posts on love vs. lust. Loveless, sexless marriages and cheaters. To divorce or to stay married. I am stuck in my own dilemma and am completely confused.
I dated my husband for 6 years before getting married less than a year ago. Throughout the dating process I didn't know exactly how I felt - I truly felt like I was in love with him. After all the bad relationships I had been in, we was a dream come true. He truly loves me and puts me on a pedestal. Our wedding was just about the happiest day of my life. He is a great man who is so sincere and loving. The greatest out there. He truly is. The problem lies in me. He always told me I could never open up to him. That I have never let my wall/guard down and really let him love me or give that love back. Why did we marry with these issues? - I don't know. peer pressure, comfort level, you name it - it probably had an influence.

However, after some time away from my husband due to traveling, I met someone I feel really is a "love at first sight". He made me feel things I don't ever remember feeling ... with anyone. He truly takes my breath away when ever I see him. We spent quite a bit of time together while or spouses where away. We developed a deep relationship. I can open up to him more than I ever could with my husband or any other past boyfriend. It hurts so bad to say this but, I treat him how my husband says I never treated him - being able to be vulnerable and accepting to the love. This other guy also puts me up on the same pedestal, tells me how beautiful I am, and is equally sincere and loving. Craziest thing is, he is very much like my husband -- all except for my feelings. I can't explain it except this other guy makes me feel so comfortable and safe. He brings out feelings I didn't know existed in me. I never cry and I have cried over him and our situation many times. (we've known each other for 5 months)

As far as Sexless marriage - Sex with my husband is nonexistent -- no engagement sex, no wedding night sex, no honeymoon sex...... and we'd go up to 9 months without sex while we were "dating". I have to admit I felt like I lost my drive with him.
Sex with the other guy - we spent a weekend together and averaged sex once every 5 hours -- so my drive is still there .... just not with my husband ??!!!??

All that being said - It is obviously complicated (he is also unhappily married). We live far away from each other and have things to sort out on each end before anything can happen. Yes, we had sex - quite a few times. One night, he confessed his love for me in tears - knowing we were "in trouble" because of how we feel towards each other and "shouldn't". We are both terrified of how strong our feelings are toward each other. I think about him from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed ... I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about him. I hate that it has always been said about love that "you will just know" --- How? When I got married I thought that "this must be it" - "This has to be it" - Now I feel like I settled for what I thought love was supposed to be - just two people who chose each other, had the same views, same morals, wanted the same things, and enjoyed each others company. We felt happy together.
Marry your best friend - Right??
SO, SO wrong!!!

The good thing is neither of us have kids and it would be "easy" to walk away.
Yes, thoughts of trust cross my mind - but so do the thoughts of my husband ever being able to trust me again - if for some reason we tried to save our marriage.

My Husband and I have communicated lately like never before - however it is me expressing how I truly feel ... that I never really was "in love" with him. Don't get me wrong, I love him ... I just don't know if loving him was ever enough to marry him. Was I ever truly "In Love" as it is said. Honestly looking back on it, I don't feel like I ever was. We both had very long conversations about this recently. He knows the other guy exists and that he was a force in my feelings being propelled into a whirlwind of confusion. My husband truly only wants what is best for me and wants me to be happy. I don't want to hurt him - I know I did - I never wanted to. I have never been in this situation - ever. Until these feelings arose I believed marriage was forever ... I have never cheated before in my life and never thought I would. Like I said - this guy brings out feelings in me I don't know how to respond to ... How does one know what true love and being in love is supposed to feel like if it has never been experienced by one before?

Divorce is in open discussion, but my biggest concern is -- Is this love, lust, something in between? Can one's feelings actually be found after marriage? Why couldn't I have experienced what love is before I said "I do"? Or have I?
Can "friend love" turn to "true love" ever? even after 7 years?

Is this normal?? Do all married coupl


the end should be -> do all married couples go through this at some point??

And sorry for the length ... I have a lot on my mind lately ....


Favorite Answer

Wow -- Okay this one took a step outside and a couple of cigarettes to figure out.

First of all I do not condemn nor do I condone extramarital affairs. I am not here to judge you on this issue.

People do have affairs for all sorts of reasons, and from what you're saying here is that you've met a man that you can open up to; he opens up to you; and unlike in your marriage you feel safe with him -- emotionally, physically and intimately as in sexually.

The fact that he has a great deal of concern about what's going on with the two of you, and his emotional dedication to you ending in tears tells me that his feelings are genuine, or at least as you describe them they are.

As far as what you're saying, you seem to see in him a great deal more than what you've been able to get out of your 6 year courtship with your husband and your eventual marriage to him.

It is possible to love many people in your life, and to be in love with many people at the same time, or to love different people for different reasons in equal measure.

I sense that you do love your husband and likewise, I think from what you said he loves you too. But I also sense that your decision to marry your husband was sort of like you "settled" for what you had not realizing that there was much more to a relationship than what you had.

The sex issue, or the lack of it in your marriage seems to be a real problem. No wedding, honeymoon or frequent sex at all is a sign that there's a complete breakdown of intimacy both emotionally and physically. If this means you're dissatisfied in your marriage and prior to it; then that might have been a sign to fix things up.

However, the real issues here are pretty deep.

You're discovering things about yourself that maybe, had you known them before, would have tilted towards breaking up with your husband rather than have married him.

I would have to say you and your husband are going to have to make that decision. Stay together and basically toast this other man, which will hurt him badly; or divorce your husband and then go through the long, tedious process of sticking with the other man till both of you are free.

The decision shouldn't be taken lightly. But I would suggest for your sake, your husband's sake, and the other man's sake and his wife's sake -- that all of you try and seek marriage counseling and individual counseling to sort these issues out.

Inasmuch as you want this other man, and it would seem you're saying you need him; its possible to fix your marriage and get it to the point where your husband can fill the role.

But I would also caution this much. If you truly are in love with this other man, then there is no point in dragging your marriage out and making your husband and you suffer for the sake of saving a bad marriage. Its best to part company with your husband as friends than to end up with bitter and hateful feelings.

No one here can say if its lust or love; or if its new relationship energy -- other than you and the other man. Love and sexual attraction if its truly real is enduring and does not fade.

So the separation of distance and time between you and seeing the other man may play a factor, but if the love is strong and doesn't diminish, nor the sex drive that you both share towards each other -- its possible its true love.

Obviously from what you've written the relationship is definitely an emotionally deep and endearing one. And frankly I would not tell you to discard the other man that easily, nor would I say hastily dump the husband.

A balanced decision, with the least amount of damage to everyone is the best course. Make it as painless as possible if you can.

I know it'll hurt. But how deeply makes a big difference.


I will say that you should probably leave and get a divorce knowing what you know, unless you think that you could stay with your husband and have a loveless marriage. You are taking the chance of not finding another man to make you feel the way this other man does, if he doesn't leave his wife. It is a choice that you have to make, because no one should have to live and be unhappy. Since you have talked with your husband and the truth is told you may have a new respect for this man because he still wants to make you happy.

I just said this to someone the other day, that some people use a dating service and they meet and think that this is the one, but what if the really best person doesn't sign up for a month after you do and you never meet. Who is to say who is the best for someone except the person that is looking. Complicated, but then life can be. Could you live a great life with the first man, sure because you didn't know about the second one. I guess it comes down to making the best with a bad situation. I think a marriage counselor is the best bet, maybe not to save the marriage, but to help you both figure out a good solution for the both of you. I do think that you love your husband, but are as you say not in love with him, the way a man and woman should be.


No, Arranged Marriages Are Common And If You Are Alright With Your Parents Choosing A Husband/Wife For You Them I Don't See Anything Wrong With It, But If You Want A Love Marriage Then Yes You Need To Find Your Own Husband/Wife, Someone You Know Well, It All Depends On What You Want


First of all, you have to understand that sometimes you have heat with someone and sometimes you don't. You don't need that heat to maintain a relationship, however. I understand your situation. You found a guy who loved you and you thought you loved, but you were missing the spark. You got dated a long while, got to know each other, and now you found a guy who gives you that sense of security AND spark. I'm sure you never anticipated finding it, but it found you. This is why affairs are so dangerous. Because they only result in confusion. I mean, come on. Who wouldn't be honored at having two men after you? And you might think that having not children makes things easier, but that's not necessarily the truth. (That's why when people claim that they stay together "for the kids", I don't really buy it--even when there are no kids involved we try to stick out our marriages.)

Anyhow, is it possible that your relationship with this other guy is really love? I have no clue. Because when you were in this phase with your current husband, you thought that it was love. Now that you're feeling this...who knows? There are no guarantees in life, ever. I'm sorry to say that! :-\ I wish I had a clear answer for you!!!

For now, you did make a commitment to your husband, so I think you should try to work things out with him as best you can. It will be difficult if you maintain this affair with this other dude. Since he's happily married, maybe you two can take a little bit of a break to see if you can appreciate those things that your spouses have to offer and then come to a decision after that. I would hate to see you miss out on a good thing with your current husband, only to find out that your lover won't leave his wife or that you discover his unbearable flaws.


Love is an action verb.
It is what you do.
Love a friend, love a lover, love your children, love your spouse.

Attraction is normal. Crushes are normal.
What you are experiencing with "love at first sight" is a crush.
Crushes evolved to make us hook-up; they pre-stock the love bank to get the relationship started.
Many relationships start by mutual crush, but not all. Some build more gradual without the crush.

When you have a solid, loving, healthy relationship you still experience crushes but they do not /feel like/ "overwhelming love at first sight". Comparatively they feel like the passing attraction they really are.

Part of growing up and becoming a mature adult is mastery over your emotions.
Emotions quickly come and quickly go.
Emotions follow action not the other way around.

True love is when both partners are committed, devoted, and actively both love one another.
"In love" is how you feel when someone loves you - and you let yourself feel it.

In your case it sounds like there is a barrier between you and your husband.
Idolization is not healthy in a relationship - it is an /intensity/ response and the natural emotional reaction to the receiving end of intensity is "run" or a distance response.

Most ironically, your distancing led you to intensity with someone else.

You have destroyed your marriage for lust, get the divorce and end the relationship with the other man.
It won't last either.

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