What do you typically feed your 1 year old all day?

I feed my son fruit and cooked veggies,pasta, etc but I just want to compare to other mom's menus. Thank you!


Also how did you transition from formula to milk?


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my 1yr old loves boiled eggs he can hold them himself and i think they feel cool to him. him and his 3 yr sissy love when i buy chicken nuggets (especially animal shaped ones) pasta is a favorite (any kind), fruit goes fast in our house veggies their picky on except corn on the cob and broccoli trees goldfish are a great snack. i know not the healthest but realistically my boy loves hotdogs he cries for gog-gogs. chicken drumsticks for dinner go over really wellbut my boys not picky with food. hes been on almost full table food other than mommy milk then, since 5 mos. hes solid. hes now 18 mos and was eating almost all of this since 12 mos aside from the corn cobs

as far as the milk we started him taking little drinks from our cups of milk then some in his own sippy. he loves anything we have. now weaning him from myself was a whole other story


the way i made the transition from formula to milk with my boy was to mix it, go 3/4 formula 1/4 milk, then gradually change it to 1/2 milk 1/2 formula and so on. :)


That's pretty much what my 1 year old eats.
I would also add yogurt, cheese & whole grain bread. My son isn't big on broccoli so I mix it in with ground flax an scrambled eggs for breakfast!
He is a very picky eater compared to my 6 year old who will eat most fruits & veggies, so I've had to be a little more creative :)


personally i have an 11m and 2 1/2yr old i make my meal and break of small pieces for my oldest and even smaller for my youngest. for my oldest when i switched her milk i put some formula in the milk and slowly weened her off the formula