Does anyone know what the true magnitude is and the repercussions will be,...?
regarding the oil spill occurring even as we speak, in the Gulf of Mexico?
Am interested in your individual view.
Thank you for sharing...
A small insignificant brother....
Favorite Answer
dear brother...
i have a pretty good idea that it is much worse than reported. i was TOEM Chair for a couple of years in Valdez Alaska (which is Terminal Operations and Environmental Monitoring), through RCAC (which is Regional Citizens Advisory Council), mandated by OPA 90 (Oil Pollution Act of 1990).
i was made aware that many of the effects of an oil spill can 'not' be monitored and that any oil spill can/will have far reaching impact. i have met many fine volunteers and other people who are concerned about environmental impact(s) as well as quite a few from the oil industry (some who care and some who don't). sometimes, it is certainly all about money... and the oil industries solution to the Exxon Valdez was that they threw money at the problem and often ineffectually. it is a very complicated story and one that everyone has some sort of feelings about.
with all of that said, dear brother and readers....
The Deepwater Horizon Disaster is a very serious problem [disaster of global implications/repercussions] and one that will be very far reaching in its effects and etc.
i pray for the very best. of course.
don't we all?
salaams brother... these are "off the cuff" remarks and i may edit later. (sorry about the typos etc.) [du'a] xx The President's Weekly Address: BP Spill Independent Commission 5/22/2010
I have no objective evidence to pass along that you probably have not heard on the news, but that is the problem! The system we live in protects these corporation that cut corners on safety to worship the dollar. The Government is not much better, if really at all. We have not had a government of the people, for the people, or by the people in a very long time. In a real sense it is our own fault. Less then 50% of eligible Americans vote. Those that do are often swayed by issues in election season that are designed to mask the work that has for so long needed to be done. We simply could not be bothered as long as our TVS, our cars, our I-Pods were not at risk. Well, now they are. But it may be too late to stop the tide of events I feel are happening. The oil spill of course is 1000's times worse than they tell us, maybe more. I have the feeling it will effectively cripple fishing & tourist activities for many years, & this will have a major impact economically when coupled with an already weakened economy. As for the Oceans, I just have the feeling it will not be contained to just the Gulf. It is in effect poisoning our oceans. I see a few other events that will all combine with this & the combined effects may be an outcome of our own making few have been willing to see much less attempt to change. It feels like we are approaching a point of no return. To be honest, I really try not to think about it or see it. When I do I feel sad for the state we find ourselves out of our own ignorance, blindness, & greed. LOL! I bet I regret writing this & end up deleting it. It is not my usual "tone" for an answer. May we all wake up to learn from our errors. Many Blessings brother.
PHIVOLCS rationalization ON ALLEGED 6.8 magnitude EARTHQUAKE 14 might 2008 2:00 P.M. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology might decide directly to tell the typical public that the text fabric message at the instant circulating interior the Philippines some prediction via a definite “US Geological Society” of a “magnitude 6.8 earthquake to hit Philippine Plates this night”, purportedly issued via the “Hawaii State Emergency Preparedness place of work” IS A HOAX. This hoax began the day after the magnitude 7.9 China earthquake of might 12, 2008.