There are lots of mice around my barn and in the field. I'm wondering if people with snakes would buy live-caught wild "organic" mice, or would they be worried about diseases or something else? Same question for chipmunks - we have lots of those, too. So far, I've just been trapping the mice, but it would be nice if they could be used for something.
Sammy G2010-02-22T21:16:03Z
Favorite Answer
honestly it is possible but unlikely i personally wouldn't you don't know what they could be caring and a vet bill for a reptile is pretty expensive. once i gave my snake a mouse i found in the backyard and he got a worm from it he had to take medicine for 3 months just to get him back to health
i can't imagine you'd get a lot of buyers because you never know what the wild mice or chipmunks might be carrying. plus i wouldn't take the risk selling them if you can't guarantee they don't have a disease.
Donate them for Experimentation, or pay insurances, and Tax, on Retail; or collect from tax Credits from Donations. Even though the Agricultures Laws, and Fees are low, if you are a Registered Farm good, if not, not so good...0320/2015
No, no one should buy those. You don't know what disease that could carry and most likely they could end up killing the snake, and then you would have some unhappy customers on your hands.
as a small animal/co-owner of a pet store, i would highly doubt it due to the fact that you never now what they have. however, i do have a friend who catches other small animals to feed his snakes in between him buying them food. in my opinion, no there wouldn't be too many people buying them, but you never know. good luck if you decide too!