Are there meat companies who treat their animals nicely?
You know, like give them enough space, don't hit them, don't give them chemicals...
lol I know they are going to die but I was wondering how their life is -before- the killing part
Like if you compare the life of a cow who lives in a small farm to the life of a cow who is going to turn into a burger for mcdonalds there's a huge difference even though they're both going to end up dead
well I watched a video about chickens and they threw them on the floor and stuff so that's what i meant by hitting
Favorite Answer
What does nicely mean? Is exploitation and slavery nice? All animals used for all humyn purposes are exploited and used as slaves there is no nice treatment. Even if the animal doesn't die at the end they are slaves even at their "best" treatment. Would you consider a child working in a Nike factory to be treated nicely even if they lived in a nice house and had nice toys? It doesn't matter to the animals "how humyns fell they are treating them" because they are being used and exploited their entire lives and in many cases are being murdered for their products or for our entertainment or for our "research". They have no interest in being used by you or anyone and they deserve their freedom and you nor anyone has a right to deny them that!
Here are actually experts talking about "humane", "free range" and "organic" stuff:
Don't bother listening to the trolls that say it is not that bad because one they are not in that position of being that animal they use and they don't study this sort of stuff and look into it more than just asking or getting info from people in the industry who want you to buy their products and will obviously lie to get you to buy more. It would be stupid of a animal abuser to say yeah I abuse animals don't buy my product because they don't make any money that way, they don't keep their "precious" industry alive if they are honest.
I suggest you watch 'Earthlings'. The entire documentary has been posted on YouTube if you want to watch it (WARNING: Very Graphic). Even the slaughter houses that claim to be the most humane, torture the animals. For instance, no animals are simply 'shot in the head.' It's too expensive for the companies. In many slaughter houses, the cheapest way is to hang the animals upside down and slit their throats. This is a slow and painful death for the animals, and most are still alive and conscious when they are sent for further slaughtering. The conditions where most of these animals spend their lives are crowded and dirty. In pig farms, the females are continuously giving birth due to artificial insemination. Lots of pigs are also killed inhumanely, like cows. Some have their throats slit, others are continuously beaten to death. NO companies treat their animals 'nicely.' They are treated as 'products' and are killed in the most cheap and inhumane ways possible. Hope this answers your question.
Side note: The livestock that live on animal farms that claim they have a 'peaceful' lifestyle, are all slaughtered inhumanely.
They don't hit them, it degrades the quality of the meat. If you're going to oppose animal cruelty, be reasonable about the actual conditions, otherwise people won't take your beliefs seriously.
There's organic meat, but that means organic, not relatively humane. The ONLY way to guarantee whether or not the animals lived a good life is to KNOW the farmer, like visit him. That's one of the reasons I became vegan, because I couldn't guarantee the quality of the eggs. (Yes, I know, the hens are still exploited and the treatment of the male chickens, but that was the first step for me to become vegan.)
Yes there are plenty of farms that make sure their animals live a decent, pleasant, natural life style before being slaughtered.The meat is not only morally better but it also tastes way better and is healthier for you. Unfortunately its substantially more expensive.
Ask around your local markets/butchers to see if they have "free range/grass fed beef"