Is Daryl Hanna a recent convert to the religion of Global Warming, or has she always had her brain fried?
I saw her, "the mermaid" on CNN, presenting herself as some kind of an authority on the shale oil pipeline, along with Robert RED-ford, her communist compatriot. Her explanation was pathetic, but she did look good while she was demonstrating her complete lack of understanding of the issue, her general lack of knowledge, and obvious inability to answer questions posed by the moderator. Has she suffered a CVA, smoked too much Cannabis, or is she just a ditzy blond?
Spot: Yup, I agree!
Oh my! Jeff M is trying to hurt my feelings! Teacher, make Jeff M be nice!...Well let's see Jeff M, I actually don't believe that "climate science" is all that scientific. What do I base my opinion on? It has to do with my own evaluation of the literature published, backed up by the several initials behind my name, which is why people call me "Doctor". How about you Jeff M, do you have any of those initials? The ones that cause people to call you doctor too? Or are you just another enviro-dweeb who likes to regurgitate useless information from your favorite high priest-priestess of the corrupt and morally bankrupt religion of "warmism"?
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What is it that makes an actor invariably far leftist? There are some notable exceptions that make the rule but it is interesting. I can hardly stand to watch Alec Baldwin or Ted Dansen without shaking my head at the emptiness of their thought processes, yet both can read a line and sometimes do it convincingly. I remember Dansen about 15 years ago predicting the end of the ocean in 10 years. Thankfully he was misguided but that never seems to sink in. They really believe they are doing something useful.
I just got done watching Jeremiah Johnson a couple weeks ago, an old Redford movie and I loved it. I am convinced he has good intentions but you know where that paved road leads. I tend to think Daryl Hanna is on a similar building project. She is convinced she is building a road to saving us from ourselves. She is probably convinced she is smarter than the rest of us, or at least those who have a different opinion. I would probably go with the ditzy blond though most blonds I have met were actually pretty bright and some were smart enough to act ditzy but I digress....
I think it is easy for some people to push causes like this because they believe there is a consensus. They don't really have to learn the issues because they believe people who say we are killing the planet and endangering everyone. They have money coming out the wazoo yet that doesn't really square with their leftist political leanings so they pretend to be for the people and they engage in assinine stunts like this to assuage their guilt.
I remember a reporter once asked Brad Pitt what he thought of an issue and he looked at the reporter like he was the biggest idiot on earth and said something to the effect, I don't know, I am an actor, why would you ask me something like that? It was refreshing but even Mr. Pitt has changed his tune and is now also an activist for things he probably has little understanding for. I think he is probably a ditzy blond too.
>>Is Daryl Hanna a recent convert to the religion of Global Warming,<< Global Warming is a scientific theory, not a religion.
>>or has she always had her brain fried?<< Like any other actor, I don't pay any attention to their opinions. At all. Ever.
>>I saw her, "the mermaid" on CNN, presenting herself as some kind of an authority on the shale oil pipeline,<< Are you sure she wasn't just using her celebrity to try and raise awareness on an issue that she cares about? Are you also sure she doesn't in fact know much more about it than you? BTW, she was really good in Blade Runner and also in Wall Street.
>>along with Robert RED-ford, her communist compatriot.<< When in doubt, make fun of their names or call them names...better yet, do both! At least that's what I saw on the play ground when I attended k-8th grades.
>>Her explanation was pathetic, but she did look good while she was demonstrating her complete lack of understanding of the issue, her general lack of knowledge, and obvious inability to answer questions posed by the moderator.<< Any examples, or are you just mindlessly insulting someone that doesn't agree with you?
>>Has she suffered a CVA, smoked too much Cannabis, or is she just a ditzy blond?<< Ah... More very mature remarks. Do you enjoy making light of stroke victims?
>>...Well let's see Jeff M, I actually don't believe that "climate science" is all that scientific.<< Spoken like a true Fox News worshiper.
>>What do I base my opinion on?<< What Beck, Rush and Palin tell you to believe?
>>It has to do with my own evaluation of the literature published,<< Oh... What journals do you read?
>>backed up by the several initials behind my name,<< And what would those be? Ph.D.? M.D.? D.D.S.? D.C.M.? Come on, you can tell me, I'm a high school graduate.
>>which is why people call me "Doctor".<< After reading this, I will never call you "Doctor". I'll pronounce your name "derm".
>>How about you Jeff M, do you have any of those initials?<< M isn't good enough for you?
>>The ones that cause people to call you doctor too?<< People have called me 'God' before, and only because I have fixed their car or their computer or done some other really big favor. I think that being a god trumps being a doctor...but I don't like to brag like you do.
>>Or are you just another enviro-dweeb who likes to regurgitate useless information from your favorite high priest-priestess of the corrupt and morally bankrupt religion of "warmism"?<< There you go calling names again...and then in the same sentence claiming others are morally bankrupt. That's just sad.
I seriously doubt you are a doctor in anything. Your grammar and language used in your post informs me that you haven't written a thesis, let alone attended university would be my guess.
To the question, Daryl Hannah has been an active and involved environmentalists (including sustainable living) for many years. She has previously been arrested for similar environmental protests (Wikipedia states this was her third such occassion).
You'd think a "doctor" would know how to use Google to find and read her Wikipedia page. You can also visit her sustainable living website
Also could please provide a reference or link to show her "explanations" on the issue (again you'd think someone who has a doctorate would know that all written statements should be supported with a reference, I learnt this and I only have a undergraduate degree).
When liar-deniers with only fake scientific credentials and no knowledge of climate change come here, they laughably claim expertise, but when an actor like Hannah or Redford who can actually communicate in English chimes in on the subject, then they are deemed by these science-flunkers to be "communists." Back in the days before internet, we had Juvenile Hall for social misfits, and remedial classes for the mentally retarded. The mindless misbehavior of phony conservatives here is enough to make a real conservative long for the good old days.
Then I guess, based on her lack of knowledge, that it's a good thing she isn't a climate or environmental scientists eh? What's your excuse?
Edit: Oh my you are trying to hurt my feelings as well. I'm hurt, truly I am. And despite this obvious attempt at trolling. Instead of going on about why you believe the literature is false and unscientific how about instead you go into why it is? On scientific grounds not on "Well I believe so-and-so" and then use a fallacious argument such as "Well I'm a Doctor so I must be right."