How will history describe President Obama in terms of being "the ______president?"?

"the jobs president"
"the education president"
"the war president"
"the I-did-not-have-sexual-relations-with-that-woman-president"


Favorite Answer

The first half-black President. Period.

Chewy Ivan 22010-10-15T21:44:29Z

Probably as the first black president. I doubt anything else he does will be so significant in the long run.

C B2010-10-15T21:55:48Z

A curious pause before the next Ronald Reagan

Who is John Galt?2010-10-15T23:02:14Z

"The saved Jimmy Carter's legacy president."

Uncle Pennybags2010-10-15T21:43:34Z

Over rated? Marxist? First black?

That's what comes to mind.

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