I am thinking about sexually torturing my girlfriend tonight and need some good ideas. Please help!!!?


Yes I have a girlfriend. We are both sitting on the couch, laptop in hand, reading the answers. For those of you who have had seriously, thank you!! And for those of you who think it is sick, maybe you should try it sometime and see how much fun it is!!!

That one chick2011-12-09T17:11:07Z

You're disgusting. I doubt you even have a girlfriend. Girls don't want torture, even if they say they do. If you actually do have a girlfriend (God forbid), you need to do stuff more... sensually than torturing. You could pin her down, you could kiss around her waist and hips, caress her face, nibble on her ear, then whisper "I love you" and "I want to ravage your body". Then just GENTLY do so.

I still think you're a freak, but whatever, man.


Penis Torture Ideas


This is the most disgusting and unnecessary question I've seen. Go get your answers somewhere else.

boo ♥2011-12-09T17:05:57Z

Cuffs, whipped cream & lots of rope.


yeah right. You'll be snoring in 5 minutes!

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