Considering that there is no scientific evidence for their existence it is hard to understand why people would believe such a thing. Any thoughts?
Good answers all. I agree with James and Onyx most, but I'm not just looking for reinforcement. All polite answers welcome. I guess I am finding some sort of answer here. Thanks people.
Favorite Answer
Schizophrenia... Many people develop a very small case of it regarding the subject of aliens. They don't really fear aliens themselves they fear the thought that something could possibly take them away and do unspeakable things to them... Often this is associated with aliens and other such beings... Also the reason people believe their existance is that they have seen the conspiracies regarding the government hiding space crafts, 'area 51' and such. They develop a thought that they do exist and the government is hiding them, they also can develop this thought by having it unconsiously embedded into their mind through story telling when they were a child.
This is a good example of a question being asked to make a point rather than to begin inquiry. Assumption: There are no aliens. / Proof: No proof one way or the other.
How do you prove that there are no aliens? Well, you can't. All you can do is assemble a bunch of opinions and create your reality by consensus. Get enough people to say something and it becomes a fact.
If you were actually interested in an inquiry you should talk to someone that believes rather than a bunch of people that don't.
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No scientific evidence ? Science deals with the unseen as well as the seen, and atom was always an atom, science found it and gave it a name. Science will tell you this, the universe is so large mankind can not comprehend it, they do know that many so called stars are actually suns of other solar systems, and many we can not even fathom how to get there, so, to assume that we are the only flesh beings in the universe is kind of naive.
Why do people believe in anything that doesn't have evidence behind it? There is at least a possibility, a high likely hood actually, that life exists in other parts of the universe. Just won't be in the form of aliens we see in media. Maybe they'll be just giant amoebas! Oh! That'd be exciting!
Yes although it seems irrational to assume the existence of the invisible or undiscovered, history has proved that somethings can be predicted.
Pierre Laplace predicted the existence of the black hole over 300 years ago based purely on his mathematical calculations. Over a hundred years ago, Einstein has found that gravity does effect the speed of light. In the present, we are inventing ways to capture this phenomenonon even though it gives us no visible signal as to where it may be.