Trash at sea in the Navy?

With the pollution of the oceans does the Navy still use the piping and announcing over the 1MC of "Sweepers, sweepers man your brooms, give the ship a clean sweep down fore and aft. DUMP ALL TRASH CANS OVER THE FANTAIL." Or is there a better way to control the garbage?


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nope long gone are those days. they have some really cool compacters now and the trash is saved until the next UNREP or port Call. only biodegradable waste is tossed overboard.


Seriously, where do you expect the trash to be swept? To me a bigger concern would be insuring that dangerous chemicals not be allowed to be dumped overboard or deep sixing very large items like desk and lockers etc. One case of any oil based product could be very dangerous for the ocean environment. For the most part the Navy really tries to keep tight control over stuff like this but all it takes is one sailor when no one is looking because the chief is on his or her back to get some space squired away. This does happen but it won't if all men and woman of the Navy take responsibility and insure that it does not.

© ♪♫♪ tori ♫♪♫2011-09-27T05:57:10Z

I haven't been on a ship in quite a while. The last one was when I installed a network on a ship with a flight deck. I am sure they have upgraded it by now, but we did a good job. Making it stable under motion.

I never heard anyone say anything about trash; maybe they kept it a secret from us. I often wonder about planes in the air for hours... what do they do?

But when they are out at sea, what are they to do?



we only throw Eco friendly objects overboard nothing that will harm the environment. everything else gets burned into disks and get flown away.